The Kaiserreich Wiki

Here you can find the changelogs for all full releases of KR4.

  • Alpha changelogs can be found here.
  • Beta changelogs can be found here.

The "Alpha" and "Beta" designations serve to mark major releases and shifts in design standards, as opposed to milestones in any roadmap-based manner of development.

1.3 - 'Amid Blue-Coloured Seas' - 11th of October, 2024[]


Notable Additions

  • Denmark has been fully overhauled, with each existing path having new political national foci and content, and with SocCon and AutDem paths added. SocDems and SocLibs potentially being in the Third Internationale have been removed and replaced with Totalists and RadSocs. The Black Monday, military, naval, and aviation national focus branches have been entirely updated also.
  • Revised when annexation decisions are triggered, so that they are more likely to become available sooner after capitulating the enemy.
  • Added a new user interface window accessible via the Chinese unification decision category for Chinese splinters. This details the current membership of each Chinese splinter to any existing major alignment, as well as the tenets/philosophy/goals of these alignments.
  • Updated the map colours of the three starting Indian splinters, and also the Agrarian and Maximist Revolts.
  • The Left Kuomintang now once again has its previous map colour, last used in Beta 0.25.

Overhauled Focus Trees

  • Denmark

Tweaked Focus Trees

  • Haiti - added a Totalist sub-path for Calixte

New Events

  • Added an event for Germany regarding the formation of the Brunswick Front.
  • Added an event for the Left Kuomintang about reconciling the India Clique for Wang Jingwei's RCA Moderate path.

New Game Rules

  • Central American Foreign Policy (expanded current options)
  • Denmark (updated current options)
  • Fengtian (expanded current options)
  • Haiti (updated current options)


  • New portraits
    • Great Britain (puppet): Arnold Leese
    • Combined Syndicates of America: James Cannon
    • Costa Rica: Rafael Castro Quesada
    • Denmark: Hans Jørgen Christian Andersen, Aage af Glucksborg, Christian X, Carl Hammerich, Sigvald Hellberg, Børge Houmann, Erik Leschly, Richard Jensen, William Prior, Victor Pürschel, Paul Ramm, Hans Rolsted, Arne Sørensen, Aage Helgesen Vedel, Svend Wagner, Erik With
    • East Turkestan: Nur Ahmadjan Bughra
    • Fengtian: Ji Yiqiao
    • Commune of France: Louis Buisson
    • League of Eight Provinces: Qi Xieyuan
    • Namibia: Hosea Kutako
    • Romania: Barbu Lăzăreanu
    • Qing: Li Jichen, Gu Zhongxiu
  • New advisor portraits
    • Costa Rica: Arturo Quirös Carranza
    • Denmark: Christian Christiansen, Mogens Fog, Hans Fuglsang-Damgaard, Sigvald Hellberg, Alfred Jensen, Asger Jorn, Carsten Raft, Erik Scavenius, Thøger Thøgersen
    • Qing: Liu Chongyou
  • Added an Italian generic general portrait.
  • Added new event pictures for Denmark, Qing and Sichuan.
  • Updated an event picture for Ukraine.
  • Updated the image used for Shandong’s country introduction screen.

Modelling Mod

  • Transylvania now uses Austria-Hungary’s models.


  • Updated the default name and Danish exonym for the Humboldt Glacier.
  • Added Russian exonyms for Transcarpathia.
  • Fixed the location of Myitkyina in Burma.
  • Fixed some terrain around Bengbu in China.
  • Fixed the location of Stung Treng in German East Asia.
  • Fixed multiple broken endonyms.

Other Changes

  • North America
    • The faction-joining decisions for the winners of the Second American Civil War no longer have any political power cost.
    • Updated the availability of Hawaii’s ship name lists.
    • New England’s ships now all use the USS prefix.
    • The Pacific States of America can now choose a new capital before getting New England back.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Buffed the effects of several of Centroamerica’s militia army national focus branch.
    • Added Rafael Castro Quesada as a commander for Costa Rica.
    • Added Arturo Quirós Carranza as a military advisor for Costa Rica.
    • Updated Jorge Volio Jiménez’s Chief of Army trait for Costa Rica.
    • Removed Manuel Zúñiga Jirón and Fernando Figuls Quirós as commanders and advisors for Costa Rica.
    • Improved the effects of Costa Rica’s “Supply Rebels” decisions.
    • Added an extra research slot to Cortés' path in Costa Rica.
    • Buffed Honduras’ “Socialist Economy” national spirit.
    • Removed the oil from the Panama state.
    • Updated the name and effect of Panama’s “Drill for Oil” national focus.
  • South America
    • Bolivia will now buy airframes from either the Union of Britain or Canada, depending on ideology.
    • Added party names and leaders for Suriname.
  • Western / Southern Europe
    • Ireland now uses German-origin equipment in place of several of its previous generic models.
    • The Spanish Civil War can no longer be slightly delayed by a player holding events.
    • Restoring the United Kingdom now re-creates the Entente if it disbanded beforehand.
  • Central / Northern Europe
    • Added Børge Houmann, Richard Jensen, and Sigvald Hellberg as additional Totalist, Syndicalist, and Radical Socialist leaders for Denmark, respectively.
    • Replaced Erik With with Victor Pürschel, and Christian von Schalburg with Arne Sørensen, as AutDem and PatAut leaders of Denmark, respectively.
    • Added Hans Jørgen Christian Andersen, Paul Ramm, and Svend Wagner as commanders for Denmark.
    • Added Carl Hammerich and Frederik af Glücksborg as admirals for Denmark.
    • Added a full new roster of seconds-in-command, political advisors, and military advisors for Denmark.
    • Changed Germany’s response to the Fall of Paris news event.
    • Countries in Mitteleuropa will no longer support agendas proposed by countries they are at war with.
    • Updated the description of Poland’s general Mikołaj Bołtuć.
    • NatPop Poland can now remove the “Disgruntled Generals” mission through striking an alliance with the Śmigły clique in the “Trial of Collaborationist Generals” event.
    • Decreased some of the nerfs in NatPop Poland’s events.
    • Some of Poland’s decision categories are now no longer visible when completed or no longer relevant.
    • Updated the effects of several of Switzerland’s national foci, including removing the mutual exclusivity of "Subsidise Oerlikon-Bührle" and "Subsidise Schmolz and Bickenbach".
  • Eastern / Southeast Europe & Central Asia
    • Latvia now starts with the Irregulars technology.
  • Africa
    • Mittelafrika now loses the “Influx of Investment” national spirit if Germany is defeated.
    • Updated Namibia’s party names and leaders.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Iraq now starts with a few convoys.
    • Updated the description for the “Ottoman Democracy” national spirit.
    • Updated Persia’s ship name lists.
  • East Asia
    • Added the “Ranger” trait to Anqing’s Sun Qi.
    • China can now core Mongolia, Tibet, and Xinjiang at 80% compliance. They can also choose if they want to govern Xinjiang, Tibet, and Mongolia as provinces or autonomous regions, the latter creating state modifiers.
    • Chinese governments can no longer request the forces of Associated Governorates. (You need to lower their autonomy once to request forces now)
    • Rebalanced multiple stats and traits for Chinese commanders, reducing the use of the “Career Officer” trait, and occasionally replacing it with other traits.
    • Clarified the requirements for the “Another Century of Humiliation” and “Little Trouble in Big China” achievements.
    • Chinese splinters no longer lose claims on Chinese concession states if puppeted by another Chinese splinter.
    • Chinese unifiers which puppet Mongolia, Tibet, East Turkestan, and Kumul will now install a special coloured puppet type known as Chinese Suzerainty.
    • Updated the requirement for the decision for Chinese splinters to declare Chinese unification.
    • Updated the cases of how Naga Hills is treated as part of China.
    • Updated the text in the annexation events for China, Mongolia, Taiwan, Tibet, and Xinjiang.
    • Added Ji Yiqiao as a commander for Fengtian.
    • Added Tang Yulin as a political advisor for Fengtian.
    • Yang Yuting's coup in Fengtian is now guaranteed to be successful if Fengtian requested Japanese intervention in China.
    • Added the “Reckless” and “Career Officer” traits to Fengtian’s Zhou Fucheng and Zhang Zuoxiang, respectively.
    • Changed political advisor traits for Fengtian’s Wu Junsheng and Zhang Zuoxiang.
    • Removed the Shikan Clique Officer trait from Fengtian’s Guo Xipeng.
    • Fengtian now auto-completes the "Begin the War of National Reclamation" national focus when they declare war on Qing through other means.
    • Fengtian can no longer ask Japan for aid while partially through completing the “The Question of the Presidency” national focus.
    • Hunan’s Tang Xiangming will now always lose the “Admiral Dictator” trait upon finishing his political tree, and added its effect to Tang’s “Commander-in-Chief” trait.
    • Hunan’s Tang Xiangming will now always submit to Yan Xishan if he is able to.
    • Hunan’s Zhao Hengti will now always attend the Unification Conference if he is able to.
    • Shortened Cheng Qian's character description for Hunan.
    • Added an annexation decision for the Kurils.
    • Japan is now given the “Disarmed Nation” law when released as a puppet.
    • The Kumul Khanate now becomes an Associated Governorate of Xinjiang rather than an Autonomous Governorate.
    • Buffed the League of Eight Provinces’ commander Zhou Fengqi, and added the “Reckless” trait.
    • Improved the League of Eight Provinces’ AI during the League Collapse War.
    • Updated the text for the Left Kuomintang’s “Intrigues in Xinjiang” event, adding a reference to Ishaq Beg Munonov.
    • Added Li Jichen as a commander for Qing.
    • Added Gu Zhongxiu as an advisor for Qing.
    • Nerfed Bian Shoujing's trait for Qing.
    • Tweaked the timing of Qing’s Manchu Coup events.
    • Nerfed Qing’s stability and military experience gained in events and effects.
    • Qing’s Zhili-aligned generals now lose the “Politically Connected” trait if they transfer to Hunan led by Tang Xiangming.
    • Tweaked the effect of Qing’s importing of Krupp steel to accommodate higher values.
    • Improved Qing’s “Jingrui Bubing Zhen” division template.
    • Concessionist Qing's tank equipment decisions now create designs instead.
    • Qing’s NatPops now only become the Chinese Morality and Charity Society if they back the Manchu coup.
    • Young China Party Radicals now join the Young China Party's party state in Qing’s Manchu content.
    • Updated the effects of several of Qing’s national foci so that they do not require particular states to be owned.
    • Manchu-led Qing can no longer ally with Kumul prior to unifying China.
    • Updated Zhang Shaozeng’s advisor description for Qing.
    • Zhang Zongchang-led Shandong can now align with Fengtian without bordering them, similar to how Anqing can.
    • Shanxi’s forces can no longer be requested by their overlord if their internal power struggle has not yet finished.
    • Increased command power and army experience gain of the military national foci for Zhili-led Sichuan.
    • Updated East Turkestani and Tibetan puppet leaders and party popularities if they are puppeted by China.
    • Removed the “Reckless” trait from Yunnan’s Hu Ruoyu.
    • Yunnan’s Tang Jiyao will no longer disband the Public Interest Party upon unification.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Bhagat Singh is now a commander with the Bharatiya Commune, rather than the leader of the Totalists in the Dominion of India.
    • The Bharatiya Commune now has the Irregulars technology.
    • Added an annexation decision for Naga Hills.
    • German East Asia now loses the “Influx of Investment” national spirit if Germany is defeated.
    • The Dominion of India will now move its capital to Karachi if Afghanistan wins against it, and updated the text in the peace event.
    • Tweaked the requirements of Indochina’s army reform national foci.
    • Added the “Merdeka Class”, an early Destroyer template, for Insulindia.
    • RadSoc Sarawak, with Ong Kee Hui as leader, is now only released by Song Qingling-led Left Kuomintang.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Adjusted volunteer logic during the Second Weltkrieg, so that non-European minor countries send fewer volunteers.
    • Added maritime patrol bomber name lists for major countries and Siam.
    • Updated Sardinia’s path guide.
    • The AI will no longer research War Austerity trains.


  • North America
    • Fixed a few ships not being transferred correctly between participants of the Second American Civil War.
    • Fixed uprisings in the middle of the Second American Civil War not triggering integration.
    • Fixed the Combined Syndicates of America being referred to as Imperialist by the Internationale in a news event.
    • Fixed Hawaii’s purchased ships being spawned with generic names.
    • Fixed some of New England and the Pacific States’ starting ships having missing or generic names.
    • Fixed Quebec being released by Canada under the wrong leader.
    • Fixed two duplicate “USS Raleigh” light cruisers for the United States.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Fixed Central America’s constituents being able to declare war on non-neighbours during the unification wars.
    • Fixed puppet Honduras keeping incompatible national spirits.
  • Western / Southern Europe
    • Fixed the Union of Britain only being able to release Ireland as an ally, and not also as a puppet.
    • Fixed the Treaty of London between the Union of Britain and Germany not firing, if the Halifax Conference was successful but Canada then capitulated.
    • Fixed Britain being swapped between the leader of the Entente and wherever the British king is situated, should they not be the same country.
    • Fixed Flanders being able to start the Second Weltkrieg by attacking socialist Netherlands.
    • Fixed the Commune of France’s Phalanstère effects giving the wrong number of factories.
    • Fixed the Netherlands having two Ambtenarenverbod national spirits.
    • Fixed puppet Ireland not being given Northern Ireland when appropriate.
    • Fixed Northern Ireland being able to be given to a disunited Britain.
    • Fixed the Socialist Republic of Italy joining the Internationale while at war with Sardinia before the Weltkrieg.
    • Fixed being able to give colonies to a decolonised United Kingdom.
    • Fixed the United Kingdom demanding that Dominions return their own cores.
  • Central / Northern Europe
    • Fixed PatAut Austria’s national focus to attack Germany not working if a player tried to take it too early.
    • Fixed Danubia being unable to annex Hungary.
    • Fixed Galicia not being retained when releasing Poland.
    • Fixed PatAut DNVB for Germany turning back into AutDem in post-war elections incorrectly.
    • Fixed several of Germany’s dynamic division names, and fixed missing marine or paratrooper name lists.
    • Fixed several of Germany’s ship names being in the wrong categories or being repeated.
    • Fixed Germany potentially having two simultaneous Minister-Presidents of Prussia.
    • Fixed non-capitulated puppets of capitulated overlords not becoming independent when the Reichspakt collapses.
    • Fixed Poland’s starting tankette having the wrong turret type module.
  • Eastern / Southeast Europe & Central Asia
    • Fixed Bulgaria’s “Circular Reasoning” achievement not accounting for monarchist Zveno-led Yugoslavia.
    • Fixed Fatherland Front-led Bulgaria not turning AutDem if couped.
    • Fixed AutDem Bulgaria being led by Pencho Zlatev.
    • Fixed monarchist Greece being unable to complete AutDem political foci if they switched ideology after the election.
    • Fixed Latvia not being added to the Eastern Front of the Third Internationale when asking to join.
    • Fixed Latvia’s achievement to form the Soviet Union referencing Russia in the requirements.
    • Fixed puppet Yugoslavia being led by Milan Nedić.
    • Fixed NatPop Yugoslavia replacing Petar II with Milan Stojadinović.
    • Fixed Transamur’s AutDem game rule not being guaranteed to work.
    • Fixed Ukraine’s decision to join the Internationale potentially adding them to a non-socialist faction.
    • Fixed the United Baltic Duchy potentially having a NatPop coup when other non-NatPop game rules are set.
    • Fixed a duplicate “Joint Air Command” national spirit for countries in the Eastern European Defence Cooperation.
  • Africa
    • Fixed British-aligned South Africa not being able to restore the United Kingdom if the Entente disbanded.
    • Fixed Wadai being annexed inadvertently by Egypt.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Fixed the news event for Georgia’s monarchist restoration referring to the wrong monarch.
    • Fixed puppet Georgia being able to join the Reichspakt or declare wars.
    • Fixed Cyrenaica’s NatPop game rule.
    • Fixed Persia not always annexing Azerbaijan.
  • East Asia
    • Fixed the “Compromise Reached” option for the “Anqing / Shandong Arbitration” game rule.
    • Fixed the wrong news events firing for several Chinese splinters uniting China.
    • Fixed the Chinese United Front reforming immediately after being defeated if one of the splinters was not fully annexed in the subsequent peace deal.
    • Fixed Chinese splinters potentially being able to trigger the United Front due to war with a subject country.
    • Fixed Chinese splinters being considered the unifier of China if they made a government after the actual unifier of China was annexed.
    • Fixed Chinese splinters giving Outer Manchuria to Russia or Transamur when claiming.
    • Fixed Chinese splinters being able to give Korea or Taiwan to Japan.
    • Fixed Chinese splinters being able to release puppet East Turkestan or Taiwan.
    • Fixed Chinese splinters with post-unification content being able to demand the Ma Clique’s submission early.
    • Fixed truces not applying to puppets when the Chinese United Front is disbanded.
    • Fixed unified China not being able to demand the Frontier lands annexation if the Northwest War never happened and the Ma Clique became a puppet of China.
    • Fixed Nanjing not being made capital of China in several cases where it should be.
    • Fixed Fengtian joining the Co-Prosperity Sphere when it shouldn’t.
    • Fixed Fengtian’s puppets remaining independent in the Co-Prosperity Sphere if Yang Yuting’s coup succeeds and Fengtian is already a member of the faction.
    • Fixed Zhang Zuolin’s trait for Fengtian giving ten times too much Max Planning.
    • Fixed Fengtian being locked out of a national focus if their subjects control Baoding, Nanjing, and Wuhan.
    • Fixed several issues regarding the Federalist revolt against Fengtian, following an initially successful Unification Conference.
    • Fixed Fengtian prioritising attacking the wrong Chinese splinters.
    • Fixed Hunan’s election event news event firing for too many countries.
    • Fixed Japan's factories being counted twice in Co-Prosperity Sphere modifier calculations.
    • Fixed the League of Eight Provinces not getting a claim on Xiamen and thereby returning it to its overlord constantly.
    • Fixed the League of Eight Provinces aligning with Qing while at war with them.
    • Fixed the Left Kuomintang getting the “Fate of Wenzhou” annexation decision after the League Collapse War.
    • Fixed Gao Lingwei not properly becoming Federalist-aligned if elected in the United Provinces of China elections.
    • Fixed Kumul’s Ma Zhongying starting major faction wars through their decisions to attack the Ma Clique, Mongolia, and Tibet.
    • Fixed Kumul’s Ma Zhongying not getting the Xinjiang flag upon taking power.
    • Fixed Kumul’s national foci bypassing unintentionally if Long Xielin takes over.
    • Fixed a new national foci for the League of Eight Provinces not taking already researched plane technologies into consideration.
    • Fixed Chen Duxiu not being leader of the Chinese Syndicalist Party-Orthodox in the Zeng Zhongming ending for the Left Kuomintang.
    • Fixed the Legation Cities not leaving their faction upon collapsing.
    • Fixed Legation Ports missions firing for Chinese splinters inappropriately.
    • Fixed Zhili-aligned Liangguang always refusing an alliance with Northern Zhili governments, even if the League of Eight Provinces has not yet made a government.
    • Fixed a few Mongolian events having placeholder text.
    • Fixed Qing’s Chief of Navy Sa Zhenbing having an incorrect cost.
    • Fixed Qing’s Republic path being refused debt negotiations resulting in not removing the debt.
    • Fixed Qing’s Pro-Concessionist Republic not getting a fifth research slot.
    • Fixed Qing and Shandong being unable to ally with Kumul if they were of the same Chinese alignment.
    • Fixed the wrong Cao Kun resignation event firing for Qing, depending on the path.
    • Fixed several of Qing’s Manchu Coup coalition partners.
    • Fixed Qing’s Young China Party being replaced by the Endeavour Society in Manchu content.
    • Fixed Qing’s “Rural Loyalty” national spirit boosting the Young China Party, as opposed to the Chinese Empire Reform Association, when playing as AutDem CERA.
    • Fixed Qing not getting a wargoal on Shanxi if Feng Yuxiang coups Yan Xishan and Shanxi was a puppet of Qing.
    • Fixed the effect of Qing’s “Encourage Domestic Production” decision.
    • Fixed Qing being able to complete the “Partner with German Manufacturing Firms” national focus without owning Beijing.
    • Fixed the building slot effect on Qing’s constitution national spirits.
    • Fixed Qing’s “Destroy Federalists” national focus not bypassing if Hunan, Sichuan, and Yunnan are puppets of non-Federalists.
    • Fixed Qing’s Zongshe receiving legitimate election events.
    • Fixed Qing’s “The Fragrant One Lacks Judgement Still” national focus not making Liu Chongyou the SocDem leader.
    • Fixed Zhang Tianran allowing Qing to take two mutually exclusive focuses.
    • Fixed Manchu-led Qing locking themselves out of the “Pacify the Nation” national focus.
    • Fixed Manchu-led Qing losing the NatPops as a coalition partner if they choose to go PatAut.
    • Fixed a duplicate Li Zaolin appearing in a Shandong event response.
    • Fixed Shanxi not demoting its generals when transferring them.
    • Fixed puppet Tibet getting elections and potentially swapping to an incompatible ideology.
    • Fixed Totalist Tibet declaring war on Bhutan and Nepal before the Northwest Conflict has ended.
    • Fixed Xinjiang building synthetic refineries in impassable states.
    • Fixed Yunnan not being able to be targeted by Chinese governments demanding submission if Long Yun coups the Left Kuomintang.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Fixed British-aligned Australasia not being able to restore the United Kingdom if the Entente disbanded.
    • Fixed India being unable to annex Kachin if Burma was partitioned.
    • Fixed the Dominion of India and Princely Federation giving Nepal to each other.
    • Fixed Siam’s decision to change its name.
    • Fixed Siam being able to annex Sarawak.
    • Fixed NatPop Siam attacking Burma via event, when Burma is in a faction or a puppet.
    • Fixed post-defeat Siam being able to attack German East Asia.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed difficulty settings disabling achievements.
    • Fixed countries not gaining cores on paired impassable states when integrating the main state.
    • Fixed several cases of impassable states not triggering annexation decisions or other effects.
    • Fixed heavy gantry cranes being available to carrier plane Military Industrial Organisations.
    • Fixed annexations sometimes trying to add the resistance target twice.

1.2 - 'Pour le Mérite' - 6th of September, 2024[]


Notable Additions

  • Added over 100 unique achievements to Kaiserreich, which can apply to playthroughs as all countries, some countries, or individual countries. The new custom achievements system works through the Steam Cloud, and so in order to ensure your progress is saved you must have cloud saving enabled for Hearts of Iron IV.
  • Fully updated the annexation system used in Kaiserreich for when countries are annexed after losing a war. Changes to this include:
    • The timed mission to complete each annexation event has been removed, and now the occupying country will instead face higher levels of resistance until the decision is selected.
    • Puppets will now return any non-integrable lands to their overlord.
    • Occupying areas no longer causes war support, political power, and stability maluses, and now only increases the resistance target in all relevant owned states.
    • All regional annexations are no longer tied to the capital alone, and will trigger for countries in descending order of value (based on victory points, resources, and factories) of the owned portion.
    • Most annexation decisions have been refactored for greater flexibility.
    • Coring through compliance can now only occur on states that are owned, meaning you can no longer core states that are owned by another country you are still at war with, though compliance can still be built up mid-war.
    • Countries can now only release puppets when neither they nor their allies or puppets are at war with any non-capitulated countries on the same continent or any major powers on the same continent.
    • Minor countries are now more likely to give non-integrable conquered land away to non-hostile third parties than to create puppets themselves.
    • Multiple annexation missions have been added and updated all over the map, outlined later in the patch notes.
  • Economic Spheres now force market access between all members.
  • The Zhili-in-Exile path for Sichuan has been updated. Potential leaders have been changed and given new unique traits. While the national focus tree structure is largely the same, every effect has been updated, and there is a new unique Intelligence Agency. All related events for this path have been rewritten, and new post-war election events have been added.
  • Chinese splinters with similar but not identical alignments will no longer be guaranteed to accept alliances with each other. Splinters with identical alignments will still always accept alliances.
  • Completely overhauled the commander and advisor rosters for Anqing and the League of Eight Provinces.
  • The Co-Prosperity Sphere is now treated as an economic sphere in the in-game interface and map mode.
  • Georgia now starts the game as a puppet of Germany and rejoins the Reichspakt if it leaves the faction but is later threatened by Russia.
  • Reviewed hundreds of tracks in the Music Mod, fixing various inaccurately translated titles and removing multiple tracks. Tracks were removed if they were out of the mod’s timeframe, had too modern or low-quality recordings, did not play for a playable country, or referenced events that would not occur in the Kaiserreich timeline.

New Focus Trees

  • Malaya (releasable puppet tree)
  • Sarawak (releasable puppet tree)

Tweaked Focus Trees

  • Germany - updated post-war political focus branches for the SocDem, SocLib, SocCon, and DNVB AutDem paths
  • League of Eight Provinces - new army and foreign policy trees
  • Sichuan - Zhili-in-Exile path

New Events

  • Added events for Georgia, Germany, and Russia regarding Georgia’s intervention in the War in the Desert.
  • Added an event for German East Asia for when it can restore its economic influence in China.
  • Added several events for Hunan regarding Tang Xiangming's Southwest China Political Council.
  • Added an event for the Left Kuomintang regarding Wang Jingwei’s exile.
  • Added a news event for the assassination of Peru’s Sánchez Cerro.
  • Added multiple events for Qing.

New and Updated Annexation Events

  • Added new annexation events for Adana, Adrianople, Aksai Chin, the Andamans, Antofagasta, Arica, Ashkhabad, Bahrain, Belize, Bessarabia, Bolzano, the British Caribbean, Cabinda, Cernauti, the Comoros, Constantza, Curaçao, Darjeeling, Diego Garcia, Dhofar, East Guyana, Equatorial Guinea, the Falklands, Fiji, the French Caribbean, the Gambia, Gibraltar, Goa, Guinea-Bissau, Ifni, Inner Mongolia, Kardzhali, Khasab, Komotini, Krakow, every possible Legation Cities port, Lourenço Marques, Lwów, Mauritius, Middle Congo, Northern Ireland, all Pacific islands or archipelagos, the Panama Canal, Pondicherry, Prussia, Qinghai, the Rif, Réunion, Saint Martin, Serres, the Seychelles, Shanghai, Silistria, Stanislawow, South Georgia, Suceava, Tarapacá, Tawang, Tierra del Fuego, Travancore, Trentino, Upper Chaco, Uttarakhand, Xikang, Xining, Vorarlberg, Yucatán and Yushu.
  • Added options in existing events to release monarchist Albania (for Bulgaria or Habsburg Austria), Habsburg-led Austria/Hungary/united Danubia, monarchist Belgium, unified Central Asia (led by either Alash Orda, Bukhara, East Turkestan, Khiva, and Turkestan), Croatian-led Yugoslavia (which can now be granted Serbia), monarchist Persia, the Princely Federation, and republican Romania.
  • Added options to give British and French governments their historical colonial possessions in Asia and the Americas.
  • Brazil can now be released from any of its splinters' events.
  • Added the option to give Britain to a neutral Entente.
  • The Entente can now release Savoyard Italy.
  • Added the option to give Bhutan or Nepal to India, so that they may handle the subsequent annexation events themselves.
  • India can now be released from any of its splinters' events.
  • Italy can now be released from any of its splinters' events.
  • Germany can now be released from any of its splinter events.
  • Added options for Portugal to annex Pink Map colonies in Africa.
  • Removed the ability for Portugal to be given Spanish Galicia.
  • Updated the text used in multiple existing annexation events.

New Decisions

  • Added decisions to democratic Centroamerica’s “Land Reform” and “Railroad Projects For All Republics” national foci.
  • Added a decision for SocDem and SocLib Germany to hold early elections after winning the Second Weltkrieg.
  • Added Poland as a potential target for Ireland’s investment decisions.
  • Added a decision for PatAut Shandong to align with Fengtian at the start of the Shenyang Conference.
  • Re-added the decision for Mongolia to declare the Pan-Mongol state and removed their decision to intervene against China during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

New Game Rules

  • Anqing, League of Eight Provinces, Liangguang, Shandong, Sichuan, and Yunnan now have separate game rules for their alignment
  • Central American Foreign Policy (updated current options)
  • Georgia (updated current options)


  • New portraits
    • Anqing: Chen Anbao, Liu Fengtu, Ding Handong, Sun Qi, Gao Shidu, Cao Wanshun, Ruan Zhaochang
    • Austria: Gustav Stolper
    • Brazil: Abílio de Nequete
    • Combined Syndicates of America: Ralph Ernest Jones
    • Ethiopia: Desta Damtew, Seyoum Mengesha, Nasibu Zeamanuel
    • Fengtian: Wang Shuchang
    • Commune of France: Mikhail Tukhachevsky (uniform variant)
    • Georgia: Leo Shengelaia, Grigol Veshapeli
    • Gujarat: Sayajirao Gaekwad III
    • Honduras: Gregorio Ferrera
    • Hungary: Mihaly Karolyi
    • Iraq: Abd al Latif Nuri
    • Jabal Shammar: Mishaal bin Saud
    • Latvia: Oskars Dankers, Kārlis Ulmanis
    • League of Eight Provinces: Guo Chan, Fang Benren, Wang Haoji, Xie Hongxun, Ge Jingen, Xu Peigen, Li Rentao, Deng Ruzhou, Li Shijia, Lin Wei, Zhou Yan, Ma Yuren, Meng Zhaoyue, Wu Zhennan, Liu Zongji, Qian Zongze
    • Liangguang: Chen Ce, Bai Chongxi
    • Mountain Republic: Gaidar Bammatov, Alikhan Kantemir, Sultan Klych-Girey, Dzhalalutdin Korkmasov, Muhammad Said Shamil
    • Oman: Said ibn Taimur
    • Panama: Juan Demóstenes Arosemena
    • Poland: Zygmunt Zaremba
    • Qing: Xiong Bingqi, Wang Chengbin, Qin Dechun, Ha Hanzhang, Guo Jijiao, Tong Jixu, Gao Lingwei, Peng Shouxin, Li Shuchun, Yang Shuzhuang, Lu Xiangting
    • Quebec: Adrien Arcand, Pierre Bertrand, Annie Buller, Alfred Charpentier, Louis Even
    • Romania: Nicolae Macici
    • Russia: Mikhail Frunze, Mikhail Tukhachevsky
    • Sarawak: Abang Haji Abdillah, Anthony Brooke, Bertram Brooke, Charles Vyner Brooke, Wu Chan, Abang Haji Mustapha, Abang Othman, Muhammad Rakawi Yusuf, Ahmad Tajuddin, Ong Tiang Swee, Yang Zhanmou
    • Sichuan: Liu Cunhou, Tian Songyao
    • Carlist Spain: Ricardo de Rada y Peral (uniform variant)
    • Kingdom of Spain: Niceto Alcalá-Zamora y Torres
    • Syria: Abdullah Atfeh, Fawzi Selu, Adib ibn Hassan al-Shishakli
    • United States of America: Alfred Emanuel Smith
    • Xinjiang: Yang Feixia, Zhang Peiyuan, Niu Shi, Sheng Shicai
    • Yemen: Ahmad Bin Yahya
    • Yucatan: Álvaro Torre Díaz
    • Yunnan: Tang Huaiyuan, Tang Jiyao (civilian)
  • Tweaked portraits
    • Kingdom of Spain: Alfonso XIII
  • New advisor portraits
    • Anqing: Sun Duoyu, Chen Lu, Jiang Hongjie, Qin Jiazhu, Song Jie, Chen Lu, Zhu Xi, Ling Xiaofen
    • Bharatiya Commune: Manabendra Nath Roy
    • Hunan: Zuo Shunsheng
    • Korea: Choi Yong-duk
    • League of Eight Provinces: Li Baozhang, Li Chenggan, Tang Erhe, Li Erkang, Shen Jingchen,, Chen Qixia, Wang Shouting, Wang Tianxing, Tian Wenbing, Ding Wenjiang, Yang Wenkai, Ouyang Wu, Chen Yi, Rong Zongjing
    • Mali: Émile Bélime
    • Qing: Liu Chongyou, Huang Fu, Wang Kemin, Yuan Naikuan, Xu Qin, Bian Shoujing, James Yen, Peng Yunuyi
    • Sichuan: He Luzhi
    • Ukraine: Viacheslav Prokopovych
  • Added one French and three Russian generic general portraits.
  • Repurposed old Quebec portraits as new generic country leader and advisor portraits.
  • Added a flag for the Lithuanian-Belarusian Confederation, and socialist Mountain Republic.
  • Added national spirit icons for Egypt, Iran and Japan.
  • Added new theorist icons for several Chinese splinters.
  • Added new event pictures for China and Germany.
  • Slightly tweaked the colour of the republican flag for the Dominion of India, to use the same shades of green and orange as the Bharatiya Commune’s flag.
  • Updated the flag for the non-authoritarian Spanish Republic.
  • Updated some event pictures for Germany, Qing, League of Eight Provinces, the United Baltic Duchy and Sichuan.
  • Updated some national focus icons for Egypt and Greece.
  • Updated some generic national focus icons.
  • Updated some national spirit icons for Australasia, the Ottoman Empire and Turkey.
  • Generified a Soviet decision icon from base game Hearts of Iron IV.
  • Adjusted the positioning of multiple event pictures.

Music Mod

  • Added “Norge Mitt Norge” (Norway, My Norway) and “Gud Signe Vårt Dyre Fedreland” (God Bless Our Dear Fatherland) for Norway.
  • Added “Khamen La-or Ong” (Beautiful Khmer), “Kluen Krathop Fang” (Crashing Waves) and “Ratri Pradap Dao” (Starry Night) for Siam.
  • Updated the version used of “Ajoen Ajoen” (Swinging In The High Coconut Tree) for the Dutch East Indies.
  • Updated the version used of “Revolusjonens Røst” (Voice of the Revolution) for Norway.
  • Removed "Lincoln and Liberty" for the American Civil War participants.
  • Removed "La Brabançonne" (Song of Brabant - Dutch) for Belgium.
  • Removed "Els Segadors" (The Reapers) for Catalonia.
  • Removed "Chilenos, a la Acción" (Chileans, to action) for Chile.
  • Removed "Les Partisans" (The Partisans) for the Commune of France.
  • Removed "Os Pinos" (The Pines) for Galicia.
  • Removed "Schwer mit den Schätzen des Orients beladen" (Laden with the treasure of the Orient) for German East Asia.
  • Removed "Tou Aitou O Gios" (The Eagle's son) for Greece.
  • Removed "Csinom Palko" (Deed of Palko) for Hungary.
  • Removed "La Canzone della Vittoria" (The Chant of Victory) for the Republic of Italy.
  • Removed "Daen Haeng Idsala" (In the Liberated Zone) and "Pheng Xat Lao" (Laos National Anthem) for Laos.
  • Removed "Anio No Mba Hisoka" and "Mpantjakan'ny NY Lisy" for Madagaskar.
  • Removed "Negaraku" (Malaysia National Anthem) for Malaya.
  • Removed "Hino de Pernambuco" (Hymn of Pernambuco) for Pernambuco.
  • Removed "Hino Rio-Grandese" (Riograndese Hymn) for Piratini.
  • Removed "Angola é nossa" (Angola is ours) for Portugal.
  • Removed “March of the Vrancea Legionaries” for Romania.
  • Removed "Bratina", "Kogda my Byli na Voyne" (When We Were at War) and “Ty Kuban, ty nasha Rodina" (You, Kuban, You Are Our Homeland) for Russia.
  • Removed "Il Canto dei Sanfedisti" (The Sanfedisti Chant) for the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
  • Removed "A la Huelga" (To the Strike) and "Viva la FAI" (Long Live the FAI) for CNT-FAI.
  • Removed "Székely Himnusz" (Székely Hymn) for Transylvania.
  • Removed "Marcia La Leopolda II" (March of Leopold II) for Tuscany.
  • Removed "Hey-hu, hey-ha, take-to v nas zhyttya" (Gay-gu, gay-ha, This is Something in our Life) for Ukraine.
  • Removed "Bai Hat Giai Phong Quan" (The Liberation Song) and "Moi Buoc Ta Di" (Every Step I Take) for Vietnam.
  • Removed "La Mafia Se Yo" (You're the Mafia) for the West Indies Federation.
  • Fixed “It’s a Long Way to Tipperary” and “The Girl I Left Behind Me” not playing for most Entente countries.
  • Fixed “Battle Cry of Freedom” and “Every Man a King” not playing for the American Union State.

Modelling Mod

  • Ukraine now uses Austrian tank models.


  • Reduced the size of the passable area in Southern Algeria.
  • Added Naga Hills as a state for northern Burma, to represent Chinese claims on the region.
  • Renamed Labrador to Ungava.
  • Renamed the Kwantung state has to Dalian
  • Added Cautín as a state for Chile.
  • Added and updated victory points in Chile.
  • Added Polish endonyms for Czechia and Slovakia.
  • Added Fyn as a state for Denmark.
  • Added Boulogne as a French victory point.
  • Removed the Tindouf state from the French Republic.
  • Added Ulm as a German victory point.
  • Added a naval base to the Mekong Delta in German East Asia.
  • The Cyclades are now part of the Central Greece state, rather than the Aegean Islands.
  • Improved the supply situation in Laos.
  • Updated the borders in Mali and Mauritania.
  • Added more victory points in Anatolia and the Levant.
  • Renamed Tel Aviv to Jaffa for consistency with its endonyms.
  • Added a port to Latakia.
  • Added some ports to Panama.
  • Added Dutch, German and Indonesian endonyms for various locations in the Pacific and Philippines.
  • Added an Avar endonym for Petrovsk.
  • Renamed the Chaco states in South America.
  • Added Las Palmas as a victory point.
  • Updated the values and endonyms of multiple Spanish states and victory points.
  • Rio de Oro is now passable again, and added a port to Laayoune.
  • Added naval bases to Haifa and Tripoli.
  • Fixed Darzedo using the wrong endonym.
  • Fixed Fushun’s location.
  • Fixed the location of multiple Greek victory points.
  • Fixed Aksai Chin not being counted as part of India in various region-related checks.
  • Fixed wrong Turkish names for Gyumri and Arish.
  • Fixed multiple incorrect Syrian victory point locations.

Other Changes

  • North America
    • The American Union State can now pardon Ernest Joseph King after the end of the civil war.
    • The Entente will now declare war on the Internationale if the Internationale is losing, even if the Entente is busy elsewhere.
    • Ungava is no longer given a concession to the United States upon their defeating Canada.
    • Added Ralph Ernest Jones as a commander for the Combined Syndicates of America.
    • Quebec now becomes an Autonomous Territory when released by Canada as an autonomy.
    • Updated some party leaders and all party names for Quebec. The Totalists are now led by André Laurendeau, Syndicalists by Alfred Charpentier, RadSocs by Annie Buller, SocDems by Pierre Bertrand, SocLibs by Paul Gouin, AutDems by Maurice Duplessis, PatAuts by Adrien Arcand and NatPops by Louis Even. The MarLib and SocCon leaders are unchanged as Adélard Godbout and Camillien Houde, respectively.
    • Swapped Quentin Roosevelt's and Wendell Willkie's party affiliations.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Democratic Centroamerica can now also form the Democratic Alliance of the Caribbean.
    • Democratic Centroamerica now receives Costa Rican and Panamanian characters when they annex the other countries via national focus.
    • Removed the cost for annexing Costa Rica and Panama as Centroamerica.
    • All three versions of Centroamerica can now get a fifth research slot, and start with the Militias technology.
    • Buffed the effects of multiple national foci for authoritarian Centroamerica, democratic Centroamerica, Costa Rica and Yucatan.
    • Decreased the duration of several national foci for Centroamerica.
    • Authoritarian Centroamerica’s Trans-Central American railways decisions now give level 3 railways.
    • Improved the logic of the AI for Centroamerica, El Salvador, Honduras and Panama in taking their national foci and decisions.
    • Authoritarian Centroamerica can now core Belize if the West Indies Federation was socialist.
    • Democratic Centroamerica now receives an instant core on Belize, if the West Indies Federation removes their claim.
    • Martínez is now only available as a potential leader for authoritarian Centroamerica if he didn’t get deposed in El Salvador.
    • José Figueres Ferrer now renames Costa Rica’s SocDem party to the Partido Liberación Nacional.
    • Added civilian factories as a reward for Costa Rica’s “Outproducing the Competition” and “Deal with the ZKG” national foci.
    • Lowered time between events for Ferrer's coup and decreased the duration of Ferrer national foci for Costa Rica.
    • Removed an event from Costa Rica regarding internment camps for Germans.
    • Costa Rica’s “Mora offers an alliance to the PRN” event now adds the syndicalists to the coalition.
    • Buffed the effects of several military national foci for El Salvador.
    • Updated Alberto Gómez Zárate’s advisor trait in El Salvador.
    • Added Gregorio Ferrera as a general for Honduras.
    • Honduras’ “Combat UFC Influence” national spirit now gives the Free Trade law.
    • Updated the effect of Honduras’ “Economic Boom” national focus.
    • Updated Nicaragua’s division templates.
    • Added an alternative investing national spirit for Panama’s investments from Canada, Germany and the United States.
  • South America
    • Argentina and Patagonia now use the integration occupation law on their potential cores.
    • Added national spirits to Argentina’s Five Year Plan mission, and autarky national focus.
    • Added Gualberto Villarroel as potential NatPop leader of Bolivia.
    • Paraguay’s military revolt event now causes a manpower loss.
    • Venezuela paying for guns now transfers political power rather than consumer goods.
    • The West Indies Federation now has their Entente-aligned commanders transfer to the Dominion of Canada if they turn socialist. The commanders are also transferred back if British rule is restored.
  • Western / Southern Europe
    • Removed an event for the Commune of France regarding Jean-Paul Sartre.
    • Renamed the game rule for the Commune of France involving the coup against the Jacobins.
    • Added the Artillery Officer trait to the Commune of France’s René Olry.
    • Ireland’s decision to ask New England for a guarantee of independence is now triggered by one of the two options in the “Old Friends in New England” event.
    • Added several more Irish language translations of placenames used in events, decisions and descriptions, for NatPop Ireland.
    • Very slightly tweaked the likelihood of each potential Irish government that can be installed with German support at the end of the Gateway to the Atlantic.
    • Standardised required states to declare Italian unification.
    • The Italian Republic now starts in Mitteleuropa, and leaves Mitteleuropa if it turns NatPop.
    • Incompatible ideology Italian splinters can now be asked to join an united Italy if they're both in the same faction.
    • Italian splinters no longer seek military access with each other.
    • Added a unique infantry equipment Military Industrial Organisation to the Kingdom of Spain and CNT-FAI, for the duration of the civil war. After the civil war, the victor gets an event to transfer the size and funds of this Military Industrial Organisation to one of two choices.
    • Added unique names for several Spanish technologies.
    • Ricardo de Rada y Peral can now join the Kingdom of Spain, when they absorb Carlist elements.
    • Rebalanced the spawned divisions at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War.
    • Updated the name and icon of CNT-FAI’s intelligence agency.
    • The CNT-FAI can no longer declare war on any countries seizing its colonies.
    • Standardised the United Kingdom’s integration decision for Malta to fit the others.
  • Central / Northern Europe
    • PatAut Austria can no longer invade Germany before the Second Weltkrieg.
    • Austria can now be released as SocLib or Marlib, and added Gustav Stolper as its leader.
    • Renamed Austria’s Totalist party from Totalitäres Volkskonzil to Sozialistischer Arbeiterrat.
    • Puppet dictatorship unified Danubia is now led by Ivo Pilar.
    • Bohemia’s Military Industrial Organisations are now only available to Austria if Bohemia is a crownland.
    • Finland’s peace with Russia now gives a notification to all members of the Reichspakt, and has updated text in its events.
    • Finland’s economy and military focus branches now move upwards when the rest of the political branches are hidden.
    • Overhauled Germany’s Suez Crisis events to account for alternate scenarios.
    • Germany now inherits Austrian divisions upon annexing Austria.
    • Countries will no longer release German splinters as puppets, if they can give lands to an allied united puppet Germany.
    • Parties can no longer leave SocDem Germany’s ruling coalition during war with Russia or the Third Internationale.
    • Germany’s “Closure of the Brunswick Front” event now grants war support instead of stability.
    • MarLib Germany can now get Karl Jarres as an advisor.
    • Improved the tooltip for Germany’s “A Lithuanian Envoy” event.
    • Decreased Germany’s political power gain from the “White Ruthenia Contracts German Company” event.
    • Germany’s event for peace with Japan now has a different description if the Left Kuomintang signed a peace with Germany over East Asia.
    • Added Mihály Károlyi, Manó Buchinger, István Friedrich and János Zichy as puppet leaders for Syndicalist, SocDem, Marlin and AutDem Hungary, respectively.
    • The Nordic Federation now has access to Denmark’s ship name lists based on mythology.
    • Poland can now only elect Gabriel Narutowicz as the leader of their SocLibs if they own Galicia.
    • Tweaked the amount of stability given in Poland’s land reform decisions.
    • Tweaked the visibility of Poland’s decision to Arrange Military Exercises with Germany, and added a small war support boost to its effect.
    • Tweaked the availability of Poland’s “Outlaw the Austrian Agents” decision.
    • Added several buffs to nationalist influence in Poland in its military focus branch.
  • Eastern / Southeast Europe & Central Asia
    • Added custom triggers to the Bosphorus strait, with the countries given access to the strait being dependent on their relationship to the owner of Constantinople and Gallipoli.
    • Estonia’s “Seize Baltic German Industry” and “Industrial Mobilisation” national foci now grant an additional military factory each.
    • Removed a Lebensraum reference from the response text of Estonia being denied entry into the Reichspakt.
    • Improved Greece’s AI during its civil war.
    • The expulsion of enemy troops from Transylvania, as part of Romania’s war preparations, now transfers the troops to nearby states controlled by the Austro-Hungarians.
    • Tweaked the probabilities for republican Ukraine so that the election of the URDP, USDRP or RDS are equally likely.
    • RDS Ukraine now gets the "Spectre of Socialism" event if at war with socialist Russia, not just the Internationale.
    • White Ruthenia’s “Cavalry Motorisation” national spirit now gives special cavalry motorisation bonuses.
  • Africa
    • Added Desta Damtew as a commander for Ethiopia.
    • Ethiopia’s advisors Seyoum Mengesha and Nasibu Zeamanuel are now also commanders.
    • Ethiopian commander Yilma Deressa now has the Media Personality trait.
    • Updated the names, durations and effects of a few Ethiopian national foci.
    • Added Guinea-Bissau and Equatorial Guinea as releasable puppets.
    • Mittelafrikan splinters which no longer exist will now more regularly have their cores on states removed.
    • Updated Moroccan character, division and ship names.
    • Renamed South Africa’s “Post-War Boom” national focus.
    • Added Zwartkop Manufacturing as an aircraft manufacturer and Military Industrial Organisation for South Africa that is not in the Entente.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Armenia now cannot join the Third Internationale if Russia is not socialist, unless they are also neighbouring another member of the Third Internationale. The time it takes to complete the required national focus is now also reduced.
    • Adjusted the prerequisites of a number of national foci for socialist Armenia.
    • Moved Aziz Ali al-Misri to Egypt from Syria.
    • Georgia can now select Giorgi Bagration as monarch, even if they are in the Reichspakt.
    • Georgia, upon breaking with Germany, will now have its independence guaranteed by non-socialist Russia.
    • Replaced a focus in Georgia’s Bagration's focus branch.
    • Updated several of Georgia’s technology names and descriptions.
    • Hejaz’s Arabian Unification national foci are now bypassed or available for it as a puppet, depending on the situation.
    • Hejaz and Jabal Shammar now have their national focus trees reset upon their release as puppets.
    • Added Mishaal bin Saud as a commander for Jabal Shammar.
    • Republican Iran is now called just “Iran” on the map, rather than “Republic of Iran”.
    • Iraq’s advisor Abd al Latif Nuri is now also a commander.
    • Added new leaders for the Mountain Republic, with Dzhalalutdin Korkmasov as the socialist leader, Alikhan Kantemir as SocDem leader, Muhammad Said Shamil as SocLib and AutDem leader and Gaidar Bammatov as MarLib and SocCon leader. Ali Mitayev now only leads the PatAuts and NatPops.
    • Added party names for the Mountain Republic.
    • Added Sultan Klych-Girey as a commander and Military High Command member for the Mountain Republic.
    • Syria’s advisors Abdullah Atfeh and Fawzi Selu are now also field marshals and generals, respectively.
    • Yemen’s coring of Arabia is now completed via integration.
    • Yemen’s Ahmad Bin Yahya is now a field marshal, and Hassal al-Amiri is now demoted to commander.
  • East Asia
    • Added Chen Anbao, Ding Handong, Gao Shidu, Sun Qi, Cao Wanshun and Ruan Zhaochang as commanders for Anqing.
    • Added Sun Duoyu, Liu Fengtu, Jiang Hongjie, Song Jie, Chen Lu, Li Songshan, Zhu Xi, Ling Xiaofen and Xu Xiaoyu as advisors for Anqing.
    • Removed Li Shengchun and Zhang Zhongli as commanders for Anqing.
    • Removed Jiang Chaozong, Xu Huansheng, Wei Lihuang and Wang Pu as advisors for Anqing.
    • "Anqing" will now be known as "Anqing Clique" while independent before winning the League Collapse War.
    • Anqing’s “Look West” national focus now gives them decisions to declare war on Hunan and Liangguang, rather than wargoals.
    • Anqing can now take the "Look West" national focus before the "Strike Against Beijing" national focus, when they stand with Zhang Zuolin.
    • Anqing now receives two extra divisions if Qu Yingguang takes power in Shandong.
    • Anqing and the League of Eight Provinces now receive three irregular divisions and one elite division, depending on support from Qing.
    • Anqing’s “Anti-Concessionist Militias” national spirit now gives an increase to the division limit.
    • Renamed Anqing’s “Rolling the Dice” national focus to “The Fool’s Journey”, and updated its icon.
    • Gave pro-Beijing Anqing access to decisions that give additional units.
    • Chen Tiaoyuan-led Anqing can now attend Fengtian’s Unification Conference if unaligned.
    • Separated China’s “Zhili” alignment into “North Zhili” and “South Zhili”.
    • Added traits to all leaders of Chinese splinters, indicating their preferred alignment.
    • Associated Governorates in China can no longer declare war.
    • Improved some overly-long Chinese tooltips.
    • Chinese splinters that join the The Fifth Zhili-Fengtian War via the special decision will now give Fengtian military access through all of their puppets.
    • Increased the willingness of the AI of Chinese splinters to demand each others’ submission and offer alliances.
    • The leader of the Chinese United Front can no longer negotiate a ceasefire with Fengtian if the latter previously joined the Co-Prosperity Sphere.
    • Chinese splinters can now use the war declaring decisions to declare on other Chinese splinters of the same alignment, and are given decisions to declare war on them if compatible rulers deny alliances.
    • Chinese splinters can now form the National Protection Alliance, if the NPA had been previously formed but its founder has been annexed.
    • Multiple Chinese splinters now start with the Truck technology.
    • Chinese unification news events now also fire for the player if they have united China.
    • Added unique leader traits for Fengtian’s Zhang Zuolin.
    • Added descriptions for all advisors for Fengtian.
    • Revised the text for Fengtian’s commander descriptions, renamed their unique traits, and updated a few traits.
    • Fengtian now needs to have completed either the "Restore the 1923 Constitution" or "The Question of the Presidency" national foci, before they can unify China.
    • Fengtian now only needs to control Beijing to get access to their "Continue the Reclamation War" branch of their national focus tree, and increased the priority that AI has on completing that focus.
    • Removed Fengtian's event chain about the skirmish in Chahar.
    • Changed some of the conditions Fengtian will call Japan into the Chinese Wars and join the Co-Prosperity Sphere.
    • Increased the priority that AI Fengtian will put on completing the "From Beijing to the Begonia Leaf" national focus, and the national focus now removes the claim on Beijing as well as adding a core.
    • Updated the text for the event of Prince Kan'in’s visit to Fengtian being cancelled, if Fengtian is at war with Japan.
    • Fengtian will now always take the "Redefine Provincial Obligations" national focus over the "Centralise Provincial Revenues" focus if a Federalist Compromise was set in the game rules.
    • Fengtian will now prioritise demanding submission of and attacking Chinese splinters that own Beijing, Nanjing, and Wuhan.
    • Yang’s coup in Fengtian will now result in the strongest other splinter in China now getting an event to declare war on Fengtian, rather than every Chinese splinter getting wargoals.
    • Updated the text for the events regarding Fengtian’s involvement in Anqing’s reconstruction.
    • Fengtian’s decision category regarding the National Reunification Conference will now remain visible throughout the events of the conference.
    • Upon breaking off relations with them, Fengtian now cancels Japan’s military access.
    • Improved Fengtian and Qing’s AI with managing their shared border.
    • Updated Fengtian's railway construction decisions and events.
    • Puppets can no longer decline invitations to Fengtian’s Unification Conference.
    • Fengtian now needs Federalist Sichuan or Liangguang as their puppet in order to complete the "Redefine Provincial Obligations" national focus.
    • Added a new leader trait to Hunan’s Tang Xiangming, when he is made the Inspector-General.
    • Hunan now starts with claims on Guizhou’s section of Yunnan
    • Updated the text for Hunan’s initial starting screen.
    • Slightly tweaked the timing of events following Hunan’s elections.
    • Tweaked the likelihood of the different outcomes in Hunan's elections.
    • Improved Hunan’s AI logic in taking its national foci.
    • Hunan can now take their national focus that gives them claims on Liangguang if they are independent and already at war with Liangguang.
    • Increased Zhao Hengti’s chance of winning Hunan’s election.
    • Hunan’s Zhao Hengti can no longer align with the Zhili exiles in Sichuan, but can now attend Fengtian’s Unification Conference.
    • Added Zuo Shunsheng as an advisor for Hunan.
    • Updated the text of several of Hunan’s character descriptions.
    • Hunan can now align with the League of Eight Provinces and with Shanxi, if Shanxi has formed a government.
    • Countries that initially refuse to join the economic part of the Co-Prosperity Sphere then join military faction can now be correctly re-invited.
    • Japan now declares war on Fengtian if the Unification Conference succeeds, and Fengtian has above 10% surrender progress.
    • Japan now directly gets a wargoal on Fengtian instead of a decision to attack, if the latter breaks relations with the former.
    • Japan will now take the "Continental Warfare" national focus if they're in a faction with Fengtian.
    • Tweaked the effects of a few of puppet Japan’s national foci.
    • Japan will no longer get a wargoal on China upon Fengtian being annexed, if they have already been defeated.
    • Yi Un is now more likely to become Emperor of Korea, if Korea has pardoned collaborators.
    • The Kumul Khanate’s Fan Yaonan is now not aligned to any of the Chinese factions.
    • Added Fang Benren, Guo Chan, Wang Haoji, Xie Hongxun, Ge Jingen, Xu Peigen, Li Rentao, Zhou Qi, Lin Wei, Ma Yuren, Meng Zhaoyue, Liu Zongji and Qian Zongze as commanders for the League of Eight Provinces.
    • Added Li Shijia and Wu Zhennan as admirals for the League of Eight Provinces
    • Added Li Chenggan, Wei Daofeng, Li Erkang, Chen Qixia, Wang Tianxiang, Tian Wenbing, Yang Wenkai, Ouyang Wu and Zhang Xinyi as advisors for the League of Eight Provinces
    • Removed Liu Cuigang, Zhang Dingfan, Pan Guogang, Chen Jia-shang, Qiu Qingquan, Chen Ta-ching, Zhang Taiyan, Chen Taoyi, Chen Tienfong, Huang Wei and Chen Zhaoqiang as advisors for the League of Eight Provinces.
    • Moved the admiral Yang Shuzhuang to the League of Eight Provinces, from Qing.
    • The League of Eight Provinces now starts with three less AOG divisions, and 1 less elite division.
    • Division templates for during the League Collapse War are no longer locked, but any spawned units will always be deleted afterwards.
    • Added a 15 day timer to the League of Eight Province’s troop training decision.
    • Updated the effect of the League of Eight Provinces’ “Peace in the Countryside” national focus.
    • Removed the mutual guarantees between the League of Eight Provinces, Legation Cities and German East Asia.
    • The League of Eight Provinces will no longer take their national focus to align with Qing, if they had already refused an alliance with them.
    • The Left Kuomintang will now be referred to as the “Nanjing Nationalist Government”, rather than the “National Revolutionary Government”, when they win the League Collapse War. Their aligned governments in Liangguang, Hunan and Yunnan are now also called the Guangzhou, Changsha and Kunming Nationalist Governments, respectively.
    • Hu Zongnan's takeover in the Left Kuomintang is now referred to as the “Fifth National Revolution”, rather than the Third.
    • Wang Lingyun can now be recruited by event for the Left Kuomintang, rather than Zhili-aligned Qing or Sichuan.
    • The Left Kuomintang now only gets the event “The Shandong Menace”, if Shandong is not at war with both Anqing and the League of Eight Provinces.
    • Updated the numbering in the names of division lists for the Left Kuomintang.
    • The Left Kuomintang’s decision to Construct Grain Storages in Nanning now gives infrastructure rather than fuel silos.
    • When the Kuomintang-puppeted Liangguang will now refer to the area as Liangguang, rather than Guangxi.
    • Added more stability to effects of the RCA-radical ending national foci for the Left Kuomintang.
    • The Left Kuomintang’s “National Reconstruction Commission” national focus will now give them the basic train technology, if not already researched.
    • Reduced the cost of the Left Kuomintang’s decisions to invite countries into their economic sphere.
    • The Legation ports no longer get the “Densely Populated Rural Area” state modifier.
    • The Liangguang Civil War is now referred to as the Second Guangdong-Guangxi War in-game.
    • Buffed the national spirit given to prevent stalemates in the Second Guangdong-Guangxi War.
    • Chen Yansheng is now appointed as Chen Jiongming's second-in-command in Liangguang when Lu Rongting dies.
    • Federalist Liangguang will now only get the Federalist flag upon declaring a national government, instead of immediately after winning the Second Guangdong-Guangxi War.
    • Increased the priority that Kuomintang-led Liangguang will form a new government and seek allies, if there are any available.
    • Added unique leader traits for the leaders of the Ma Clique.
    • The Ma Clique now starts with some trains in their stockpile.
    • The Ma Clique's "The Qinghai Emergence Scheme" national focus now gives them the basic civilian train technology if they don’t already have it.
    • The Ma Clique’s Ma Hongbin, Ma Hongkui and Ma Lin are now not aligned to any of the Chinese factions.
    • Tweaked the necessary surrender limits for the participants of the Northwest War to get the events for a peace deal, and improved the AI of its participants. The peace deal is now done via decision rather than an event that fires.
    • Renamed Mongolia’s Serengdongrub to Bai Yunti, the socialist puppet leader, as they are both the same person.
    • Removed the revolt event chain for the National Protection Alliance.
    • Updated the effects of all political national foci for the Zhili-aligned paths, as well as the military focus branch and the starting national foci.
    • Added descriptions for all advisors for Qing, rewrote the majority of their commander descriptions, and changed some of their advisor and commander traits and stats.
    • Updated descriptions for Qing’s political parties and national foci.
    • Updated the text and effects of most of Qing’s events and decisions.
    • Decreased the duration of a few national foci for Qing.
    • Reduced Qing’s starting stability and war support.
    • Qing now starts with the “Year of the Rat” national focus selected.
    • Updated the path probabilities for Qing.
    • Cao Kun now stays on as an advisor for Zhili-led Qing, only retiring when Qing fully unites China.
    • Added Huang Fu as a political advisor for Qing.
    • Added Qin Dechun, Ha Hanzhang and Li Shuchun as commanders for Qing.
    • Wei Yisan is now available at game start as a commander for Qing.
    • Qing’s commander Zhang Shaozeng is now a political advisor.
    • Added Tong Jixu as a commander and political advisor for Manchu-led Qing.
    • Removed Aisin-Gioro Zaixun as an admiral for Qing.
    • NCERA-led Qing's AutDem route now renames the AutDem slot to NCERA.
    • Updated the effects of Qing’s different constitutions.
    • Qing’s advisors Xiong Bingqi and Peng Shouxin are now also commanders.
    • Qing can now hire Zeng Qi without destroying the Baoding cliques.
    • Qing’s Wang Chengbin no longer dies in 1936, and Qing’s leadership crisis is now replaced with a temporary debuff after the League Collapse War meeting.
    • Buffed the template for Qing’s “Bandit Mercenaries” divisions.
    • Removed Qing’s “Bandits Gone Wild” event.
    • The Zhili-led Republic path for Qing can now negotiate with the Germans instead of instantly defaulting on their debt.
    • Added some unique theorists for Qing.
    • Added some political power buffs to Manchu-led Qing.
    • Qing’s Anti-Concessionists now flee if you pursue negotiations with Germany as the Zhili-led Republic.
    • Zhili-aligned characters now lose the “Politically Connected” commander trait if they are ejected from their province and are no longer governor, or they return to the Zhili Remnants.
    • Removed Puyi’s unique leader description for when he has the Imprisoned Emperor trait for NatPop Shandong.
    • Monarchist Shandong will now release Korea with the ability to restore the Korean Empire.
    • Zhang Zongchang can now attend Fengtian's Unification Conference even if he is non-aligned.
    • Zhang Zongchang and his loyalists no longer flee to Zhili Sichuan, but can flee to the League of Eight Provinces if rejected from Sichuan.
    • Shanxi’s game rule option to align with Zhili remnants now targets potential allies outside of Sichuan.
    • Shanxi’s “Suiyuan Question” national focus will now cancel if another country conquers Suiyuan.
    • Nerfed a lot of Shanxi’s ticking stability gain modifiers, replacing them with passive bonuses.
    • Rebalanced the stats and traits of several of Shanxi’s generals.
    • Shanxi and Qing now lose state dynamic modifiers upon losing the states in question.
    • Increased Sichuan’s starting building slots and civilian factories.
    • Updated the alignment preferences of Baoding Department and Officer Department-led Sichuan.
    • Replaced Yiguandao with the Young China Party as the NatPop party in Sichuan.
    • Added He Luzhi as an advisor for Sichuan.
    • Tibet is now affected by the “Warlord Era Inadequacies” debuff national spirit, and has access to the China Army Reform mechanic.
    • AutDem Tibet is no longer made a puppet of Qing.
    • The participants of the Xinjiang Civil War now get a significant attack bonus on each other for the duration of war.
    • Xinjiang’s Sheng Shicai is no longer aligned to any of the Chinese factions.
    • Added Yang Feixia, Zhang Peiyuan and Niu Shi as commanders for Xinjiang, with Feixia also as a military high command member.
    • Removed Zhou Wuxue as a Chief of Army for Xinjiang.
    • Xinjiang’s Niu Shi is now a Chief of Army rather than Military High Command member.
    • AI-led Xinjiang will not attack Mongolia via national focus unless China has already been reunified.
    • Socialist Yunnan can now bypass the "Cult of Personality" national focus.
    • Kuomintang-led Yunnan will now align with Kuomintang-led Hunan if the latter conquers Guangzhou.
    • Left Kuomintang-led Yunnan will always join the rest of the Left Kuomintang, over Right Kuomintang-led Lianggiang, if the Left Kuomintang exists.
    • Right Kuomintang-led Yunnan can no longer get Left Kuomintang-led Liangguang as a puppet via national focus.
    • Decreased the duration of Yunnan’s foreign policy national foci to 21 days.
    • Yunnan now gets a decision to attack Liangguang in “The Future of the Yunnan Clique” event, rather than a wargoal.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Replaced Charles Vyner Brooke in Australasia with William John Rendell Scott.
    • Removed the random chance of PatAut Australasia’s outreach to Japan being refused.
    • Updated the name of the Bharatiya Commune’s AutDems and PatAuts.
    • Updated the trait for the Bharatiya Commune’s Sarojini Naidu.
    • Moved Manabendra Nath Roy to the Bharatiya Commune as an advisor, from the Dominion of India.
    • Replaced Ranbir Singh with Rajendrasinhji Jadeja as the PatAut leader of the Dominion of India.
    • Insulindia now uncompletes the national focus to join the Co-Prosperity Sphere if they have already completed it upon turning RadSoc.
    • Removed Papua New Guinea’s core on the Solomon Islands.
    • The Princely Federation is now equally likely to take all of its faction joining choices.
    • The Princely Federation will now be renamed from the Deccan Federation or Hyderabad into the Indian Federation upon reunification, should it use either of the initial names prior to reunification.
    • Democratic Princely Federation is now called the “Deccan Federation”, and PatAut Princely Federation is now called Hyderabad.
    • The Princely Federation can now do their economy national foci when at war.
    • Added some unique responses to Siam’s news events.
    • Decreased the cost of Siam’s decision to conditionally surrender.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Updated the mod with multiple changes from Hearts of Iron version 1.14.8.
    • Updated the regions used in the Game Rules and Patch Notes so that Transamur shares a region as Russia, as it can become the legitimate Russian government itself.
    • Moved Central Asia to Russia’s region in the Game Rules and Patch Notes, as the countries in the region interact much more with Russia rather than with the Middle-East.
    • Updated the option names and descriptions for several of China’s game rules.
    • Events in Kaiserreich which trigger certain sounds or songs to be played, can now have the sounds be disabled in the in-game settings.
    • Added map icons to the economic spheres map mode.
    • Added tooltips regarding countries being part of different economic spheres.
    • Added a path guide for Centroamerica.
    • Added English translations to Japanese party names in the Game Rules.
    • Updated the path guides for Bolivia, Costa Rica, Paraguay, Persia, Peru, Qing, Sichuan and the United States.
    • Updated some icons used for several national foci for Georgia, Shandong and Qing.
    • Updated the names and effects of several opinion modifiers.
    • Improved the tooltip for when a country leaves a faction and removes all current guarantees, guarantors, ends all wars and resets all other diplomatic relations.
    • Improved the AI’s division template design.
    • Improved the AI’s handling of denying market access to countries they should be opposing.
    • Improved the AI’s logic for swapping trade laws.
    • Several Greek national focus icons are now dynamic, depending on whether or not Greece is a monarchy.
    • The “Artillery Specialist” trait now checks battalion composition, instead of the dominant unit type, when computing experience gain.


  • North America
    • Fixed wrong type of unit spawns for the American Union State in a two-way Second American Civil War.
    • Fixed Canada receiving an event meant for Germany regarding the Union of Britain threatening Iceland and the Azores.
    • Fixed the event to choose Canada’s Governor-General not firing.
    • Fixed Mexico’s decision to attack Centroamerica not appearing.
    • Fixed Quentin Roosevelt not keeping Olson's coalition after the latter's death.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Fixed three Brazilian news events not firing.
    • Fixed Centroamerica getting cruiser variants that contain technologies that have not yet been unlocked.
    • Fixed a few oversights in democratic Centroamerica’s decisions to join factions.
    • Fixed democratic Centroamerica starting a war between the Entente and Reichspakt.
    • Fixed the effects of several of the rebellion events and division transfers for the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
    • Fixed Honduras’ Gregorio Ferrera and Francisco Funes not being assigned to the correct ideology of Centroamerica.
    • Fixed majors not keeping the Panama Canal when they should.
  • South America
    • Fixed NatPop Bolivia having a generic leader.
    • Fixed Colombia not being able to integrate Pastaza if Peru has integrated it previously.
    • Fixed Patagonia having a second-in-command of a removed character.
  • Western / Southern Europe
    • Fixed a number of Belgian national focus effects not taking activated DLC into account.
    • Fixed Belgium not rejoining the Reichspakt if Germany gave them Luxembourg.
    • Fixed the Commune of France’s “Tank Divisions” national focus spawning the wrong type of tanks.
    • Fixed the wrong text appearing in Ireland’s news event about their RadSocs being elected after the fall of Germany, if they had not been in the ruling coalition prior to the election.
    • Fixed the "Staying the Course" and "Handing Over the Reins" post-election events for democratic Ireland only firing for Sinn Féin, and not the versions for the SocCons, SocDems or their coalition partners.
    • Fixed democratic Ireland’s "The Opposition Coalesces" event firing for each election after 1941.
    • Fixed Harland & Wolff’s scaling mechanic for Ireland.
    • Fixed Ireland being able to ask New England for a guarantee of independence.
    • Fixed the “IEDC Naval Engineers” national spirit automatically removing from Ireland, when Ireland is not in the Entente.
    • Fixed several dynamic national focus titles and icons for Ireland not updating.
    • Fixed Ireland’s intro screen text referring to Sinn Féin practising abstentionism from Westminster, rather than the new Home Rule parliament.
    • Fixed socialist Ireland not sending volunteers to the Combined Syndicates of America.
    • Fixed multiple problems with Italian splinters not correctly unifying after the Civil War.
    • Fixed the Netherlands accepting an ultimatum by Wallonia regarding Flanders, when both countries are in the Reichspakt.
    • Fixed Portugal not being able to claim the Pink Map if Mittelafrika was annexed.
    • Fixed puppet Union of England, without Scotland or Wales, being released as the Union of Britain.
    • Fixed Spain being unable to recover from the civil war without Galicia.
    • Fixed monarchist Tuscany not having the right name.
    • Fixed the Kingdom of Two Sicilies being blocked from uniting Italy via a decision by Sardinia.
  • Central / Northern Europe
    • Fixed Austria being able to choose Embrace Pluralism mid-civil war.
    • Fixed Finland rejoining the Reichspakt after leaving the faction when making a separate peace with Russia.
    • Fixed Germany being unable to change the regime in the Ukrainian National Republic.
    • Fixed Germany not getting its decisions to invite Finland to the Reichspakt, or to invade Norway, Poland or Sweden.
    • Fixed Germany being able to use the “Reinforce the Lithuanian Police” decision on a hostile Lithuania.
    • Fixed Germany’s Fremdarbeiterprogramm firing for Germany's non-European puppets.
    • Fixed Mitteleuropa’s members randomly cancelling their votes.
    • Fixed Illyria not peacing out with the rest of the Belgrade Pact, if at war with the faction while Bulgaria wins the Fourth Balkan War.
    • Fixed several bugs regarding Poland’s “Kaiser-Maker” events.
    • Fixed PatAut Poland not getting Rydz as leader if the nationalist military tree was completed prior to the revolt.
    • Fixed Sweden’s Per Albin Hansson not being set as dead when executed by the military.
    • Fixed Sweden’s Cult of Personality event chain for the Totalists not firing.
  • Eastern / Southeast Europe & Central Asia
    • Fixed Kyril-led Bulgaria getting incorrect events upon couping the Orange Guard.
    • Fixed player-led Bulgaria potentially annexing the whole Ottoman Empire during the Fourth Balkan War, breaking the War in the Desert.
    • Fixed Boris not being restored in Bulgaria if the NatPops are couped by the AutDems.
    • Fixed Bulgaria’s AutDem republic tree not unlocking for puppets.
    • Fixed Greece’s Antonis Mezeviris being referred to as Grigorios Mezeviris for the last six years.
    • Fixed Latvia getting a core of Dvinsk when they already have one.
    • Fixed Latvia building factories in states they don’t control.
    • Fixed a Lithuanian event showing not accounting for the “Arms Against Tyranny” DLC.
    • Fixed the Lithuanian-Belarusian Confederation losing its name when becoming independent.
    • Fixed Romania and Serbia remaining majors for the entire game.
    • Fixed Russia’s peace deal with Finland giving the former the wrong states, and deeming Finland the winner when both countries are losing.
    • Fixed Wrangel restoring the Empire after Kirill Romanov dies, despite Russia being set to remain a military dictatorship in the game rules.
    • Fixed expansionist Russia not attacking NatPop Lithuania.
    • Fixed puppet NatPop Yugoslavia having Fringe Nationalists leading the country.
    • Fixed the United Baltic Duchy’s news event for the NatPop takeover including a picture of a Soviet tank.
  • Africa
    • Fixed Ethiopia founding a naval base in a city 100km inland.
    • Fixed the German Government in Exile not turning back into the German Empire upon return to Europe.
    • Fixed Southern Rhodesia being unable to complete the national focus to claim Mozambique from a collapsing Portugal.
    • Fixed Mohamed Meziane not transferring to Morocco from the Kingdom of Spain, in Spain’s annexation event.
    • Fixed Morocco being shown as controlling the Sahara if the French Republic entered a war.
    • Fixed native-led South Africa using the wrong flag.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Fixed puppet Armenia turning socialist through elections.
    • Fixed Cyprus’ revolt not triggering appropriately.
    • Fixed Egypt being able to invite socialists into the Cairo Pact.
    • Fixed Lebanon’s “Promote Full Equality” decision being unavailable and preventing progression of the SocLib political branch of the national focus tree.
    • Fixed missing mutual claims between Najd & Hasa and Jabbal Shammar.
    • Fixed Najd & Hasa not being able to join the Cairo Pact if at war with Oman.
    • Fixed the Ottoman defeat potentially creating colony states.
    • Fixed the Ottomans not completing the required national focus if the NatPop game rule is set.
    • Fixed the Ottoman collapse event firing for Turkey, or puppet Ottomans.
  • East Asia
    • Fixed the "Anqing Breaks with Fengtian" event firing when Anqing wasn't aligned with Fengtian.
    • Fixed several of Anqing’s decisions targeting states that they don’t own.
    • Fixed Anqing-led Shandong not being able to remove their riot national spirits
    • Fixed Chinese splinters declaring a government via generic decision not getting the decisions to demand submission.
    • Fixed Chinese republican splinters getting a Hunan event meant only for those aligned with the Kuomintang.
    • Fixed Chinese splinters declaring war on Fengtian prematurely by attacking another splinter that is guaranteed by Fengtian.
    • Fixed the decision for unified China to demand the peripheral areas not being available if there was an early Second Sino-Japanese War.
    • Fixed East Turkestan and the Kumul Khanate not losing their Xinjiang war national spirit when they defeat Xinjiang very quickly.
    • Fixed Fengtian not being able to attempt to host the Unification Conference if in a faction with Japan.
    • Fixed Fengtian's decision to nationalise Mantetsu's railways not being visible when at war with Japan.
    • Fixed Fengtian getting random negative events from Japan if they decide to construct new railways.
    • Fixed Hunan’s “Reclamation of Guizhou” event firing inappropriately.
    • Fixed Hunan’s “Revise the Monroe Doctrine” national focus not bypassing if Liangguang is already defeated.
    • Fixed Hunan’s election event firing for inappropriate countries.
    • Fixed Japan's “Continental Warfare” national focus not getting wargoals on Fengtian-aligned Chinese splinters if Yang Yuting's coup in Fengtian succeeded.
    • Fixed Japan’s decisions to attack Chinese splinters not appearing, or being available if they have lost to China.
    • Fixed the Kumul Khanate’s Nasir Shah being able to take both reformist and reactionary foci.
    • Fixed the Kumul Khanate’s Fan Yaonan not getting the Five Races flag upon uniting China.
    • Fixed the League of Eight Provinces and German East Asia being able to take AOG decisions when they are at war with one another.
    • Fixed the Left Kuomintang completing their Second Congress national focus, rather than their First Congress national focus, upon making a government.
    • Fixed the Left Kuomintang potentially declaring wars before finishing the League Collapse War.
    • Fixed Liangguang and Yunnan being able to align with the Ma Clique and Xinjiang prior to unifying the rest of China.
    • Fixed Mongolian generals fleeing to socialist Russia.
    • Fixed the National Protection Alliance being unable to declare the Republic of China if they had no potential subjects that could revolt against them.
    • Fixed Qing’s Yu Xuezhong not moving to Fengtian when the Zhili Clique is ousted.
    • Fixed Qing’s “The Hammer of Heaven” national spirit being a debuff rather than a buff.
    • Fixed Qing’s decisions to commission or purchase destroyers.
    • Fixed DAB Holdings in Qing being immediately removed after completing the relevant national focus.
    • Fixed Qu Yingguang and Zhang Zongchang-led Shandong not getting the post unification debuff national spirits upon uniting China.
    • Fixed Qing’s Zongshe collapse not disabling German equipment purchases.
    • Fixed Sun Dianying fleeing Shandong after he has already been killed.
    • Fixed Shandong being declared on by other Chinese splinters during the League Collapse War.
    • Fixed Shanxi’s decision to attack Beijing not giving the owner a warning event.
    • Fixed Shanxi keeping its “An Army in Transition” national spirit indefinitely.
    • Fixed a war support modifier for late-game Shanxi post-unification.
    • Fixed Sichuan having some division spawns that put them over the limit.
    • Fixed Sichuan’s “Child Protection Programme” decision being activated after the famine has already been dealt with.
    • Fixed SocLib/SocDem Sichuan getting two notices of the Kuomintang winning in Hunan.
    • Fixed Federalist Sichuan sometimes not moving its capital to Chongqing upon forming a government.
    • Fixed Yunnan not being able to ally with Sichuan if the Second Guangdong-Guangxi War was happening in some instances.
    • Fixed Right Kuomitang-aligned Yunnan and Left Kuomintang-aligned Hunan not being able to ally with each other, if Yunnan took their Hunan foreign policy focus.
    • Fixed the response given by socialists to the news event about Zhu De taking power in Sichuan.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Fixed the Australasian-American trade deal event not firing if New England won the Second American Civil War.
    • Fixed German East Asia not being able to annex Chinese treaty ports.
    • Fixed Indian splinters having both generic and unique Military Industrial Organisations.
    • Fixed India repeatedly demanding territories back after being denied.
    • Fixed Malaya's capital being in the wrong state.
    • Fixed Siam’s peace deal potentially ending the Second Sino-Japanese War or other wars against Japan.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed seconds-in-command which are characters being replaced by generics, if a country has access to both.
    • Fixed Improved/Trained Marines bonuses not correctly affecting all types of amphibious armour.
    • Fixed submarine Military Industrial Organisations being usable for any naval research.
    • Fixed several Military Industrial Organisation policies not appearing for the correct Military Industrial Organisations.
    • Fixed the AI going beyond 24 rounds in peace conferences.

1.1.4 - 28nd of June, 2024[]


Notable Additions

  • Overhauled almost all of Hunan’s existing content, with completely new national foci, paths, events, decisions, and mechanics. Also updated the general and advisor roster.
  • Updated several political and military national foci for Fengtian, Qing, and Yunnan.
  • Revised the stats of all Chinese generals.
  • Updated multiple mechanics and decisions involving the unification of China by minor splinters.
  • Halved some of the army debuffs of the “Warlord Era Inadequacies” national spirit for all Chinese splinters.
  • Imported from vanilla the “Densely Populated Rural Area” state modifier for most of China, that results in a supply debuff to all states with less than five infrastructure.
  • Expanded the content of Ethiopian-Somalian wars with new events and missions, to prevent wars being stuck in stalemates or escalating beyond Ogaden.
  • Added an economic sphere map mode to represent the major economic blocs.
  • Resistance operations no longer target single states, but rather all occupied states of the operation target.
  • Implemented several updates from base game Hearts of Iron release 1.14.6, in particular new national spirit and focus icons, and the notifications for faction joining and states being integrated. Removed the unique text that appeared in the faction joining alerts, due to incompatibility with the new notification popups.

Revamped Focus Trees

  • Hunan

Tweaked Focus Trees

  • Centroamerica - updated effects for the socialist path
  • Egypt - clarified and updated the requirements, durations, icons and effects for the economic, political, and military focus branches.
  • Fengtian - updated the military focus branch
  • Guatemala - added a small SocDem sub-branch
  • Mongolia - added a foreign policy focus branch
  • Mittelafrika - updated and tweaked effects for several foci in the economic focus branch
  • Indian splinters - added two national foci involving expansion, replacing starting claims
  • Shanxi - overhauled Shanxi’s post-unification content for both paths
  • Yunnan - updated Tang Jiyao’s political focus branch

New Events

  • Added an event informing the player when they have become recognised as the most legitimate government in China.
  • Added a news event for the declaration of the Fourth French Republic.
  • Added an event for countries in Mitteleuropa, to remind the player to vote if they haven't done so 30 days before the next summit.
  • Added an event for Germany, informing them of an Irish player’s choice of German puppet government, if Germany won the Gateway to the Atlantic mechanic.
  • Added news events for the capture of Hyderabad and Lahore.
  • Added an event for Ireland regarding the fall of the British Empire.
  • Added an event for Ireland regarding the Combined Syndicates of America’s victory in the Second American Civil War.
  • Added an event for Ireland regarding the restoration of the French monarchy.
  • Added an event for the Left Kuomintang about the status of Okinawa, if Japan was fully subjugated by them and a sufficient period of time has passed.
  • Added an event for the Left Kuomintang regarding the family of Deng Yanda.
  • Added an event for Morocco for when they receive the new general Mohamed Meziane from Spain.
  • Added an event for Shanxi, allowing them to recruit some of the Left Kuomintang’s generals if the former are defeated in the League Collapse War.
  • Added an event for Shanxi regarding the film “The Northern Expedition of Feng Yuxiang”.
  • Added an event for Siam regarding King Prajadhipok's new orchestral piece.
  • Added annexation events for Hasa, Jubaland, Najran, and Ogaden.
  • Added an event for PatAut United Baltic Duchy regarding the marriage of Prince Karl von Biron with Princess Herzeleide of Prussia.
  • Added an event for PatAut United Baltic Duchy regarding the death of Duke Gustav von Biron.

New Decisions

  • Converted NatPop Armenia’s wargoals into decisions.
  • Converted the effect of Egypt’s national focus to support Maghrebi rebels into decisions.
  • Added a decision for Chinese splinters, except for Manchu-aligned Shandong, to break free from their overlord.
  • Added decisions for Japan to declare war on any Chinese splinters they are not already at war with.

New Game Rules

  • Belgian Elections (expanded current options)
  • Federalist Chinese Elections
  • Germany (expanded current options)
  • Guatemala (updated current options)
  • Iceland (expanded current options)
  • Liangguang (updated current options)
  • Sichuan (updated current options)


  • New portraits
    • Anqing: Liu Heding
    • Argentina: Eleazar Videla
    • Austria: Karl I, Karl Albrecht von Habsburg, Karl Renner
    • Bharatiya Commune: Jawaharlal Nehru, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar
    • Bolivia: Enrique Baldivieso, Demetrio Canelas Canelas, Tomás Manuel Elío, Gabriel Gosálvez, Tristán Marof, Enrique Peñaranda
    • Bulgaria: Ferdinand I
    • Burma: Chit Hlaing
    • Canada: Wilfred Dunderdale (operative), George V
    • CNT-FAI: Pedro Prado Mendizábal
    • Colombia: Eliseo Arango Ramos
    • Combined Syndicates of America: Milton Wolff
    • Dominican Republic: Ramón Vásquez Rivera
    • Ecuador: Carlos Mancheno Cajas
    • Fengtian: Gup Enlin, Zhou Fucheng, Zhang Haipeng, Zang Shiyi, Wang Shuchang, Guo Xipeng, Tang Yulin, Liu Zhendong, He Zhuguo
    • Finland: Wiljo Tuompo
    • Georgia: Sasha Gegechkori
    • Germany: Karl Dönitz
    • Guatemala: Francisco Javier Arana
    • Honduras: Francisco Martínez Funes, Rufino Solis Juárez, Juan Pablo Wainwright Nuila
    • Hunan: Jiang Chuou, Tao Guang, Gong Hao, He Jian, Liu Jianxu, Dai Jitao, Li Minghao, Cheng Qian, Chen Quzhen, Tang Shengzhi, Yang Xuancheng, Gong Xian, Zhou Xicheng, Liu Xing, Tian Yingzhao, Tao Zhiyue, Yuan Zuming
    • Hungary: Miklós Horthy de Nagybánya
    • Ikhwan: Faisal al-Duwaish
    • Indochina: Pho Duc Chinh
    • Italian Republic: Arturo Michelini, Marcello Visconti di Modrone
    • League of Eight Provinces: Zhou Yinren, Shangguan Yunxiang
    • Legation Cities: Edward Barrett
    • Ma Clique: Ma Hongbin, Han Youwen
    • Montenegro: Petko Miletić
    • Mountain Republic: Ali Mitayev
    • Najd and Hasa: Saad bin Abdulaziz Al Saud
    • New England: David Walsh
    • Ottoman Empire: Ahmed IV
    • Pacific States of America: George Marshall
    • Poland: Józef Haller von Hallenburg
    • Portugal: Joaquim Abranches, João de Almeida, José Tristão de Bettencourt, Júlio César de Carvalho Teixeira, Miguel Pereira Coutinho, Raul Augusto Esteves, Abílio Passos e Sousa, Aníbal César Passos e Sousa
    • Qing: Aisin-Gioro Jixing, Wu Peifu, Xing Shilian, Vi Kyuin Wellington Koo, Aisin-Gioro Puyi, Wei Yisan, Wu Yulin, Tang Zaili
    • Ukraine: Dmytro Doroshenko
    • Russia: Vladimir Manstein, Leonid Skipetrov, Yakov Sverdlov
    • Shandong: Li Jinglin
    • Kingdom of Spain: Mohamed Meziane
    • Sweden: Carl Gustaf Ekman, Karl Kilbom, Sven Linderot
    • Tunisia: Habib Bourguiba, Tahar Haddad, Mohamed Ali El Hammi
    • Turkey: İsmet Reşit
  • Tweaked portraits
    • Anqing: Ma Dengying, Li Shengchun, Chen Tiaoyuan, Shi Zhongcheng, Zhang Zhongli
    • Estonia: Artur Sirk
    • Hunan: Peng Dehuai, Zhao Hengti, Ye Kaixin, He Jian, Yang Jie, He Long, Li Pinxian, Tang Xiangming, Song Xilian, He Yaozu
    • League of Eight Provinces: Sun Chuanfang, Tang Enbo (military), Zhou Fengqi, Qi Xieyuan, Shi Yousan
    • Ma Clique: Han Youwen, Ma Biao, Ma Bufang, Ma Buqing, Ma Dunjing, Ma Hongkui, Ma Hushan, Ma Jiyuan, Ma Zhongying
    • Papal States: Stephen X
    • Qing: Jiang Baili, Li Bingzhi, Wang Chengbin, Cai Chengxun, Wang Huaiqing, Guo Jijiao, Liu Menggeng, Wu Peifu, Zhang Qihuang, Xing Shilian, Lu Xiangting, Du Xijun, Xiao Yaonan, Zhang Yinwu, Wei Yisan, Liu Zhenhua
    • Sardinia: Amedeo I
    • Shandong: Junnosuke Data, Sun Dianying, Lu Jin, Zhang Jingyao, Qu Tongfeng, Xu Yuanquan, Jin Yune, Chu Yupu, Li Zaolin, Liu Zhennian, Zhang Zongchang (two variants)
    • Shanxi: Yang Aiyuan, Liang Huahsi, Li Fuying, Zhu Shouguang, Wang Jingguo
    • Sichuan: Lu Chao, Liu Cunhou, Zhou Daogang, He Guoguang, Li Jiayu, Xiong Kewu, Wang Lingji, Yang Sen, Fan Shaozeng, Tang Shizun, Tian Songyao, Liu Xiang, Deng Xihou, Guo Xunqi, Pan Wenhua, Liu Wenhui, Wang Zuanxu
    • Ukraine: Ivan Poltavets-Ostrianytsia
  • New advisor portraits
    • Armenia: Khachatur Kanayan, Gevorg Melik-Karagyozyan, Movses Silikyan
    • Combined Syndicates of America: Angelo Braxton Herndon, Abraham Johannes Muste, Jerry Joseph O'Connell, Hammie Snipes
    • Galicia and Lodomeria: Stanisław Jasinski, Władysław Kalkus, Juliusz Kleeberg, Adam Krzyżanowski, Eugeniusz Kwiatkowski, Kost Levytskyi, Stanisław Maczek, Stanisław Miller, Ignacy Mościcki, Yevhen Petrushevych, Franciszek Pokorny, Alfred Antoni Potocki, Edward Raczyński, Adam Romer, Jan Rozwadowski, Adam Sapieha, Ludwik Spiechowicz-Boruta, Stanisław Ujejski, Stanisław Ulam, Wincenty Witos, Franciszek Zamoyski, Fryderyk Zoll
    • Hunan: Ren Bishi, Lu Dao, Tang Duo, Cai Hesen, Li Jiannong, Huang Shiheng, Hu Shuhua, Wang Tianpei, Tan Yankai, Huang Yanpei, Qin Zhen
    • Latvia: Ludwig Adamovich, Jānis Balodis, Jānis Bērziņš, Alfrēds Bilmanis, Jūlijs Daniševskis, Jānis Fridrihsons, Jānis Indāns, Vilis Janums, Eduards Kalniņš, Janis Kaminskis, Kārlis Karlsons, Alberts Kviesis, Vilis Lācis, Voldemārs Ozols, Pēteris Radziņš, Artūrs Silgailis, Kornēlijs Veitmanis
    • Lithuania: Leonas Bistras, Antanas Gustaitis, Antanas Merkys, Saloméja Neris, Juozas Paknys, Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė, Augustinas Povilaitis, Jonas Pyragius, Herbert Tillmanns, Wilhelm von Urach, Jonas Vailokaitis
    • Left Kuomintang: Shi Cuntong
    • Netherlands: Hendrikus Colijn
    • Poland: Norbert Barlicki, Tadeusz Bielecki, Stanisław Bukowiecki, Adam Chądzyński, Aleksy Ćwiakowski, Xawery Czernicki, Mieczysław Dąbkowski, Marian Dąbrowski, Janusz de Beaurain, Stanisław Downarowicz, Stanisław Dubois, Henryk Ehrlich, Wieslaw Gerlicz, Janusz Groszkowski, Ludwik Hirszfeld, August Hlond, Alexander von Hohenzollern, Cezaria Jędrzejewiczowa, Michał Kalecki, Stanisław Karłowski, Edmund Knoll-Kownacki, Adam Koc, Tadeusz Kossakowski, Wolfgang von Kries, Maksymilian Malinowski, Paweł Lew Marek, Bogusław Miedziński, Stefan Adolf Mossor, Stanisława Paleolog, Antoni Ponikowski, Zygmunt Pulawski, Janusz Radziwiłł, Mieczysław Rawicz-Mysłowski, Ludomił Rayski, Stefan Rowecki, Tadeusz Schaetzel, Ludwik Skrzyński, Mieczysław Smorawiński, Władysław Studnicki, Edward Szystowski, Wiktor Thommée, Witold Urbanowicz, Wanda Wasilewska, Andrzej Wierzbicki, Józef Zając, Maurycy Zamoyski
    • Portugal: João de Almeida, Manuel Gomes de Araújo, Luís Augusto Ferreira Martins, Henrique Linhares de Lima, José Augusto Lobato Guerra
    • United Kingdom: Richard Crossman
    • White Ruthenia: Anton Aŭsianik, Paluta Badunova, Vaclaŭ Ivanoŭski, Symon Kandybovič, Hieorhij Khalasciakoŭ, Vasily Korzh, Jazep Lešik, Anton Lutskievič, Dmitry Pryshchepaŭ, Raman Skirmunt, Jan Stankievič, Michał Vituška
  • Tweaked Advisor Portraits
    • Ukraine: Dmytro Doroshenko
  • Repurposed Faisal al-Duwaish and Adriano Visconti’s old portraits as new generic country leader portraits.
  • Repurposed Wilfred Dunderdale’s old portrait (which did not depict the person in question) as a new generic operative portrait.
  • Added three French, one Italian and two Russian generic general portraits.
  • Added a new icon for the “Light Infantry Officer” general trait.
  • Added event pictures for the Left Kuomintang and Siam.
  • Added a new news event picture of the “Fall of Singapore” event.
  • Added a new news event picture for Siam.
  • Added a new Ottoman-themed loading screen from Kaiser Cat Cinema.
  • Updated several Argentine and Belgian company icons.
  • Updated the symbol that Fengtian uses for Mantetsu in several icons.
  • Updated several German, Georgian, Japanese and generic national focus icons.
  • Updated several Belgian, Flemish, French, Japanese and generic national spirit icons.
  • Updated a decision category icon for the Commune of France.
  • Updated Liberian icons involving Firestone.
  • Fixed a German text icon using the Reichskriegsflagge.

Modelling Mod

  • Some of the Finnish tank models from the “Arms Against Tyranny” DLC will now be available when selecting armour models.


  • Added a naval base in Ghegeria, to represent the ports of Bar and Lezhë.
  • Added Ajmer as a victory point in the state of Rajputana.
  • Renamed Nenjiang state to Qiqihar.
  • Added Fushun, Manzhouli, Mudanjiang, Siping, and Wangyemiao as victory points in Fengtian.
  • Added Jincheng as a victory point in Eastern Shanxi.
  • Added a naval base in Wuxi in the Jinling state.
  • Reverted the borders of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania to their pre-v1.0 position, following a decision to depict de jure borders in the region due to the transient nature of borders in the Sahara desert.
  • Replaced Suakin with Port Sudan.
  • Renamed multiple states in Guyana.
  • Nudged the location of the Transcaspian Railway and gave Alash the north half of the Garabogazköl lagoon.
  • Rebalanced Indian victory points and added Bezawada, Gangtok and Trincomalee.
  • Updated the provinces in Venetia.
  • Split Japan into two air zones.
  • Added Ulaangom and Sainshand as victory points in Mongolia.
  • Rebalanced the supply in Mongolia.
  • Added a port to Sulu Island in the southern Philippines.
  • Updated Shanxi’s eastern border to make it more defensible.
  • Added two victory points to Ogaden.
  • Added two supply hubs to Xinjiang.
  • Renamed the Ajmer state to Aravali, as the state does not actually contain the city of Ajmer.
  • Fixed two Greenland provinces being considered part of Europe.
  • Fixed the location of Yueyang’s victory point in Hunan.
  • Fixed Sichuan’s eastern border.

Other Changes

  • North America
    • Further rebalancing of the starting stability and war support of the participants in the Second American Civil War.
    • Canada can now intervene in the Second American Civil War as soon as it has completed the prerequisite “Crossing the Border” national focus, so long as it is not in a faction with New England.
    • Added leader descriptions for Henry IX and George VI.
    • Removed James Renshaw Cox, Reverend Major Jealous Divine, Ralph Johnson Bunche, William Francis Murphy as advisors for the Combined Syndicates of America, replacing them with Angelo Braxton Herndon, Abraham Johannes Muste, Jerry Joseph O'Connell, and Hammie Snipes.
    • Nerfed the “Red Guard Commander” general trait and removed the vanilla “Militias Officer” general trait from all Combined Syndicates of America generals.
    • Completing the national focus “The Dust Settles”, removes the “Red Guard Commander” general trait from all generals with the trait in the Combined Syndicates of America.
    • Hawaii can now be released as a puppet monarchy by any non-socialist country.
    • Updated the national focus names and effects of Mexico’s naval national focus branch.
    • NatPop Mexico can attack Yucatan if they choose to claim Central America.
    • Mexico’s Lazaro Cardenas can now abolish the Maximato and its associated national spirits, should he take power.
    • Removed the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard Military Industrial Organisation from the United States.
    • Added new news event responses for events relating to the 1936 United States presidential election and the end of the Second American Civil War.
    • Modernised the effects of several naval-related national foci for the United States of America.
    • The American war plan decision against Russia now always uses its correct historical name “War Plan Purple”.
    • Huey Long’s leader description no longer refers to the Second American Civil War being in progress, before or after the war.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Modernised the effects of most national foci for socialist Centroamerica.
    • Replaced the date requirement in the decision to form Centroamerica with a requirement involving the completion of a sufficient number of prerequisite national foci.
    • Centroamerica now gets a claim instead of a core with no cost in Costa Rica and Panama.
    • Improved the setup of several Centroamerican puppets.
    • Made numerous improvements to the effects and duration of national foci for El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama, and updated advisor traits.
    • Added English translations to El Salvador’s, Honduras’ and Nicaragua’s party names, changed some of Honduras’ party names to more historical versions.
    • Added seconds-in-command for Guatemala.
    • Added Francisco Javier Arana as a general for Guatemala.
    • Added focus filters to Guatemala.
    • Socialist Honduras is now known as the People's Republic of Honduras.
    • Replaced Honduras’ Venancio Callejas Lozano with Juan Pablo Wainwright Nuila, with Callejas now being SocCon leader.
    • Added Francisco Martínez Funes and Rufino Solis Juárez as generals for Honduras.
    • Shortened the time it takes for Nicaragua to unlock the “Seizing the Countryside”, “Spread the Revolution”, “The Liberal Revolution” and “The Socialist Revolution” national foci.
    • Increased the priority at which Nicaragua will complete their decisions to remove American influence.
    • Replaced Nicaragua’s border war with random chance.
    • Panama will now be guaranteed by Canada if it hands over the Canal to the Entente.
    • Panama’s “Invest in Industry” and “Improve Agriculture” national foci are now mutually exclusive.
    • Panama’s MarLibs will now stay in coalition with the SocLibs and SocCons if the previous coalition is disbanded, and updated several effects of election events.
    • Juan Demostenes Arosemena now starts as the SocCon leader of Panama, with an updated leader description.
    • Clarified the effects of a few of Puerto Rico’s national foci.
  • South America
    • Completely overhauled Bolivia’s political party names, their starting leaders with new descriptions, and also added several potential coalition governments.
    • Replaced Enrique Peñaranda Castillo with Gabriel Gosálvez as the starting leader of Bolivia’s SocLibs.
    • Buffed the “Armas Brasileiras” national spirit in Brazil’s RadSoc tree.
    • Improved the tooltip for the formation of Andesia.
    • Patagonia’s immigration decision category is now visible even without any active decisions.
    • Peru’s electoral terms are now five years.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Updated the descriptions for Belgium’s game rules.
    • Belgium can now elect its MarLibs and SocLibs in later elections, as well as in the first one.
    • Added a white peace between Belgium and Insulindia, if Belgium formed the BeNeSam faction with the Netherlands and the Netherlands fell to a socialist revolution.
    • The peace deal between the Internationale and Germany is now named after the capital city of the leader of the Internationale, should the Union of Britain have fallen and no longer be able to name the agreement the “Treaty of London”.
    • The Commune of France can no longer take the “Peaceful Revolution” national focus if at war.
    • Tweaked the AI of the Commune of France and of Germany, to encourage them to focus on defence if losing the war.
    • Ireland will no longer have Aontas Naisiúnta or Labour governments installed if AI-controlled SocDem or PatAut Germany win the “Gateway to the Atlantic” mechanic, respectively.
    • AI-controlled Ireland will no longer have Aontas Náisiúnta potentially become the main coalition partner in the 1941 elections, if the Saorstát Críostúil / Aontas Náisiúnta coalition was put into power by SocDem Germany.
    • The ending events for Ireland’s socialist paths now have event pictures.
    • Updated the Irish rename for the Scottish Highlands to “Garbhchríocha na hAlban”, rather than “Ardchríocha na hAlban”.
    • AI-controlled Syndicalist Ireland will now prioritise the professional army path, over the peoples’ army path.
    • Updated the text for Michael Collins’ ending event for Ireland.
    • Clarified the effect of the “Commemorating Griffith” event, triggered by Ireland’s “Father of the Republic” national focus.
    • Added a dynamic icon, title and description to Ireland’s “Reap Benefits from Mitteleuropa” and “Increased European Cooperation” national foci and spirits, taking into account if Ireland is still in Mitteleuropa.
    • John J O’Kelly-led Ireland will now have different text for Ireland’s event regarding Seán O’Casey.
    • Ireland’s 1941 election national focus branch is now visible from game start and disappears if Ireland turns socialist or if Aontas Náisiúnta remain in power after the Gateway to the Atlantic mechanic has ended.
    • Updated the text for the events for Italian splinters to join factions.
    • The Italian AI will now always accept peaceful reunification when possible but will also always wait for any ongoing wars to end first before doing so.
    • The Italian decision to demand Libya can now be taken multiple times.
    • Added Arturo Michelini as an AutDem puppet leader for the Italian Republic.
    • Amadeo can now have his trait upgraded if he becomes king of NatPop Italian Republic.
    • The Italian Republic’s “Pilot Training” national focus now gives four unique aces.
    • Replaced Adriano Visconti with Marcello Visconti as country leader for the Italian Republic and Lombardy.
    • The Italian Republic will now demote generals that they recruit from Sardinia or the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
    • Reduced the units Lombardy and Venice receive when the Italian Republic disbands from 50% of the Republic's army to 25%.
    • Increased the priority at which the Socialist Republic of Italy will complete the “Leggi Fascistissime” and “Crush the Chetniks” national foci.
    • Northern Ireland’s division templates are no longer locked.
    • Added some chromium to Porto.
    • Added Abílio Passos e Sousa, Aníbal César Passos e Sousa, Joaquim Abranches, José Tristão de Bettencourt, Júlio César de Carvalho Teixeira and Miguel Pereira Coutinho as generals for Portugal.
    • Added Joaquim Abranches, Henrique Linhares de Lima, Luís Augusto Ferreira Martins and Manuel Gomes de Araújo as advisors with a Military High Command role, and José Augusto Lobato Guerra as Chief of Army, for Portugal.
    • Removed José Vicente de Freitas as a general and advisor for Portugal.
    • Added Mohamed Meziane as a general for the Kingdom of Spain, who moves to Morocco if the Kingdom of Spain is defeated in the Civil War or is later puppeted.
    • The CNT-FAI’s Pedro Prado Mendizábal is now also an admiral.
    • Rebalanced the number of spawned divisions for Carlist Spain and the CNT-FAI.
    • Removed a starting off-map military factory from the CNT-FAI.
    • Buffed Carlist Spain’s “Devoted Officers” national spirit, and rebalanced some spawned divisions for the AI.
    • Replaced Clement Attlee as the second in command of SocDem United Kingdom with Richard Crossman.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Austria can now only reform the Donau-Adriabund at least 45 days after the end of the Weltkrieg.
    • Austria can now embrace pluralism even if it concedes Illyria to Serbia after the Treaty of Budapest, if it fulfils the other prerequisites.
    • Removed a duplicate news event about Austria ending dual rule in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
    • Improved Austria’s AI in its civil war against Hungary.
    • All Croatian characters in Yugoslavia now return to Croatia if the former revolts.
    • Removed the extra research slot from Denmark’s “Support the Institute for Theoretical Physics” national focus.
    • Updated the AI’s behaviour in the “Fate of Greenland” event, and added options to grant it to the United States, or a non-Entente Canada.
    • Updated Finland’s rename of Murmansk to “Muurmanni” rather than “Kuola”, for consistency.
    • Updated the text for Finland’s decision and events to rejoin the Reichspakt.
    • Finland now receives volunteers from Germany and Sweden during the Winter War.
    • Increased the surrender limit for Finland to ask for peace in the Winter War to 60% if Russia is fighting in a major war.
    • Added a white peace timer for the Winter War.
    • Finland can now betray Germany and negotiate a separate peace with Russia if it loses the Winter War.
    • Germany’s government now starts with the MarLibs, AutDems and PatAuts also in the coalition.
    • Added new tooltips to a couple of national foci in Germany’s SWR political branch to add further clarification to the player.
    • Improved Germany’s AI priorities in completing national foci, and in attacking through Belgium.
    • Removed Germany’s redundant “Consolidate Northern Front” national focus.
    • Rebalanced some effects for AI-controlled SPD-led Germany.
    • Revised the requirements and AI behaviour of several of Germany’s decisions to demand government changes in the Oststaaten after the Second Weltkrieg.
    • Germany’s Democratic Union and SWR coalitions will no longer target parties with zero seats.
    • Added unique responses for SocDem and PatAut Germany to Germany’s ‘"The History of Kashubia" Released’ event.
    • Germany’s response to the “The Swiss Cave In” event now gives a stability and war support boost, rather than manpower.
    • Germany’s “Form Additional East Asian Regiments” national focus will now bypass if German East Asia has capitulated.
    • Germany’s Max Bauer is now given the title of Reichsverweser, or Imperial Regent, should he continue as Head of State after winning the Weltkrieg.
    • Germany can now invite Greece to the Reichspakt even if Bulgaria is also in the faction, as long as Bulgaria does not own Thrace.
    • Germany’s “Self-Propelled Artillery Focus” national spirit now actually gives a bonus to self-propelled artillery.
    • NatPops can now release monarchist Germany.
    • Germany’s Fremdarbeiterprogramm no longer applies to non-European countries in the Reichspakt.
    • AI-led Germany will always give Bohemia to an allied Austria.
    • Added options for player Germany to immediately invade a rebellious Belgium if negotiations fall apart.
    • Hungary now loses all of its cores and claims on the states ceded to the Belgrade Pact in the Treaty of Budapest.
    • Renamed Končar Elektroindustrija in Illyria to its correct historical name Elektra.
    • Nerfed the skill level of Norway’s commanders Jonas Lie, Karl Marthinsen and Oliver Møystad.
    • Added the “Politically Connected” trait to Norway’s commanders Jonas Lie, Karl Marthinsen, Oliver Møystad, Henrik Rogstad, Axel Stang and Konrad Sundlo.
    • Buffed the effects of several of PatAut Norway’s national foci, changing it so they no longer lose its entire officer corps.
    • Decreased how frequently AutDem Poland will be elected.
    • Poland’s “Why Die for Dvinsk” event will no longer fire if Poland borders an enemy country.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Added the option for any NatPop country to release a monarchist puppet Bulgaria.
    • Added some bypasses to two national foci in Bulgaria’s Bulgarian-Yugoslavia path.
    • Updated the text for the events for Bulgaria to join factions.
    • Improved Bulgaria’s Ekspeditsionno Otdelenie division template.
    • Improved several of Lithuania’s tooltips involving variables.
    • Added Petko Miletić as the Syndicalist and Totalist leader of Montenegro, and updated the name of the Montenegrin Totalist party.
    • Removed the availability of several democratic decisions from postwar NatPop Romania.
    • Russia’s content with dealing with Finland can now also be completed when Finland is part of the Nordic Federation.
    • Standardised the spelling of Iosif Dzhugashvili.
    • Removed some of the stability penalties in Totalist Russia’s national foci.
    • Updated the text for Russia’s event about gaining Mongolian generals, who are now demoted from Field Marshal if they were so.
    • Integralist Yugoslavia integrating Bulgaria now suffers the same drop in relations that socialist Yugoslavia gets.
    • Socialist Serbia will now shift support to the socialist side if Belgrade Pact-aligned Greece falls into a civil war.
    • Puppet Serbia can now form Yugoslavia if given the states.
    • Tweaked several of republican Ukraine’s tooltips relating to its mini-games, and added a couple of new tooltips to add further clarification.
    • Nerfed Symon Petliura’s general skills and demoted him from a field marshal to a general in Ukraine.
    • SocLib Ukraine’s factionalism missions will no longer fire, if the political branch of the national focus tree has been completed.
    • Rebalanced the effects of SocDem Ukraine’s Idealism events.
    • Slightly nerfed the consumer goods reduction from SocDem Ukraine’s “Ukrainian Land Fund” national spirit, if Idealism is less than 4 when added.
    • Added a tooltip to Ukraine’s “Skepticism within the Party” mission informing the player of the consequences of reaching -4 Idealism.
    • Removed Nykyfir Hryhoriiv as potential postwar Head of State for SocLib/SocDem Ukrainian People’s Republic.
    • Events that are triggered by Ukrainian national foci no longer have their trigger hidden in the national focus effect.
    • Updated the image used in a Ukrainian event about Ivan Poltavets-Ostrianytsia.
    • Added some industrial score to Ukrainian SocLib Republic national foci.
    • Lowered the world tension threshold for taking Ukraine’s "Militarisation of Industry" national focus.
    • Improved the AI for SocLib Ukraine’s URDP factionalism decisions.
    • Updated the text of Ukraine’s first SHD event.
    • Ukraine’s MarLibs can now be re-elected in subsequent elections, should they come to power.
  • Africa
    • Nerfed Ethiopia’s amount of starting divisions.
    • Added political power to two Ethiopian national foci which previously incurred a net loss of political power if the focus was taken.
    • Updated the text for multiple events, tooltips, and descriptions for the French Republic.
    • Updated the tooltips for the resistance target for the French Republic.
    • Shortened the duration of several of Gabon’s political national foci.
    • Katanga’s Mwami is now only put in power if he succeeds in taking Katanga over.
    • Katanga is now only renamed to Garanganze after the Mwami has been empowered.
    • Updated Mittelafrika’s decision panel, to give an indication of the amount of scrutiny that Germany is paying on the incumbent administration.
    • Updated the aluminium, steel, oil, and buildings in Morocco’s starting states.
    • The Treaty of Johannesburg, between socialist South Africa and the leader of the Entente, now requires South Africa’s surrender progress to be less than 20% rather than less than 40% to fire.
    • Added Habib Bourguiba as the Totalist leader of Tunisia and removed his commander role.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Added missing starting camelry templates to countries in Arabia.
    • Improved AI Armenia’s handling of its national focus completion.
    • Updated the full name of Armenia’s SocDem party.
    • Buffed the effect of Armenia’s “The Unconquerable Stronghold” national spirit.
    • Buffed the effects of Natpop Armenia’s expansionist national focus branch.
    • Updated the effect of Armenia’s event for capturing Constantinople, and added an event picture.
    • Added Khachatur Kanayan, Gevorg Melik-Karagyozyan and Movses Silikyan as advisors for Armenia, and removed Garegin Pastermadjian.
    • The Sultanate of Egypt is now known as the Kingdom of Egypt.
    • Egypt’s green flag is now the country’s default flag, even for democracies.
    • Buffed Egypt’s starting divisions.
    • Improved Egypt’s AI at managing its frontlines.
    • Egypt’s national foci to support its allies now give them infantry equipment without decreasing Egypt’s stockpile.
    • Separated Egypt’s political reform national focus branch from its Black Monday focus branch.
    • Egypt now removes its Black Monday debuff after a year passes, with each national focus in the Black Monday branch shortening it by two months.
    • Updated AI Egypt’s national focus priorities.
    • Egypt now reduces its military debuff gradually, and tweaked the effects of the debuff itself.
    • Egypt and the Ottoman Empire can now unlock the River Boats technology through their national foci.
    • Added Sasha Gegechkori as the Totalist puppet leader for Georgia.
    • Added the option to release Hejaz and Arabia as separate puppets.
    • Buffed the amount of starting divisions for the Iraqi and Syrian revolts, and they now have reduced supply combat penalties on their respective core territories.
    • Improved the placement of Iraq’s starting divisions.
    • Kurdistan now spawns in a single province but gets a new starting national spirit to compensate.
    • Replaced Libya’s az-Zubayr ibn Ahmad as-Sharif with his elder brother Ibrahim.
    • The Ottoman Empire, after their defeat in the War in the Desert, will now be known as "Ottoman State" before proclaiming the Republic.
    • Nerfed how much political power is contributed by coalitions for the Ottoman Empire.
    • Tweaked the effect of the Ottoman Empire’s “Multi-Level Democracy” national focus.
    • Decreased the number of volunteers received by the Ottoman Empire, so that Austria and Germany themselves still send volunteers, but their respective faction members will no longer.
    • Updated the tooltips for the resistance target for the Ottoman Empire.
    • The Ottoman Sublime Federation will now be able to integrate Tabriz if it is owned by a subject.
    • Nerfed multiple national focus effects and event outcomes for the Ottoman Sublime Federation.
    • Persia will now take the “An Imperialist-Free India!” national focus, if the game rule to join the Left Kuomintang’s faction has been activated, and the Bharatiya Commune is already in the Left Kuomintang’s faction.
    • The Persian AI will now never declare war with the Ottomans over Khasab, instead always attacking over the Shatt-al Arab after Egypt declares war.
    • The Trucial States can now be released as any ideology instead of always PatAut.
    • The Sultanate of Syria is now known as the Arab Kingdom of Syria.
    • Syria’s camelry divisions now actually use camels.
    • Syria now only gets its debuffs after winning the War in the Desert.
  • East Asia
    • Anqing will now break free from Fengtian if relations are broken, and they are a subject of Fengtian.
    • Anqing’s Ma Dengying and Sun Liren now flee to more places before retiring.
    • Anqing now becomes non-aligned, rather than Federalist-aligned, if they break relations with Fengtian.
    • Anqing will now never submit to a Kuomintang-aligned National Government.
    • Updated the requirements for several of Anqing’s national foci.
    • Rebalanced and redistributed tungsten in China.
    • Upon forming a government, Chinese splinters with Left Kuomintang, Right Kuomintang, Federalist, Zhili, and Fengtian alignment will now all follow a common naming convention, and receive their alignments main colour and flag.
    • Chinese splinters will now try more to unite most of China before attempting to attack Fengtian via decision.
    • Chinese splinters can no longer form a national government if they share an alignment with an already existing national government.
    • Chinese splinters will no longer lose their alignment upon revolting from integration, refusing to become a puppet, refusing another splinter's request to become a puppet, or refusing to give Beijing to their overlord if they are a puppet.
    • Chinese splinters aligned with the Left and Right Kuomintang now use the Chinese splinters' National Revolutionary Army Group flags upon securing power.
    • Chinese splinters will now form a generic government, rather than the National Protection Alliance, when they form a government while already at war with the existing National Protection Alliance.
    • Clarified the effects of national foci for Chinese splinters, that will turn them into puppets upon completion.
    • Forming the Chinese United Front now requires a Chinese splinter to be in a defensive war with a major, or to be in a war with an independent Japan.
    • The Chinese United Front will disband if the Kumul Khanate, Ma Clique, and/or Xinjiang are the only remaining non-capitulated members of the faction.
    • The disbandment of the Chinese United Front now gives its members a truce lasting 120 days.
    • Added train buffers to the starting situations of multiple Chinese splinters.
    • Doubled the manpower requirement of Chinese splinters to form a national government via the generic decision.
    • Chinese splinters will now have to wait for the Xinjiang Civil War to be over before they can align with Kumul.
    • Zhili-aligned Chinese splinters will now use republican flags if Qing no longer exists.
    • Releasing puppet China now retains the regions claimed by Mongolia and Tibet, to be decided by the events for these countries.
    • Added a missing option to release China in Shanghai.
    • Reduced Chinese AI aggressiveness when declaring wars.
    • Added leader descriptions for Hu Shih, Tang Jiyao, Yan Huiqing and Zhang Junmai for the United Provinces of China.
    • Added Vi Kyuin Wellington Koo as a potential advisor with a unique trait for the United Provinces of China, Qing, and Shanxi.
    • Rebalanced multiple aspects of China’s Northwest War and its peace deal.
    • Buffed several national focus effects for East Turkestan and improved their AI.
    • Added He Zhuguo as a starting general for Fengtian.
    • MarLib Fengtian now gets the name “Reformed Republic of China” upon uniting China.
    • Fengtian now has to unite China to join the Co-Prosperity Sphere via its national focus.
    • Shikan Clique and Zhang Clique aligned officers for Fengtian will now be purged during "Purge of the Shikan Clique"/"The Zhaode Dajie Incident" and "Yang Yuting Takes Over", respectively.
    • AI-controlled Fengtian will no longer demand concessions from Japan if they are in the Co-Prosperity Sphere.
    • Changed the logic of AI-controlled Fengtian choosing to join the Co-Prosperity Sphere, so they should only bypass the losing a war requirement if all of China proper unites against them.
    • Fengtian can now form the Chinese United Front against a foreign invader, if it is losing in a defensive war and Zhang Xueliang is the leader.
    • Fengtian's former puppets now also get a wargoal on them if the Reformed Government of China forms.
    • Song Qingling can no longer attend Fengtian’s Unification Conference if Liangguang exists and is aligned with the Left Kuomintang.
    • Fengtian's Unification Conference is now allowed to succeed if a Federalist Compromise is achieved, even if there are less than 3 warlords in attendance. The National Protection Alliance can now also attend.
    • Fengtian’s Unification Conference can now be attended by Kumul’s Fan Yaonan and the Ma Clique’s Ma Hongkui, if the Manchu Coup happened and the Zhili have not made a government in Sichuan.
    • AI-controlled Fengtian will no longer take "The Ultimatum" focus if they are in the Co-Prosperity Sphere.
    • Fengtian’s Zhang Zuolin is now actually killed if he dies during the Japanese coup attempt.
    • Fengtian will now always discover Japan as the coup backer if the latter backed the coup against the former.
    • Fengtian will now always get a choice to denounce Japan after the coup attempt, regardless of whether Japan backed the coup or not.
    • AI-controlled Fengtian will now only denounce Japan if they believe they are strong enough to stand up to them, unless Zhang Zuolin died in the coup attempt, or the game rules are set otherwise.
    • Fengtian will now get the "Zhang Zuolin's Funeral" event if they defeat Japan in the Second Sino-Japanese War and Zhang Zuolin is dead.
    • Fengtian can no longer host the unification conference if they are in a faction with Japan.
    • Fengtian's subjects are now invited to Fengtian's unification conference.
    • Fengtian will now invite independent Federalist-aligned Chinese splinters to the unification conference if the Federalist leader has accepted an invitation.
    • Buffed the effect of Fengtian’s “Manchurian Model Cities” national focus.
    • Fengtian can no longer form the Chinese United Front if Japan has been defeated.
    • Fengtian can now create the Chinese United Front if the Unification Conference succeeded.
    • Fengtian’s Zhang Xueliang and Yang Yuting are now promoted to field marshal through their respective army focus tree branches.
    • Moved general and advisor Tang Xiangming from Qing to Hunan, made him into a field marshal, and changed his advisor role from a Military High Command to an Army Chief.
    • Japan will now never give Siberia back to Russia if it happens to be in possession of it.
    • Tweaked the requirements of several of Japan’s Co-Prosperity Sphere related decisions.
    • Japan will now get an event approximately a year after Fengtian takes the "Restore the 1923 Constitution" national focus, giving them the ability to invade a Fengtian that successfully hosted the unification conference.
    • Japan will now get a wargoal on the owner of Beijing if the Fengtian government collapses and Japan does not own Beijing.
    • War between Japan and Germany is now described in-game as the “Eastern Seas War”.
    • Tweaked Japan’s priorities in completing national foci.
    • Japan now declares war on any Chinese enemies of Fengtian upon the latter joining the Co-Prosperity Sphere.
    • Japan’s “Continental Warfare” national focus now declares war on the strongest Chinese splinter not already at war with Japan, with additional decisions becoming unlocked to deal with the rest of China that is not aligned with Japan.
    • The Kumul Khanate, Ma Clique, and Xinjiang can no longer assume leadership of the Chinese United Front.
    • The Kumul Khanate now starts as an associated governorate of Qing, same as all other splinters.
    • Kumul’s Ma Zhongying now proclaims himself Governor of Xinjiang upon securing power in the Kumul Khanate, and uses the Xinjiang flag.
    • Ma Zhongying now uses the Xinjiang Kuomintang flag if he becomes an associated governorate of a Kuomintang-aligned Chinese government.
    • The League of Eight Provinces and Shandong will now never submit to a Federalist-aligned or Kuomintang-aligned national government.
    • The League of Eight Provinces’ Li Linsi is now second-in-command, instead of Wang Kemin.
    • The League of Eight Provinces is now less likely to prevent the defection of Shangguan Yunxiang to Anqing.
    • Nerfed several construction speed bonuses for the League of Eight Provinces.
    • Removed Thomas Tien Ken-sin from the Legation Cities, so that he can be moved to German East Asia.
    • Updated the name and description of the starting Syndicalist party for the Left Kuomintang.
    • Updated the description of the Left Kuomintang’s “Develop Hunan's Industrial Capacity” decision.
    • Appointing Cai Yuanpei as an advisor for the Left Kuomintang after the World Society has taken over will now boost SocCon party popularity.
    • Added unique text for the Left Kuomintang when they receive the “Fall of Tokyo” event.
    • Tao Zhiyue can now join the Left Kuomintang in certain circumstances.
    • Slightly tweaked some late-game World Society content for the Left Kuomintang.
    • Clarified the description of the Legation Cities’ neutrality game rule to require that they do not collapse for it to work.
    • The Legation Cities’ conscription vote is now a guaranteed yes if the Legation Cities are controlled by a player.
    • Members of the Legation Council will now always vote to remove a member of the council that they are at war with.
    • Added a national spirit to each of the participants in the Liangguang Civil War to prevent the war resulting in a stalemate.
    • Clarified the tooltip for Right Kuomintang-led Liangguang’s decisions to demand concessions and additional wargoals.
    • Kuomintang-led Liangguang will now prioritise forming a Chinese government if the main Left Kuomintang have been defeated.
    • Federalist-led Liangguang will now get access to their alliance decisions after the Shantou Conference, not before.
    • MarLib Liangguang can now only join the Co-Prosperity Sphere after uniting China.
    • MarLib Liangguang now goes back to the name "Liangguang" after winning the Liangguang Civil War.
    • Independent Federalist-aligned Chinese splinters will now always attend the Unification Conference if Chen Jiongming agreed to attend the conference.
    • Federalist-led Liangguang and Sichuan will no longer attack Fengtian if the Unification Conference is set in the game rules to be a Federalist compromise.
    • AI Zhili-led Liangguang will no longer submit to Qing unless they border each other.
    • Non-independent Federalist-aligned Chinese splinters can now attend the Shantou or Chengdu Conference.
    • Updated the effects of several of Liangguang’s national foci to account for them making a Chinese government more early, and changed how their alliance decisions are unlocked.
    • Updated the requirements for the peace deal between the Ma Clique, Mongolia, and Tibet.
    • The Ma Clique’s “Qinghai Emergence Scheme” national focus now also builds a new railroad, and their “Reaching Yushi” focus now builds a railroad along the Hexi Corridor.
    • Improved the Ma Clique’s AI in their war against Mongolia and Tibet, and rebalanced the starting divisions of each faction in the war.
    • Mongolia’s PatAut party now gets renamed from a Russian to a Mongol party when released as a puppet by a non-Russian country.
    • Updated the effect of Mongolia’s “Nomadic Society” national spirit.
    • Roman von Ungern-Sternberg will choose to flee to a right-wing Russia rather than Transamur if overthrown in Mongolia.
    • Qing's Wu Renli has been replaced by Wu Yulin.
    • Nerfed Qing’s amount of starting divisions, but improved their “Zhili Infantry Brigade” division template.
    • Updated the effects of Qing’s military national foci, slightly re-arranging some foci.
    • Qing’s military content now follows the process of two new army reform paths, with Liu Menggeng's reform plan being swapped for Tang Zaili.
    • Added Tang Zaili as a general for Qing and demoted Jiang Baili, and either general is now promoted upon selection of their respective reform paths.
    • Qing’s pre-existing military reform decisions for the old plans have been revamped to reflect the new reforms.
    • Added an alternate description to the Manchu Coup news event if the plot is discovered early.
    • Manchu-led Qing now have a unique reform plan.
    • Concessionist Qing now has access to four research slots like the rest of Qing’s paths.
    • Decreased the duration of several of Qing’s national foci.
    • Decreased the political power generation penalty given by Qing’s “German Bailout”, “Spreading Imperial Authority” and “Supporting Anti-Concession Intellectuals” national spirits.
    • Swapped Qing directly getting wargoals from their focus tree to instead getting a timed bonus against the various factions and a decision to attack instead, and updated the foci to account for the factions being led by different Chinese splinters.
    • Qing will not take any “Demand Submission” decisions if they are already taking a national focus to attack a Chinese faction.
    • Improved Qing’s AI for when it decides to declare war.
    • Qing's post Manchu Coup Southern campaign decisions now account for them potentially owning Shihe.
    • Qing will no longer try lowering Shanxi’s war support if it is already below 10%.
    • Qing’s "Eyes on the Border" and "Fangs on the Border" decisions now highlight the states where divisions are required to be placed.
    • Qing will now purge the NCERA and decrease their party popularity after a failed Manchu Coup.
    • Buffed the effect of Vi Kyuin Wellington Koo’s associated national spirit and leader trait.
    • Improved Qing’s AI in defending against Shanxi if Shanxi tries to attack Qing via decision.
    • Shandong now starts the game with the "Two Zhangs Enter" national focus already selected.
    • Shandong’s Zhang Zongchang and Li Zaolin now start the game in Beiyang uniform, and Zhang switches whenever he is deposed or aligns with Fengtian.
    • Shandong’s Qu Yingguang will now use Shandong's non-monarchist flag if the Manchu Coup fails and he did not back the coup.
    • Shandong's “Return to the Source” national focus now uses a dynamic icon depending on whether Qing is a monarchy or not.
    • Gave Zhang Zongchang a new advisor role.
    • Manchu Qing-aligned Shandong will now always be able to see their declare a national government decision, and the Manchu Qing-specific requirements have been clarified.
    • Lu Jin now receives an army chief role in the case of Qu-led Shandong.
    • Revised the general description of Shandong’s Li Zaolin.
    • NatPop Shandong will now declare war on Qing if the Manchu Coup fails and war breaks out with Shanxi.
    • Rebalanced Shanxi’s national spirits and other bonuses to bring them in line with the rest of China.
    • Shanxi’s mid-game content is now triggered automatically by seizing one of three major cities.
    • Shanxi will now lose its “Strict Neutrality” national spirit if it aligns with another Chinese splinter.
    • Updated several effects and events in Shanxi’s “Suiyuan Campaign” mechanic.
    • Updated the logo for Shanxi’s intelligence agency.
    • Shanxi confronting the merchant class and purging Wang Xiang now reduces MarLib popularity.
    • Shanxi’s Northwest Conflict will merge into a normal one if Shanxi is ever vassalised.
    • Adjusted some effects for Shanxi when forgiving enemies, so that some party popularity is regained.
    • Shanxi’s hired Military High Command now affects its internal power struggle.
    • Shanxi now has the option to swap out “War of Liberation” with “War of Resistance” when the Chinese United Front forms.
    • Federalist Sichuan’s "From Chongqing to Beijing" national focus icon will now display the Qing flag if Qing is a monarchy.
    • Overhauled the effects of Sichuan’s economic focus branch and the opium mechanics.
    • Changed Li Jiayu's alignment to the Officer's Department in Sichuan.
    • Zhou Daogang now follows the Armament Department into exile in Sichuan.
    • Tweaked the traits of some Military High Command members in Sichuan.
    • Xinjiang’s “Northern Banditry” mission now completes if Mongolia is taken out.
    • Yunnan now starts AutDem rather than PatAut, and Tang Jiyao starts with his civilian portrait.
    • Yunnan’s Tang Jiyao can now choose between pursuing his own Federalist mantle or folding into the current leader.
    • Updated the titles for a few of Yunnan’s national foci.
    • Revised the text of several events involving Tang Jiyao to more accurately portray his beliefs, hold on power, and pragmatic character.
    • Moved the advisor Ren Hongjun to Yunnan from Liangguang.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • AI Bharatiya Commune will now always attempt to host the Lucknow Summit as soon as possible if Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi is the leader and the Dominion of India has the SocDems in power.
    • Replaced German East Asia’s Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Augustin Henninghaus with Siegfried Gräff and Thomas Tian, respectively.
    • Rebalanced the starting stability, war support, divisions and equipment of the Indian splinters.
    • AI Dominion of India will no longer wait for the Lucknow Summit to be hosted if the Bharatiya Commune and the Princely Federation are already at war with each other.
    • Removed the random chance of the Entente AI refusing peace with the Bharatiya Commune or Princely Federation.
    • Rayong and Isan are now core-able in late-game national foci for Indochina.
    • Improved Indochina’s AI in deciding to declare war on Siam.
    • Indochina’s VNQDD are now RadSoc when they take power.
    • Updated the Totalist puppet leader of Indochina when puppeted by the Left Kuomintang.
    • Pho Duc Chinh will be the Left Kuomintang’s puppet leader in Indochina and Vietnam rather than Nguyen Thai Hoc.
    • Rebel Siam will now autocomplete the relevant national foci if it wins the Civil War.
    • Rebalanced multiple political power costs for Siam.
    • Added unique airwing names for Siam.
    • Siam’s state integration of new core states now uses the occupation law.
    • Decreased how prone AI-controlled Siam is to complete the “Reclaim Left Bank of Mekong” decision.
    • Siam now starts with integration law on territories it can core.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Finished the reformatting of all leader descriptions in the game to include date and place of birth, by adding them for leaders in Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Federalist China, Germany and Serbia.
    • Nerfed and changed the effect of the “Patriotic Socialist” advisor trait.
    • Changed multiple technology bonuses given by national foci. They now target technology categories, instead of specific technologies, giving the player more flexibility in how to use them.
    • Reduced the political power costs of researching technologies with Military Industrial Organisations to 0.05 political power/day, from 0.1.
    • Reduced hardness cap on garrison templates to 70%, from 90%.
    • Nerfed the effect of the collaboration operation.
    • Resistance targets from operations now only apply to the original target.
    • Changed several national spirit and focus icons for Armenia, Egypt, the Indian splinters, Sweden, Syria, Qing and Yunnan.
    • Added a failsafe for the AI declaring war on player puppets refusing the overlord's call to arms.
    • Removed a loading screen quote by Lavr Kornilov and added quotes by Boris Savinkov and Maria Spiridonova.
    • Removed the 50% floor of the industry modifier in the division limit calculation. This has resulted in a slightly lower division limit primarily for some of the Chinese splinters, who have had their starting divisions adjusted accordingly.
    • Updated the icons used in several national foci involving Qing, Zhili Clique or Manchu-led Qing to be dynamic depending on the outcome of the Manchu Coup, if it occurred.
    • Added a path guide for Iceland.
    • Updated the path guides for Germany, Patagonia, Sweden, Switzerland and Ukraine.
    • The AI is now more likely to research synthetic oil.
    • The Artillery Specialist trait is now gained by leading divisions consisting of at least 20% artillery, down from 30%.


  • North America
    • Fixed some division name numbering issues for the American Union State, Combined Syndicates of America and the United States.
    • Fixed the American Union State renaming itself to the United States of America twice.
    • Fixed participants in the American Civil War getting national spirits granting them additional volunteers to themselves in the war.
    • Fixed the news event for Commonwealth of America’s formation firing when the Combined Syndicates of America are puppeted by another country.
    • Fixed the unification events between New England and the Pacific States not firing if New England entered the war but did not take any states in the peace conference.
    • Fixed several duplications on the Canadian and British name lists for ships.
    • Fixed two different versions of the Entente collapse event firing at the same time.
    • Fixed countries in the Entente trying to end embargoes on themselves upon leaving the faction.
    • Fixed a misleading tooltip in New England’s “Swaying Public Opinion” national focus.
    • Fixed the missing requirements for the Ford Military Industrial Organisation in Latin American countries.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Fixed Centroamerica being able to release Yucatan despite having a core on it.
    • Fixed the missing Fate of Panama decision for Centroamerica.
    • Fixed Puerto Rico’s Luis Marín not being promoted to SocLib/MarLib leader in the appropriate response in the “Liberal Debacle” event.
    • Fixed multiple states being given to a puppet-released West Indies Federation automatically, rather than allowing their own annexation events to fire.
  • South America
    • Fixed Andesia getting claims on Acre.
    • Fixed Brazil forming the Montevideo Treaty preventing Germany from being able to invite them into the Reichspakt.
    • Fixed Chile being given Tierra del Fuego if Argentina has not yet been released.
    • Fixed “Fate of Guyana” annexation event not retaining Essequibo.
    • Fixed Guyana using the wrong generic portraits.
    • Fixed the game rule for Patagonia’s Ugartistas potentially resulting in them getting couped by Totalists.
    • Fixed puppet Peru keeping the wrong national spirits.
    • Fixed Peru’s “Shipyard Investment” focus not granting additional dockyards once they have fully upgraded their infrastructure.
    • Fixed Chaco not being able to be given to the Peru-Bolivian Confederation.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Fixed Belgium’s game rules now accounting for its later elections.
    • Fixed player-controlled Union of Britain getting an Irish national spirit after winning the Gateway to the Atlantic.
    • Fixed Flanders-Wallonia’s Abdication game rules not working reliably.
    • Fixed Flanders-Wallonia’s later elections not firing properly.
    • Fixed countries being unable to integrate Verviers.
    • Fixed Ireland’s “From Russia With Love” national focus having an invalid national focus filter.
    • Fixed socialist Ireland’s ending event firing for socialist Ireland that is a puppet of the Commune of France.
    • Fixed RadSoc Ireland’s “Protecting Our Freedom” national spirit not working if Ireland changed its flag to the Starry Plough.
    • Fixed Ireland’s NatPops staying as part of the ruling coalition after losing the Balance of Power.
    • Fixed PatAut Ireland’s Balance of Power events being out of order due to players holding events.
    • Fixed Italian splinters being able to join factions after the defeat of the Socialist Republic of Italy, if the balance in Italy still holds.
    • Fixed Italian puppets of Italian splinters surrendering on their own, instead of alongside the overlord.
    • Fixed the Socialist Republic of Italy rejoining the Internationale after the Treaty of London.
    • Fixed the Socialist Republic of Italy still using the “Fronte Militare Clandestino” as the name of its intelligence agency.
    • Fixed the “Fate of Lombardy” mission continuously repeating.
    • Fixed the Netherlands’ “Revoke the Ambtenarenverbod” national focus not removing all versions of the national spirit.
    • Fixed the Netherlands’ Hendrikus Colijn advisor picture instead portraying Jannes van Dijk.
    • Fixed socialists not immediately giving Gibraltar to Spain in the annexation event.
    • Fixed some Spanish division names not matching their location.
    • Fixed the United Kingdom’s decision demanding the Falklands instead targeting Gibraltar.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Fixed Austria being unable to reform the Donau-Adriabund due to a puppeted Oman.
    • Fixed Treaty of Budapest not setting a non-aggression pact between Austria and Italy.
    • Fixed Greenland not being retained when releasing Denmark.
    • Fixed the “Collapse of the Reichspakt” event sometimes not firing correctly if Austria capitulated too quickly.
    • Fixed Finland keeping the monarchist flag and being called the Kingdom of Finland when it is no longer a monarchy.
    • Fixed Finland being able to attack Russia despite already owning all claims.
    • Fixed the Reichspakt not collapsing upon forming the Small Pact while Germany is capitulated.
    • Fixed Germany’s SWR coalition not becoming PatAut in post-war elections if the “Abolish Universal Suffrage” national focus was completed.
    • Fixed Germany’s Guelphs being unalignable for the Democratic Union.
    • Fixed the randomisation of many of Germany’s minigames, so that games can be reloaded and different results obtained.
    • Fixed Germany’s decision to invite the Princely Federation not returning all of the latter’s claims.
    • Fixed several of Germany’s seconds-in-command having an apparent political power cost.
    • Fixed puppet Germany not holding elections.
    • Fixed German Medium Tank decisions granting an empty chassis.
    • Fixed republican Germany not getting the benefits from perfect parliamentarisation.
    • Fixed an edge case of Germany’s Black Monday not ending when at -1 economic health.
    • Fixed Germany’s SWR coalition not accounting for all potential coalition members if coming to power through the Ruhrkampf.
    • Fixed vote cooldown for Mitteleuropa not being reset by the election event.
    • Fixed a missing dockyard output modifier in Mitteleuropa’s “Enforcement Directorate” agenda.
    • Fixed Hungary losing cores on solely-Hungarian states.
    • Fixed Norway’s trade event chains continuing even if the country no longer exists.
    • Fixed a failed Clover Revolution for Poland not uncompleting the Centrolew national foci.
    • Fixed Swedish elections firing mid-abdication crisis due to players holding events.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Fixed Bulgaria’s AutDems and PatAuts having the wrong parties and country leaders when the country is released as a puppet.
    • Fixed PatAut Bulgaria removing the king too early.
    • Fixed Boris not being fully removed from republican Bulgaria.
    • Fixed Bulgaria’s Pencho Zlatev purging himself after restoring the monarchy.
    • Fixed the continuous national focus box overlapping the Bulgaria-Yugoslavia national focus branch for Bulgaria.
    • Fixed Bulgaria not rejoining the Donau-Adriabund after the Weltkrieg if it joined the faction in exchange for gaining Macedonia.
    • Fixed countries hating Greece for claiming states the latter already owns.
    • Fixed Greece being able to offer peace with the Ottomans while the former are in the Moscow Accord.
    • Fixed countries still being considered as enemies of Greece from their Megali wars after the wars have finished.
    • Fixed Latvia’s “Finish the Fight” decision to attack Riga referring to Kurelis in the decision description when Latvia is socialist.
    • Fixed Lithuania’s “State Support for Trade Unions” event firing twice.
    • Fixed Lithuania’s Vytautas' architect decisions not requiring control of Vilnius.
    • Fixed Lithuania having a duplicate decision to form Lithuania-Belarus.
    • Fixed puppet Romania asking Austria to sell Bucovina.
    • Fixed AI-controlled Russia giving Vojvodina/West Banat to puppet Hungary instead of ally Serbia.
    • Fixed two Romanian NatPop events firing for PatAut Romania after the end of the Great Game.
    • Fixed Russia not being peaced out with an unreachable Legation Cities.
    • Fixed socialist Russia and the Internationale’s decisions to call each other into wars not always adding the targets to the war correctly.
    • Fixed a missing modifier in Russia’s final “Proletarian Humanism” national spirit.
    • Fixed Russia’s attack decisions not instantly disappearing when no longer valid.
    • Fixed socialist Serbia getting two responses to the “Savinkov Declares the Russian State” news event.
    • Fixed the former members of the Belgrade Pact leaving their future foreign policy with the leader of the Pact to chance after the Belgrade Pact’s disbandment.
    • Fixed Serbia being able to form Yugoslavia while at war with Bulgaria, Austria or Hungary.
    • Fixed Konspiracija-led Serbia being able to core non-Serb lands.
    • Fixed the end of Peter's regency resetting the JNS party name for Serbia.
    • Fixed Yugoslavia content not being properly reset when Serbia is annexed.
    • Fixed Ukraine’s SocCons not rejoining the coalition with the AutDems when parliamentary chaos has ended.
    • Fixed a Ukrainian SocDem event option having a mismatching tooltip and effect.
    • Fixed Ukraine’s republican elections being postponed even if Russia has been defeated.
    • Fixed the incorrect text displaying in republican Ukraine’s “The Worst Case Scenario” event.
    • Fixed Ukraine’s “Path of Parliamentary Reformism” national focus not reducing the cost of its related SocDem idealism decision.
    • Fixed Ukraine’s Polish State Visit event firing twice.
    • Fixed SocDem Ukraine not getting an updated version of the "Deepening Austrian Ties" national spirit with max Idealism.
    • Fixed a SocDem Ukraine event not properly reducing relations with the URDP.
    • Fixed the RNG values on SocDem Ukraine's trade deal with the Internationale.
    • Fixed mismatched tooltips for certain SocLib/SocDem Ukraine national foci if the right wing of the URDP revolted.
    • Fixed a few oversights in Ukraine’s game rules.
    • Fixed the AI not recalling its military mission if the target in the Eastern European Defence Cooperation leaves the Reichspakt or the United Baltic Duchy is annexed.
  • Africa
    • Fixed Ethiopia’s German national foci not being uncompleted if Mittelafrika collapses.
    • Fixed Ethiopia’s Desta Damtew being given two traits.
    • Fixed the divisions belonging to the native revolts against the French Republic occasionally getting stuck when spawned.
    • Fixed the French Republic’s “Liberal Republic” national spirit swap not giving the modifiers its tooltip states.
    • Fixed the French Republic’s events puppeting a syndicalist or otherwise hostile Dahomey.
    • Fixed French Republic-specific resistance targets applying to other countries.
    • Fixed Kenya not joining the Entente when appropriate.
    • Fixed Totalist Liberia unpuppeting itself and joining the Third Internationale.
    • Fixed Wilhelm III not succeeding his father if the latter dies in exile in Mittelafrika.
    • Fixed the “Rhodesia” name not being applied when Zimbabwe is released by the Entente.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Fixed socialist Armenia not following Persia into the Internationale when the former joins the latter.
    • Fixed the League of Arabian States state integration rules not being properly cleared.
    • Fixed the “Fate of Basra” event allowing the option to transfer the state to a hostile Iraq.
    • Fixed a missing Assyrian national spirit icon.
    • Fixed Cyrenaica’s “Redistribute Ottoman Equipment” national focus being blocked if the Ottoman Empire has been defeated.
    • Fixed Cyrenaica’s event on the fall of the French Republic not firing.
    • Fixed several effects related to Egypt’s political reforms.
    • Fixed socialist puppet Hejaz keeping invalid national spirits.
    • Fixed the Ottoman AI continuously taking their centralisation and decentralisation state interactions if unrest is high.
    • Fixed a post-defeat OHF-led Ottomans national focus causing railways to be built on unowned states.
    • Fixed the Ottoman “Massacre in Al-Qurnah” event not decreasing the popularity of the incumbent government.
    • Fixed the Ottoman AI locking itself out of the “Increase Ottoman garrisons in Fezzan” decision.
    • Fixed the first Millet Mektepleri decision for the Ottoman Empire not adding research.
    • Fixed Ottoman’s Sublime Federation being able to release countries it can integrate by national focus.
    • Fixed non-socialist Persia joining the Internationale after taking Baluchistan from the Dominion of India.
    • Fixed puppet Syria keeping access to the Arab leadership national focus branch.
    • Fixed Tripolitania not being able to access its foreign policy focus tree branch dealing with Egypt.
  • East Asia
    • Fixed Ma Yuren not joining Anqing.
    • Fixed Anqing being puppeted by Qing repeatedly.
    • Fixed Anqing keeping its embargo on Japan after aligning with Fengtian.
    • Fixed naval ministers not defecting to Anqing if the League of Eight Provinces has already been defeated.
    • Fixed Anqing recognising Fengtian as the legitimate government of China, and then breaking relations.
    • Fixed the effect of Anqing’s “Look to the West” national focus.
    • Fixed the “Devastated National Economy” national spirit for Chinese splinters giving bonuses instead of penalties, and tweaked their values.
    • Fixed instances of Chinese splinters getting decisions to demand Xinjiang and Han-controlled Kumul Khanate to submit early.
    • Fixed Chinese splinters joining the United Provinces of China while at war.
    • Fixed Chinese puppet splinters being able to break free if their overlord is not another Chinese splinter.
    • Fixed Chinese puppet splinters being targeted in national foci to subjugate non-puppet splinters.
    • Fixed Fengtian being unable to offer ceasefires while a member of the Chinese United Front.
    • Fixed Fengtian keeping “The Occupation of Tianjin” national spirit if they do not control the area in question.
    • Fixed Fengtian’s Ma Zhanshan not being moved back after defecting twice.
    • Fixed Fengtian peacefully annexing concessions or the Legation Cities not reliably triggering the corresponding National Legitimacy events.
    • Fixed Fengtian’s constantly increasing Mantetsu factory output.
    • Fixed Fengtian’s “Attacks on the South Manchuria Railway” event not removing the Old Guard’s influence in Heilongjiang.
    • Fixed Fengtian’s Dongbei Tejian tank division being deployed without proper equipment.
    • Fixed NatPop Kumul Khanate declaring war on Tibet despite not having land access to them.
    • Fixed non-Federalist warlords not always attending Fengtian’s unification conference if the Federalist Compromise game rule is set.
    • Fixed Chen Qiyou missing a leader description when he is the leader of the United Provinces of China.
    • Fixed Japan getting Co-Prosperity Sphere decisions to do naval investments in landlocked countries.
    • Fixed puppet Japan not wanting to occupy Sakhalin or the Kurils in peace conferences.
    • Fixed an incorrect birth location for Korea’s Kim Koo.
    • Fixed Ma Zhongying-led Kumul Khanate being unable to declare war on Tibet if Tibet won the Northwestern War.
    • Fixed the League of Eight Provinces intervening in favour of a Qing that did not back them during the League War.
    • Fixed the Left Kuomintang’s “Refurbish the Wuzhou Vegetable Oil Company” decision building a synthetic refinery instead of a civilian factory.
    • Fixed Chen Jiongming joining a Left Kuomintang that has attacked Liangguang.
    • Fixed Kuomintang puppets sending volunteers to Federalist Liangguang.
    • Fixed the Legation Cities inviting Russia or Transamur to the Legation council if the Cities are a Japanese puppet.
    • Fixed the Legation Cities having their German and Japanese guarantees revoked when Japan or Germany are expelled from the Legation Council, respectively.
    • Fixed PatAut Liangguang never choosing to align with the Zhili if a PatAut-SocLib Liangguang Civil War was set in the game rules.
    • Fixed Federalist-led Liangguang not agreeing to attend Fengtian’s Unification Conference despite being set to do so in the game rules.
    • Fixed Right Kuomintang-led Liangguang not being able to ally the Ma Clique or Xinjiang.
    • Fixed the peace deal between the Ma Clique and Mongolia and Tibet firing while the Ma Clique is in the Chinese United Front.
    • Fixed the Ma Clique and Xinjiang being invited to the Unification Conference even though the Northwest War has not ended yet.
    • Fixed the Ma Clique’s railroad national focus not actually connecting supply hubs.
    • Fixed Mongolia seizing Dzungaria from Xinjiang when Mongolia does not exist or has capitulated.
    • Fixed puppet Mongolia triggering news events.
    • Fixed being able to release a small Mongolia or Tibet despite owning Inner Mongolia or Qinghai.
    • Fixed Mongolia and Tibet remaining in perpetual unreachable wars due to their guarantees on each other.
    • Fixed Mongolia capitulating the Ma Clique mid-peace.
    • Fixed a Mongolian rename for the Tongliao victory point in Fengtian Province not applying correctly.
    • Fixed the National Protection Alliance formation effect not giving demand submission decisions.
    • Fixed Manchu-monarchist-aligned Chinese splinters not remaining Qing’s puppets upon the Manchu Coup succeeding.
    • Fixed non-concessionist Qing and the Zhili Republic not removing the “Peking Commission” decision category.
    • Fixed a few outdated references to the Wehrmacht in Qing’s text.
    • Fixed Qing being able to have Hu Shih as an advisor and leader simultaneously.
    • Fixed the option to give the Russian Far East to Russia, giving it to Transamur if Transamur owned Siberia.
    • Fixed Russia claiming Tuva from a friendly non-Sternberg Mongolia.
    • Fixed Qu Tongfeng fleeing Shandong too late.
    • Fixed Shanxi’s “Council for the Prevention of Litigation” mission giving a flat war support bonus rather than a weekly war support bonus while active during the power struggle.
    • Fixed Shanxi not getting its correct name if it forms a Chinese government via the generic decision.
    • Fixed Zhang Junmai being a SocLib instead of a SocDem in Shanxi.
    • Fixed Shanxi potentially being puppeted in the middle of negotiations with Qing.
    • Fixed Shanxi taking the “March to War” decision if Beijing is owned by a Chinese faction that Shanxi is set to join in the game rules.
    • Fixed Baoding-led Sichuan spawning over the unit limit.
    • Fixed Sichuan being able to improve roads it doesn’t own.
    • Fixed Sichuan being able to absorb the Zhili remnants while being in the middle of a civil war.
    • Fixed puppet Taiwan getting Chinese unification decisions.
    • Fixed puppet Transamur being annexed by Russia upon Japan's defeat.
    • Fixed Xinjiang not getting the generic Chinese post-unification national focus branch after uniting China.
    • Fixed Right Kuomintang-led Yunnan not being able to demand concessions.
    • Fixed Long Yun-led Yunnan’s peace treaty with Siam firing after having already refused peace through the latter’s unconditional surrender.
    • Fixed Yunnan led by a leader other than Long Yun getting the decisions to integrate upper Burma.
    • Fixed National Protection Alliance Yunnan declaring war on PatAut Liangguang while in the same faction.
    • Fixed Yunnan being able to declare war on the owner of Nanjing without sharing a border.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Fixed AutDem Australasia potentially being unable to remove the "Birdwood Policies Maintained" national spirit.
    • Fixed Indochina being able to destabilise an allied Siam.
    • Fixed the Dominion of India being unable to seize Pondicherry due to the Halifax Conference, and added other checks to account for the Halifax Conference.
    • Fixed puppet India keeping the Anglo-Indian trade agreement national spirit.
    • Fixed socialists sending volunteers to puppet India.
    • Fixed Indian expansion national foci not bypassing if the targets were occupied instead of puppeted.
    • Fixed the Dominion of India not taking Burma in peace deals.
    • Fixed AI countries releasing Kachin and Shan as puppets instead of transferring the land to an allied Burma or India.
    • Fixed Raja Wadiyar IV's death in the Princely Federation demoting Osman.
    • Fixed Madapati Hanumatha Rao in the Princely Federation being retired without a replacement second-in-command being added.
    • Fixed Siam being able to join the Co-Prosperity Sphere after surrendering to German East Asia.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed the war support tooltip not showing decimal points.
    • Fixed multiple cases of wars being given their incorrect name in-game.
    • Fixed national foci for multiple countries giving technology bonuses without accounting for Arms Against Tyranny.
    • Fixed redundant tooltips in state category effects.

1.1.3 - 22nd of May, 2024[]


  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Austria can now re-form the Donau-Adriabund after all European enemies of the Reichspakt have been dealt with.
    • Added a scrollbar to the Mitteleuropan user interface displaying the country flags, allowing the player to see all the flags when there are too many countries to fit on the screen.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • The Lucknow Summit event chain is no longer affected by any randomness to its outcome.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Increased the target armour ratio for AI-controlled countries in the early to mid-game.
    • AI-controlled countries are now more likely to research train technologies as time progresses.


Notable Fixes

  • Fixed a potential crash occurring on the 28th of March, 1938, when Ireland’s “Gateway to the Atlantic” minigame ends.
  • Fixed a crash occurring after Austria’s capitulation when it was a faction leader.

Other Fixes

  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Fixed the Commune of France, the French Republic and puppet France being able to integrate disconnected territories mid-war.
    • Fixed French Sorelians and Jacobins not having access to post-war foreign policy.
    • Fixed Ireland’s “Counter Labour campaigning” and “Counter SC campaigning” missions restarting too early.
    • Fixed Ireland's “Imperial Investment” national spirits being removed instantly when Ireland is not in the Entente and gains the investment in exchange for giving military access to the Entente.
    • Fixed Ireland missing its decision to join the Co-Prosperity Sphere when guaranteed by the Pacific States of America, if Ireland gets the guarantee and the Pacific States later joins Japan’s faction.
    • Fixed Ireland being unable to join the Imperial Economic Development Council if Ireland has previously opted to remain in Mitteleuropa, but Germany was then subsequently beaten.
    • Fixed all Italian attack decisions to account for non-aggression pacts, and avoid potentially starting a war between the Entente and Reichspakt in the middle of the Weltkrieg.
    • Fixed the “The Fate of Italy” event not releasing the entirety of Italy as a puppet.
    • Fixed Italian splinters not being able to call guarantors into intra-Italian wars.
    • Fixed Costanzo and Gian Galeazzo Ciano being removed from the Italian Republic in some circumstances.
    • Fixed Sardinia’s unification of Italy not being counted as such in several cases.
    • Fixed the Socialist Republic of Italy being re-invited into the Internationale after being kicked out for claiming land from its allies.
    • Fixed socialist Spain being unable to complete the “Workers of Iberia, Unite!” national focus, if Portugal went into exile.
    • Fixed AI-controlled United Kingdom choosing to abandon its claim to Northern Ireland while at war with Ireland.
    • Fixed the state target of the United Kingdom’s decision to demand the Falklands.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Fixed Austria ceding Trieste to Serbia after Germany intervenes in the Treaty of Budapest, if the Italian Republic was not involved in the war.
    • Fixed the SWR-led Germany failstate paths to not get access to the successful SWR post-war elections.
    • Fixed Germany’s post-war elections not properly re-applying coalitions.
    • Fixed cards gained from national foci in Germany’s Black Monday card game to not give twice the intended stability.
    • Fixed a German national focus spawning a ship variant that already exists.
    • Fixed Poland’s Black Monday national spirit giving a bonus to Consumer Goods if kept for long enough.
    • Fixed Transylvanian resistance sometimes not being activated correctly on Transylvanian cores.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Fixed Greece’s Second and Third Hellenic Congresses firing at the same time.
    • Fixed Lithuania being able to form the Lithuanian-Belarusian Confederation while capitulated.
    • Fixed countries remaining in endless wars against minor Russian allies after the Treaty of Moscow.
    • Fixed Estonia and Latvia being unreleasable, if Courland is controlled by another country.
  • Africa
    • Fixed the French Republic’s resource allocation events for European France, which had mismatching event option text and effects.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Fixed Hejaz losing its core on Medina.
    • Fixed socialist countries being able to release monarchist Georgia.
  • East Asia
    • Fixed AI-controlled China manually justifying for the concessions.
    • Fixed Fengtian and the Qing starting without claims on all of China, despite being potential unifiers.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed some rare instances of countries sending volunteers to the wrong targets.
    • Fixed several countries trying to build radars, without having the appropriate technology.
    • Fixed the admiral traits “Lancer” and “Silent Hunter” not being mutually exclusive.

1.1.2 - 23rd of April, 2024[]


New Game Rules

  • Shanxi Foreign Policy (expanded current options)


  • New portraits
    • Canada: Thomas McEwen
    • Egypt: Salama Moussa
    • Fengtian: Zhang Zuoxiang
    • Papal States: Stephen X
  • Tweaked portraits
    • Fengtian: Wu Junsheng (new uniform)
  • Added new French and Italian generic general portraits.
  • Updated the portrait of a generic French general.
  • Updated national focus icons featuring the French Communard flag to include variants to account for its possible change.
  • Updated a generic focus icon.
  • Fixed missing flags textures for Finland.

Music Mod

  • Added “Khappmai Banthu” and “Sutha Kasaeng”, and replaced “Lamnam Isan”, “Lamnam Pattani” and “Lamnam Lanna” with higher quality versions for Siam.


  • Removed an incorrectly assigned Norwegian endonym for Trondheim.
  • Changed the default map name of Sweden’s Göteborg to be in line with other Swedish map names.
  • Fixed a couple of irregular provinces in Lorraine.
  • Fixed a misspelt Ukrainian endonym for Chelm.

Other Changes

  • North America
    • Slightly buffed the starting stability and war support for the Combined Syndicates of America for balance reasons.
    • Players who choose to not switch over to New England while playing as another American Civil War participant will no longer receive some free units.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Redistributed air bases in the Commune of France to more accurately reflect interwar deployments, and added more starting aircraft.
    • Ireland’s election missions to counter the influence of the opposition will now show the number of days remaining until the mission occurs again.
    • The Kingdom of Two Sicilies can now always request the assistance of a NatPop Italian Republic against the Socialist Republic of Italy.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Several Austrian generals can now join Germany upon integration.
    • Socialist Finland can now ask Socialist Russia for Petsamo in exchange for joining the Eastern Front of the Third Internationale.
    • Sweden will now never take the “A Coalition of the Likeminded” national focus, if set to go non-democratic in its game rules.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • AI-controlled Greece will now attempt to perform naval invasions in Anatolia if it stalemates alongside the Bosphorus.
    • Socialist Latvia can now ask Socialist Russia for Latgale in exchange for joining the Eastern Front of the Third Internationale.
    • Socialist Serbia now prefers to join the Third Internationale over the Eastern Front of the Third Internationale.
    • Improved AI-controlled Serbia’s handling of the IMRO.
    • Socialist countries in the Belgrade Pact will now follow Serbia into the Internationale, if Serbia dismantles their old faction to join the Internationale.
    • Socialist Russia will now bring Armenia and Persia into the Eastern Front of the Third Internationale if Russia creates the faction and either Armenia or Persia are already in the regular Third Internationale.
    • AI-controlled Russia will now wait until they have a land connection to invite Serbia, Romania or Greece to their faction.
    • Countries will now refuse to join the Moscow Accord if another country in the faction holds their cores.
    • Countries joining the Eastern Front of the Third Internationale can now demand cores, or cores and claims.
    • SocDem Ukraine's “Idealism” decision can now be taken three times, and has a shorter cooldown.
    • Added leader traits to Ukraine’s Volodymyr Dolenko, Mykola Kovalevskyi and Andrii Nikovskyi.
    • AI-controlled Ukraine is now more likely to take military focuses earlier.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Persia will now join the Eastern Syndicalist Union, if both them and the Bharatiya Commune are set to join the Left Kuomintang’s faction in the game rules.
    • Persia will now join the Third Internationale, if set to join the Left Kuomintang’s faction, and the Left Kuomintang is in the Third Internationale per game rule.
  • East Asia
    • Fengtian-aligned Chinese splinters joining the War of National Reclamation will now give mutual military access between them and Fengtian.
    • The Kumul Khanate is now only able to take the decision “Pull Strings with Industrialists” once.
    • Updated Sengchen Thubbstan Tshering’s advisor trait for the Kumul Khanate.
    • The Hami Clique’s Ma Zhongying and Fan Yaonan will now move their capital from Kumul to Dihua.
    • Added the “Left Kuomintang Officer” to Chen Jiliang, Chen Shaokuan and Li Zhilong.
    • Added decision for Liangguang’s Left Kuomintang to align with the MinGan Insurgency if it still exists.
    • AI-controlled Japan will now take the "Continental Warfare" national focus if at war with Fengtian.
    • Adjusted the timing of Qing’s “Eyes on the Border” mission to narrow the window in which the AI can cause the Central Plains War to escalate to a war with Fengtian.
    • Shanxi’s Yan Xishan can now potentially ally with the Zhili exiles if the Manchu Coup happened, he wasn’t the coup backer, and the Qing government has fallen.
    • Shanxi can no longer join a government they’re at war with.
    • AI-controlled Shanxi’s Yan Xishan will not use his alliance decisions on a Chinese splinter that doesn't own Beijing if a government he can join does own Beijing, unless the game rules are set for them to join a certain faction.
    • Tibet can now only join the Eastern Syndicalist Union after the Northwestern Conflict has ended.
    • Xinjiang now has to be at peace with East Turkestan and Kumul to be able to ally with Chinese governments.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • The Bharatiya Commune now needs to be at peace or share all the same enemies as the Third Internationale in order to join the faction.
    • Countries that align themselves with the Bharatiya Commune will now ask the faction leader if they can join the faction, should it be a member of the Third Internationale but not its leader.
    • Burma, Indochina, Insulindia, Persia, the Philippines and Siam will now seek to join the Third Internationale if the Bharatiya Commune decides to pursue an isolationist foreign policy after unification.
    • Added some songs to be played at key points during the course of a Siamese playthrough, if the music mod is enabled.
  • Miscellaneous
    • The AI no longer takes the “Total Mobilisation” economy law before having at least 6% recruitable population in total.
    • Updated Ukraine’s path guide.


  • North America
    • Fixed the Combined Syndicates of America’s “Second Convention” national focus cancelling after the Rocky Mountains Ceasefire is broken.
    • Fixed the American Union State’s inverted general and advisor portraits for George Van Horn Moseley.
    • Fixed American Ordnance Export Military Industrial Organisation targeting the wrong state.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Fixed the Union of Britain’s inverted general and advisor portraits for Raymond Briggs.
    • Fixed Ireland gaining popularity in Germany's ideology if Labour is installed after Germany won the “Gateway to the Atlantic” mechanic.
    • Fixed Portugal's claims not being cleared in their collapse event.
    • Fixed the state of Venetia remaining demilitarised even after the conclusion of the Venetian Revolt.
    • Fixed AI-controlled Sardinia and Kingdom of Two Sicilies being too eager to attack each other after defeating the Socialist Republic of Italy.
    • Fixed the “Fate of Piedmont” event having no options for the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Fixed Germany’s von Papen attending the summit of the right in Brunswick if Zentrum is not in coalition with the SPD.
    • Fixed Hungary not keeping Mura after a German intervention during the 5th Balkan War due to the code targeting the wrong state.
    • Fixed Illyria not being annexed by Serbia if it agrees to join Serbia during the “End the Dual Rule” collapse.
    • Fixed Illyria always accepting Serbia’s ultimatum if Serbia is at war with Bulgaria.
    • Fixed Poland gaining popularity of Germany's ideology when the Clover Revolution is crushed.
    • Fixed Sweden waiting too long to take the “Forced Abdication” national focus, if set to become RadSoc in the game rules.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Fixed Bulgaria not following Serbia in joining Russia if they are already allied to each other.
    • Fixed Lithuania’s Mindaugas III only being created as the country’s PatAut leader.
    • Fixed SocLib Serbia being able to complete “The Special Relationship” national focus before Germany is defeated.
    • Fixed Serbia’s allies not giving the lands that make up Croatia, and instead releasing Croatia as their own puppet.
    • Fixed Socialist Russia not transferring its claims to a country that asked for them, after agreeing in exchange for an alliance.
    • Fixed the Baltic Brotherhood takeover mission not being disabled after the United Baltic Duchy collapsed.
    • Fixed Ukraine’s Symon Petliura potentially not being available if SocDem Ukraine obtains a major post-war electoral victory.
    • Fixed the repeating mission for Ukraine’s SocDems not ending when the political focus branch is complete.
    • Fixed Ukraine’s Danylo Skoropadskiy receiving event options intended for the SocLib Republic.
    • Fixed SocLib Ukraine’s decision to strengthen the right-wing of the URDP to no longer be removed after completing the land reform.
    • Fixed the randomly decided chance for the Ukraine-Internationale trade deal being lower than it should have been.
    • Fixed Ukraine's “Mass Industrialisation” national spirit not having an icon.
  • Africa
    • Fixed the “Fate of Chad” event referring to Chad as the Wadai Empire, if annexed by a socialist government.
    • Fixed Mittelafrika being unable to proceed in its focus tree if Germany no longer exists.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Fixed the Arab Federation being unable to core Basra if Assyria previously existed.
    • Fixed puppets in the League of Arab States not becoming part of their overlord’s faction.
    • Fixed the Ottoman Empire releasing Yemen after annexing them.
    • Fixed Syria removing a capitulated Iraq from the Cairo Pact by taking the “Challenge Egyptian Domination” national focus.
  • East Asia
    • Fixed East Turkestan not revolting if the Xinjiang Clique capitulated too fast against Kumul.
    • Fixed Kumul Khanate getting the event “Immigration Woes” before opening immigration.
    • Fixed Mongolia getting both the “Limited Freedom” and “A Free Nation” national spirits simultaneously.
    • Fixed Qing’s Zhili Clique not being able to align with Fan Yaonan.
    • Fixed Qing making ship variants without the required DLC.
    • Fixed Shanxi getting alerted of the Manchu Coup’s failure even if they didn’t back it.
    • Fixed Yunnan being able to complete the "The Future" focus before Chen Jiongming has enough time to arrive in Sichuan.
    • Fixed Yunnan’s Tang Jiyao not becoming unaligned if he chooses to denounce Chen during the Shantou Conference.
    • Fixed Yunnan’s Tang Jiyao occasionally accepting Chen Jiongming as overlord during the Shantou Conference, if set to not go Federalist in the game rules.
    • Fixed Yunnan’s Tang Jiyao occasionally denouncing Chen during the Chengdu Conference, despite already previously choosing to support the Federalist cause.
    • Fixed Chinese splinters having access to the artillery Military Industrial Organisation without owning the prerequisite states.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Fixed the Dominion of India seizing Ceylon from the German Empire in the case of a successful Halifax Conference.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed the cores/claims mapmode wrongly showing certain states as integrable.
    • Fixed countries taking too many turns to give cores and claims to allies during peace conferences.

1.1.1 - 19th of April, 2024[]


Notable Additions

  • Ukraine's SocLib and SocDem paths have been overhauled, with new mechanics, and updates to the national focus tree, events and decisions.
  • The coalition partner list now shows the political power gain contributed from each.
  • Economy Laws now give a flat bonus to division limits, instead of a percentage.
  • Added a new display bar in the “Recruit & Deploy” tab, displaying the maximum number of supportable divisions, and added a warning for when this is exceeded.
  • Added a page to Ireland’s country information screen, with an overview of the lore from 1922 until 1936.

Revamped Focus Trees

  • Ukraine (SocLib and SocDem paths)

Tweaked Focus Trees

  • Ireland (expanded the foreign policy branch to involve America, and the victory of Ireland’s respective joinable factions, and added sub-branches for the Small Pact and Celtic Confederation factions)

New Events

  • Added events for Canada regarding Prince Albert’s speech impediment.
  • Added an event for Fengtian if Zhang Zongchang secures power in Shandong.
  • Added unique ending events for each of the three paths for Ireland that emerge from the Second Irish Revolution.
  • Added unique ending events for SocDem paths and AutDem Aontas Náisiúnta path for Ireland, separating them from the existing elected RadSoc, SocLib and elected PatAut path events.
  • Added events for democratic Ireland after the 1941 election, regarding the coalescing of the opposition.
  • Added an event for Ireland regarding Irish volunteers to the War in the Southern Cone.
  • Added an event informing Shandong that the Qing Government sent no aid to them.

New Decisions

  • Added decisions for the Bhartiya Commune and socialist Hawaii to join the Left Kuomintang’s faction.
  • Added more decisions for Germany and the Union of Britain to gain influence with Ireland during the “Gateway to the Atlantic” contest. They can now spend infantry equipment, command power or army experience to gain more influence than with the default consumer goods decision.
  • Added toggleable decisions for Germany and the Union of Britain that allow them to repeatedly autocomplete their “Pressure Ireland” decision in the “Gateway to the Atlantic” contest.
  • Added a decision for socialist Ireland to delay the potential revolt of Northern Ireland.
  • Added decisions for the Indian splinters to declare war on each other, replacing national foci.
  • Added decisions for countries to join the Left Kuomintang’s faction, when applicable.

New Custom Country Paths

  • Socialist Indian Foreign Policy (expanded current options)
  • Hawaii (expanded current options)
  • Liangguang (expanded current options)
  • Peru (updated current options)
  • Turkish Foreign Policy (expanded current options)
  • Qing Coup (expanded current options)
  • Ukraine (updated current options)


  • New portraits
    • Austria: Sigismund Schilhawsky von Bahnbrück
    • Brazil: Armanda Álvaro Alberto, Ernesto Simões da Silva Freitas Filho
    • Burma: Ba Maw (general)
    • Cuba: Lázaro Peña González
    • Dominican Republic: Carlos Manuel Bonetti Burgos
    • El Salvador: Arturo Araújo
    • Estonia: Johannes Orasmaa
    • Fengtian: Shen Honglie
    • German East Asia: Fritz Bayerlein, Hermann Ehrhardt, Alexander von Falkenhausen, Conrad Patzig, Erwin Rommel, Heinz Trettner, Hermann Voigt-Ruscheweyh, Ernst von Weizsäcker
    • Hyderabad: Bahadur Yar Jung
    • Indochina: Tạ Thu Thâu, Trương Tử Anh
    • Insulindia: Sekarmadji Kartosuwirjo
    • Socialist Republic of Italy: Dardano Fenulli
    • Malaysia: Ahmad Fuad Hassan
    • Ma Clique: Han Youwen
    • Northern Ireland: James Steele (uniform variant)
    • Norway: Arne Dagfin Dahl, Rasmus Hatledal
    • Papal States: John XXIII, Pius XII
    • Peru: Luis Miguel Sánchez Cerro (civilian & military), Eudocio Ravines Pérez
    • Portugal: Henrique de Paiva Couceiro
    • Russia: Georgy Zhukov
    • Serbia: Milan Gorkić
    • Slovenia: Jaka Avšič, Ferdinand Janež, Franc Kulovec, Ivan Prezelj, Vladimir Vauhnik, Josip Vidmar
    • Sichuan: Liu Bocheng
    • Somalia: Maxamuud Cali Shiire
    • Sweden: Gustaf V
    • Switzerland: Hans Bandi, Jean de Muralt, Friedrich Prisi
    • Ukraine: Volodymyr Dolenko, Mykola Kovalevskyi, Andrii Nikovskyi, Oleksandr Shulhyn
    • Yemen: Ahmad Muhammad Numan
  • Tweaked portraits
    • Hunan: Tang Shengzhi, He Yaozu (new uniforms)
    • Dominion of India: Ishar Singh
    • Switzerland: Eugen Bircher, Henri Guisan (new uniforms)
  • New advisor portraits
    • German East Asia: Hans Klein, Paul Kuhlo
    • Left Kuomintang: Dong Biwu, Liu Butong, Zhou Fohai, Gu Mengyu, Chu Minyi, Zhang Renjie, Chen Shaokuan, Liu Shaoqi, Zeng Xing, Zhang Yunchuan, Xiao Zanyu, Gu Zhenggang, Song Ziwen
    • Serbia: Zdenko Ulepić
    • Ukraine: Ivan Romanchenko
  • Added three new Italian, two new British, French and German and one Russian generic general portraits.
  • Added a new flag for RadSoc Peru and Peru-Bolivian Confederation.
  • Added some new event pictures for Ukraine.
  • Added some new national focus icons for Ukraine.
  • Added carrier variant plane icons for Germany.
  • Updated two national focus icons for Germany.
  • Updated national spirit icons for Germany and White Ruthenia.
  • Updated the portrait of a generic American general, and two admirals.
  • Updated Sichuan’s event pictures and added some new ones.


  • Added Chinese and Tibetan endonyms for Barkam.
  • Added Yueyang as a victory point in Hunan, and altered Hengyang's value to compensate.
  • Changed the default map names for locations in Lithuania, Ukraine and White Ruthenia to be more in keeping with what they would be called by Anglophone cartographers in the Kaiserreich timeline.

Other Changes

  • North America
    • Added the option for America to keep and potentially core Newfoundland in the “Fate of Canada” event.
    • Renamed Canada’s “University of Ottawa” national spirit and focus to instead involve the “University of Toronto”.
    • Halved field manpower threshold for Canada attacking the Combined Syndicates of America.
    • Canada can now also intervene in the Second American Civil War if only the Combined Syndicates of America and one other participant remain.
    • Nerfed the starting stability and war support of the Combined Syndicates of America.
    • The Combined Syndicates of America’s “Good Syndicalist Soldier” national focus will now create a “Fourth Internationale” faction, should the Third Internationale no longer exist.
    • Replaced the name and description of Mexico’s artillery equipment technology.
    • AI-controlled MacArthur will no longer do the “San Jacinto” variant of his war plans, if the American Union State is controlled by a player.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Improved Guatemala’s national focus AI when set to become PatAut through the game rule.
  • South America
    • Replaced Vital Henrique Batista Soares as MarLib leader of Brazil with Ernesto Simões da Silva Freitas Filho.
    • RadSoc Brazil will now join the Internationale the same way as other socialist Brazils.
    • Updated Peru’s party names, and added English translations.
    • Peru’s Syndicalist path has been changed to RadSoc.
    • Changed Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre from being the leader of Peru’s Syndicalists to RadSocs.
    • Added Eudocio Ravines Pérez as the new leader of Peru’s Syndicalists.
    • Added Luis Miguel Sánchez Cerro as starting leader of Peru, and a field marshal.
    • Óscar Raymundo Benavides Larrea can now lead Peru following an assassination of Sánchez Cerro.
    • Clarified the requirements of multiple game rules in South America, and made it so that if the Ugartistas game rule is set for Patagonia, then each South American country that has a socialist game rule set, will aim to join the Ugartistas’ faction.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Re-added Raymond Briggs as a general for the Union of Britain.
    • The Commune of France’s support of Indochina now costs manpower, command power and equipment, rather than political power.
    • Nerfed the amount of forts given by the Commune of France’s “Extend the Line” national focus.
    • PatAut and NatPop Ireland can now reduce nationalist discontent and loyalist anger as soon as resistance begins in Northern Ireland.
    • Ireland’s RadSocs can now only be elected in 1941 and subsequent elections if all nationalist discontent and loyalist anger have been removed.
    • Ireland can now take two British engineering advisor decisions at a time.
    • Ireland’s decisions to hire British engineering advisors are now available if the Union of Britain wins the “Gateway to the Atlantic” contest, and altered the text of several of the relevant foci if this occurs.
    • Updated the effects of several party popularity changes for Ireland, to account for coalition governments and give proportional effects to multiple parties accordingly.
    • Clarified the requirements of the Protectionism sub-branch of the “Gateway to the Atlantic” national focus branch for Ireland, so that it is clear which focuses are available after successfully remaining independent.
    • Added clarifying tooltips for the effects of SocDem and PatAut Ireland incrementally removing the effects of Black Monday, when a decision or national focus removes Black Monday’s effects by two levels.
    • Ireland will now keep its "The New Wild Geese" national spirit if it loses the "Gateway to the Atlantic" contest.
    • Decreased the party popularity gain from Ireland’s later elections.
    • Tweaked the effects of several of Aontas Náisiúnta’s national foci to also improve Black Monday for Ireland, if the player failed to decrease the effects of Black Monday enough in the initial “Ulster Comes First” mission.
    • Added a tooltip to Ireland's event about the Irish-American refugees, clarifying that the population growth bonuses are lost if Ireland's government is overthrown.
    • Slightly updated the text in the Irish events about Raidió Éireann and the new Irish constitution.
    • Updated the effects given by the Balance of Power of Ireland’s PatAuts and NatPops.
    • Clarified the tooltips of Ireland’s missions to improve loyalist anger and national discontent.
    • Ireland will now uncomplete the no longer relevant foreign policy national foci when joining the Entente after being in the Reichspakt, and vice versa.
    • Updated Ireland’s AI priorities in completing decisions to improve nationalist discontent and loyalist anger.
    • Updated Ireland’s AI priorities in completing decisions to join factions.
    • Decreased the rise in loyalist anger for Ireland, when the PatAuts are overthrown by socialists.
    • The Italian balance of power is now represented by national spirits for each of the Italian splinters.
    • Italian splinters can now peace out if in factions, if they haven't called in the faction leader.
    • Improved the handling of the non-socialist Italian splinters with declaring war on the Socialist Republic of Italy.
    • Italy now receives Kotor as a claim in the Treaty of Budapest.
    • Increased the priority the AI will have on completing the Irredentism national focus for the Italian Republic.
    • Rebalanced the effects of several national foci for the Italian Republic.
    • Improved the NatPop Italian Republic’s handling of the Venetian revolt.
    • The Netherlands will now have access to a political focus branch if Reijnders restores democracy.
    • Lombardy, the Papal States and Venice will now try to take all of Italy in peace conferences.
    • Renamed the “Papal State” to the “Papal States”.
    • Updated the effect of the Papal States’ “The Holy See” national spirit.
    • Increased AI Portugal’s desire to protect its coasts.
    • Increased AI Sardinia’s desire to protect the island with its troops.
    • AI Sardinia will no longer join the Entente’s wars before the Second Weltkrieg, if the Socialist Republic of Italy still exists.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Austria should now intervene earlier against the Internationale in the Weltkrieg if the Internationale crosses the Rhineland or overruns the Benelux.
    • Denmark can now be released by NatPops as a monarchy.
    • Austria and Germany can now release puppet Denmark as a republic.
    • Finland’s SocCons and AutDems are now always in coalition, since they are the same party.
    • Mitteleuropa’s Infrastructure Projects now add building slots if it cannot add any more infrastructure.
    • Illyria’s Brodosplit is now an Escort Fleet Military Industrial Organisation.
    • The Netherlands will now always become socialist without being invaded by Germany, if set to become socialist in the game rules.
    • Added Arne Dagfin Dahl and Rasmus Hatledal as generals for Norway.
    • Poland’s event around the founding of the “Small Pact” now gives republican influence.
    • Poland is now able to counter the "Organise Mass Protests" mission with high nationalist influence, rather than just high monarchist influence.
    • AutDem Poland will no longer refuse Germany’s insistence on a post-war regime change.
    • Added Jaka Avšič, Ferdinand Janež, Ivan Prezelj and Vladimir Vauhnik as Slovenian generals, with each of them except Avšič starting the game in Illyria, and only joining Slovenia if it becomes independent.
    • Slovenian general Leon Rupnik now starts in Illyria.
    • Added Friedrich Prisi as a general for Switzerland.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Added Johannes Orasmaa as a general for Estonia.
    • Decreased the party popularity drift in several Greek national spirits.
    • Democratic Romania can now gain a fifth research slot if they missed one early in the national focus tree.
    • Buffed the national spirit that Russia gets, if a player playing in Eastern Europe opts for “hard mode”.
    • Increased the party popularity gained in Russia’s military dictatorship paths.
    • Decreased the political power cost given by Russia’s “State Orthodoxy” national spirit.
    • Socialist Russia now also gets the “Great Patriotic War” national spirit.
    • Improved Russia’s AI in managing its manpower against the Eastern front, as well as improving their management of their border with Iran.
    • Russia can no longer invite Serbia or Romania to the Moscow Accord before the Weltkrieg, if the former lost the Fourth Balkan War.
    • Serbia’s Jadransko Brodogradiliste is now a Submarine Military Industrial Organisation.
    • The Treaty of Moscow will no longer occur if Transamur is controlled by a player.
    • Added Zdenko Ulepić as a Chief of Air Force for Serbia.
    • Rebalanced the effects of Ukraine’s Black Monday national foci.
    • Nerfed Ukraine’s starting stability and war support.
    • Nerfed Ukraine’s Industrialisation national spirits, and the overall amount of factories gained from Ukraine’s Industrialisation decisions.
    • Ukraine’s Hetmanist and Republican paths are now equally weighted, rather than being 55:45 in favour of the Republic.
    • Nerfed Ukraine’s war support gain in the “Worst Case Scenario” event.
    • Player-controlled Ukraine’s “Small Pact” will no longer have Poland or White Ruthenia leave it through their own content.
    • Updated the effects of several military national foci for Ukraine, and several of the foci now apply a timed national spirit that gives a malus, that on expiration will now cause the bonus to be applied.
    • Nestor Makhno is now transferred to Syndicalist Ukraine after the Borotbyst revolution, and not after Ukraine is victorious in its war.
    • White Ruthenia’s regime change imposed post-war by Germany now unlocks the relevant political national foci.
  • Africa
    • Added the option to give the United Kingdom its African colonies in the annexation events.
    • Liberated African socialists are now added to the Phalanstère and guaranteed by the Internationale.
    • Removed the restrictions of several African countries to release each other as puppets.
    • National foci for Gabon, Liberia and Namibia are now unlocked on their liberation.
    • Liberia’s RadSoc national focus branch is now also accessible to syndicalist puppet Liberia.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • All countries can now release puppet Georgia as a kingdom or republic.
    • Libya can now be released if Tripolitania is already a puppet, and will annex the latter.
    • The Ottoman event for the Cypriot revolt no longer gives the option to play as Cyprus.
    • Reichspakt-aligned Persia now gets its claims in the Treaty of Moscow.
  • East Asia
    • Anqing will now start in a coalition with the AutDems, and will now start a coalition with the PatAuts if they flip to AutDem.
    • Anqing now lose their “Fengtian Troop Training” national spirit, if they break relations with Fengtian.
    • Anqing now swaps to AutDem from PatAut, upon becoming Federalist-aligned.
    • Anqing's national government flag is now the League of Southeast Provinces (Republican) flag.
    • Anqing and Shandong successfully compromising with each other independently of Fengtian now gives them mutual military access.
    • Chinese splinters with access to the generic unification national focus tree will now be able to add the AutDems and PatAuts to their coalition, and rename them to the National Protection Association upon uniting China. Their current ruling party will also be renamed to the National Protection Association.
    • Improved the AI for Chinese splinters, when declaring war on each other through wargoals.
    • China can no longer unite if there are ongoing hostilities with Japan.
    • Buffed Fengtian’s starting divisions and their templates, and tweaked their initial production.
    • Fengtian’s annexation of Anqing-puppeted Shandong via decision is now done through the standard Chinese annexation effect.
    • Fengtian now gets an event and a national spirit to send +2 volunteers to Shandong, if Zhang Zongchang secures power.
    • AI-controlled Fengtian will now always join the Co-Prosperity Sphere if they are able to. Fengtian is now required to be losing a war, or be at war and have no allies or possible allies in China, before they can join the Co-Prosperity Sphere.
    • Fengtian’s success in negotiating Anqing-Shandong cooperation now grants military access for both Chinese splinters.
    • Tweaked how likely Fengtian is to call in Japan, depending on what territory they have integrated.
    • Fengtian successfully compromising between Shandong and Anqing will now create a white peace between them if they were already at war.
    • Fengtian can now annex Anqing-lead Shandong if they own Beijing, or if they’re at war with Beijing's owner.
    • Hunan’s Cheng Qian is now AutDem rather than SocLib, if he aligns with the Right Kuomintang.
    • Japan’s PatAuts can now choose between Nagata or Hiranuma, upon Senjuro's death.
    • Japan will now withdraw volunteers from Shandong, if Fengtian backs Anqing when peace talks break down during the League Collapse War.
    • Japan will now immediately get a wargoal on the Chinese splinter that annexed Fengtian, rather than getting it a few hours later.
    • Japan will now always refuse to surrender the Legation Cities to China.
    • Updated the effects of the League of Eight Provinces “Modernise Jinling Academy” and “Unified Command Headquarters” national foci.
    • Buffed the Left Kuomintang’s starting surrender limit, so that Longyan and Nanping need to be captured for them to capitulate.
    • The Left Kuomintang can now recruit Right Kuomintang generals from Yunnan, even if Yunnan is annexed or taken over by Long Yun.
    • Totalist Left Kuomintang can now invite Burma into their faction.
    • Countries invited by the Left Kuomintang into their faction will now always accept, if Japan has been puppeted by the Left Kuomintang.
    • The collapse of Legation Cities will now result in various generals returning to their respective home countries.
    • Improved the reliability of Liangguang’s game rules, if set to align with another Chinese faction.
    • Mongolia will now claim Dzungaria, if they take it during Xinjiang's civil war.
    • Added a national focus for China united by the National Protection Alliance to recruit Beiyang admirals.
    • Right Kuomintang-led Liangguang can no longer align with Left Kuomintang-led Yunnan via national focus, if the Left Kuomintang was victorious in the League Collapse War.
    • AI-controlled Manchu Qing will now wait until after uniting China to end the concessions via their national focus.
    • Qing’s German-trained divisions now use German equipment.
    • Renamed Shandong general Jin Yune to Jin Yun’e, and added descriptions for him and Chu Yupu.
    • Updated the requirements of Shandong's “Besiege Mount Taishan” national focus.
    • Monarchist Shandong forming a government will now result in Puyi becoming Manchu Qing-aligned.
    • Liu Heding taking over Shandong will now result in the loyalists associated with the other three leaders all being purged.
    • The time to complete Shandong’s "Return to the Source" national focus has been reduced from 91 to 70 days.
    • Shandong’s Qu Yingguang will now either restore the Qing, or declare the Republic of China upon unifying China, when appropriate.
    • Updated Shandong’s default flag.
    • Shandong’s Qu Yingguang will not become Manchu-aligned if Yan Xishan backed the coup, and the coup failed.
    • Revised the traits and stats of several of Shandong’s commanders.
    • Shandong’s admiral Lin Jianzhang is now a potential Chief of Navy.
    • Zhang Zongchang-led Shandong now loses his Fengtian alignment, if Fengtian decides to support Chen Tiaoyuan over him during the League War, if war breaks out between Shandong and Anqing.
    • Zhang Tianran now stops being the leader of Shandong's NatPops upon taking the “Besiege Mount Taishan” national focus as Qu Yingguang.
    • Updated the effects of several of Shandong’s national foci to give more varied rewards than factories.
    • Shandong can now take their internal development decisions if they are a puppet.
    • Shandong can now refuse to be annexed by Fengtian, like how other Chinese splinters can.
    • Removed Sichuan's intervention in the Northwest War against Tibet.
    • Sichuan will now always submit to Fengtian if Sichuan’s Fengtian-aligned game rule is set.
    • Rearranged some foci in Yunnan’s expansionism tree, and improved their implementation.
    • Long Yun's “Cult of Personality” national focus now renames the AutDem party and adds them to the coalition.
    • Zhu De securing power in Yunnan now renames the PatAut party to "NRA".
    • Yunnan must no longer be in civil war, for other Chinese splinters to offer an alliance to them or demand their submission, rather than Yunnan always just saying no.
    • Right Kuomintang-led Yunnan can no longer align with Left Kuomintang-led Liangguang via national focus, if the Left Kuomintang was victorious in the League Collapse War.
    • Increased the speed at which Yunnan aligns with another Chinese splinter, if set to do so in the game rules.
    • AI-controlled Yunnan is now more likely to complete army national foci when at war.
    • Yunnan will now start its political focus branch via the "An Opportunity Presents Itself" event.
    • Yunnan will now wait for Chinese factions to border them to use their alignment decisions.
    • Yunnan’s Tang Jiyao can now attend the Unification Conference if he had embraced isolationism before the conference started.
    • Yunnan no longer has to not be a claimant to the Chinese government to get their scripted peace against the owner of Northern Vietnam.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Australasian socialist congresses now use the election system.
    • Removed a trade mission timer from Australasia.
    • The Bharatiya Commune will now create a “Fourth Internationale” faction, should they attempt to join the Third Internationale and it no longer exists.
    • Burma, Indochina, Insulindia, Persia and Siam will now seek to join the Internationale if they are socialist and the Bharatiya Commune has been capitulated, unless set otherwise in the game rules.
    • The Bharatiya Commune will no longer join the faction Song Qingling creates if she leads the Left Kuomintang, if they were gameruled not to, or are RadSoc.
    • Added Hermann Ehrhardt and Heinz Trettner, and removed Friedrich von Kessinger, Dietrich von Saucken and Josias zu Waldeck und Pyrmont, as generals from German East Asia.
    • Added Conrad Patzig and Ernst von Weizsäcker, and removed Otto Ciliax and Fritz Sachsse, as admirals from German East Asia.
    • Updated the parties and party leaders of Hyderabad.
    • Rearranged some of Indochina’s national focuses, updating some prerequisites and requirements, and made the attack and cooperate with Siam national foci mutually exclusive.
    • Renamed Indochina’s NatPops from “Cao Dai” to the “Tonkin Political Committee”.
    • Renamed an Indochinese national spirit.
    • Indochina can now join the Internationale if the Internationale is at war with Germany, or Germany has been defeated.
    • Indochina can now take their "Special Relationship with France" national focus if they are already in a faction with the Commune of France.
    • Nerfed Insulindia’s surrender limit and supply bonuses.
    • Insulindia’s NatPops are now called Partai Insulindia Raya rather than Angkatan Perang Ratu Adil, and are now led by Soetomo rather than Raymond Westerling.
    • Added Ahmad Fuad Hassan as the PatAut leader of Malaysia.
    • Siam will no longer declare war on Indochina, if they are set to join the same faction in the game rules.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Music from base game Hearts of Iron 4 from the “Together for Victory”, “Death or Dishonor”, “Waking the Tiger” and “La Résistance” DLCs can now play in Kaiserreich.
    • Adjusted the playback chances of music from base game Hearts of Iron 4, leading to greater variety of music being played.
    • AI-controlled countries should now try to give the player states, and not contest any claimed states, if Player Primacy for peace conferences is enabled.
    • Countries no longer automatically gain a negative opinion modifier with the faction leader, after they leave a faction.
    • Added new loading screen quotes of Argentina and Mexico.
    • Updated Germany’s path guide.
    • Reformatted the Leader Descriptions for Bolivia, the Brazilian splinters, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru and Venezuela to include date and place of birth.


  • North America
    • Fixed a few edge cases of American Civil War participants not joining the Entente, if set to do so in the game rules.
    • Fixed German-American divisions spawning in the Pacific.
    • Fixed socialist elections firing for Mexican non-socialists, if Zapata was killed.
    • Fixed New England’s division spawning not happening, due to not controlling the targeted state.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Fixed Farabundo Martí and Feliciano Ama not being retired in AutDem El Salvador.
    • Fixed Haiti’s decision to join the Reichspakt not appearing.
  • South America
    • Fixed Argentina’s Manuel Domecq being a general instead of admiral.
    • Fixed Argentina having a PatAut coup, even if set to remain democratic in the game rules.
    • Fixed democratic Argentina turning into a party dictatorship.
    • Fixed Argentina being able to pressure Uruguay when both Brazil and Uruguay are socialist.
    • Fixed Bolivia’s elected syndicalists remaining in the Reichspakt.
    • Fixed the setup of puppet Peru not being applied.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Fixed BeNeSam being unable to reform after the Weltkrieg.
    • Fixed socialist Belgium joining the Internationale, when set to form BeNeSam in the game rules.
    • Fixed non-socialist countries remaining in the Phalanstère.
    • Fixed the CNT-FAI annexing land in Africa in peace conferences.
    • Fixed the Commune of France’s Orthodox-Anarchist coalition not applying correctly.
    • Fixed puppet Great Britain having an unremovable “Bitter Resistance” national spirit.
    • Fixed the puppet British military governorate country name not being cleared upon restoring civilian administration.
    • Fixed Ireland sending volunteers to the wrong participant in the Second American Civil War.
    • Fixed a missing mission title for the mission for PatAut/NatPop Ireland started by the 12th of July anniversary.
    • Fixed a reference to James Craig instead of Basil Brooke, in an early Ireland event.
    • Fixed Ireland’s “Unpeg the Punt” national focus adding -15 German influence points, rather than subtracting 15, resulting in Germany potentially going into negative values.
    • Fixed Collins’ Wartime Coalition not having post-war elections as normal and having some advisors as unavailable after the war.
    • Fixed socialist Ireland’s “Secure Northern Ireland” mission not annexing Northern Ireland after it finishes.
    • Fixed NatPop Ireland’s religion national focus giving the incorrect tooltip in national foci where it is potentially replaced.
    • Fixed NatPop Ireland’s renames on Scotland being reset if the system is toggled on/off.
    • Fixed the wrong text appearing for Ireland’s events regarding the American Civil War and Italian Civil War.
    • Fixed Syndicalist Ireland’s “Foster Unity Through Class” decision appearing for RadSocs.
    • Fixed the incorrect faction-joining message appearing if Ireland joined the Entente or Reichspakt after previously being in the other.
    • Fixed Italy not being able to claim a puppeted Libya.
    • Fixed Lombardy and Venice’s AutDems being unable to remove Austrian influence.
    • Fixed the AI restoring the Netherlands via offering their cores to Netherlands-in-exile potentially breaking the Dutch Foreign Policy game rule.
    • Fixed a few of Northumbria’s national spirits not being appropriately added or removed.
    • Fixed Sardinia’s AI never declaring war on the Socialist Republic of Italy.
    • Fixed Spain being unable to finish reconstruction if Galicia is seized by Portugal.
    • Fixed the effect of one of the “Iberian Anarchism” national spirits for the CNT-FAI.
    • Fixed the United Kingdom being unable to demand Gibraltar from an allied Spain.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Fixed Austria and its allies gaining a negative opinion modifier with Germany when reforming the Donau-Adriabund after Germany wins the Weltkrieg.
    • Fixed the event for the collapse of Austria-Hungary mentioning the Belgrade Pact if they had nothing to do with it.
    • Fixed PatAut Finland using the wrong flag.
    • Fixed Germany being able to attack countries it has recently peaced out with.
    • Fixed SWR-led Germany getting stuck with a Latgale exclave.
    • Fixed SWR-led Germany having their coalition break in the post-war elections.
    • Fixed Karl Jarres not being set as the leader of puppet republican Germany, when appropriate.
    • Fixed some mixed up German socialist leader portraits.
    • Fixed issues arising with Mitteleuropan agendas, upon loading saves from previous versions of the game.
    • Fixed the “Pax Germanica” event not firing for Germany, if Russia was puppeted by a German ally.
    • Fixed Schleicher’s failstates for Germany being able to re-elect themselves.
    • Fixed several agrarian events for Schleicher-led Germany not firing.
    • Fixed Goerdeler-led Germany getting two options in the End of the Weltkrieg news event.
    • Fixed a few broken German event pictures.
    • Fixed Germany’s Hugenberg split event firing, despite not meeting the threshold.
    • Fixed socialist Poland having its revolution while its faction leader is at peace.
    • Fixed Poland’s land reform decisions breaking if they lose control of the state.
    • Fixed Switzerland’s Campione event chain with Italy leading to an early Weltkrieg.
    • Fixed Switzerland being able to attack the Internationale immediately after peacing out with them.
    • Fixed Switzerland being unreleasable if split.
    • Fixed Switzerland stealing Savoy/Romandy from a third party occupier through a peace event.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Fixed the occupation of Bulgaria creating colony states.
    • Fixed Greek political national foci having no effect if the government suddenly changed.
    • Fixed the German invasion of Courland not firing if the Baltic Last Stand exists.
    • Fixed Romania’s Cantacuzino being able to hire himself as an advisor while country leader.
    • Fixed the Stelescu event chain firing for puppet Romania.
    • Fixed puppet Russia keeping inappropriate national spirits to their ideology.
    • Fixed Russia attacking the Ottomans for Armenia while losing.
    • Fixed Russia gaining factories when purchasing oil from Azerbaijan.
    • Fixed the Belgrade Pact not dissolving upon losing the war with Bulgaria.
    • Fixed the “Declare Readiness for War” decision not disappearing if a country leaves the Belgrade Pact.
    • Fixed Ukraine’s Oleksandr Udovychenko not being retired when the Borotbysts come to power.
    • Fixed Ukraine’s Danylo not getting the proper leader description after the war with Russia.
    • Fixed Ukraine’s “Integration of the Eastern Regions” national focus bypassing while still at war with Russia.
    • Fixed a few AI bugs when the player chooses “hard mode” as one of the Oststaaten.
    • Fixed NatPop United Baltic Duchy still being referred to as the Baltic State, after being overthrown by democratic Germany after the Weltkrieg.
  • Africa
    • Fixed democratic elections occurring for socialist or autocratic Ethiopian governments.
    • Fixed Ethiopian elections giving the wrong amount of party popularity.
    • Fixed Kivu spawning with zero units and the wrong capital.
    • Fixed Liberia targeting the owner of the Ivory Coast in their “Fight for Sierra Leone” national focus.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Fixed Egypt and the Ottomans inviting newly liberated socialist African countries to the Cairo and Istanbul Pacts, respectively.
    • Fixed Persia getting locked out of its army tree if they choose Austrian cooperation, and then Austria collapses.
    • Fixed peace with the Dominion of India not giving them Afghanistan.
    • Fixed Iraq’s Yasin al-Hashimi couping the monarchy even if the game rule was set.
    • Fixed Yemen being stuck with an unremovable integration debuff if the republic was proclaimed before integrating Arabia.
  • East Asia
    • Fixed some oversights making the Anqing-Shandong Arbitration game rule not guaranteed to work.
    • Fixed Chinese splinters being at war with puppets of enemies that they cannot reach.
    • Fixed Federalist-aligned Chinese splinters opposing Federalism in the generic Chinese post-unification national focus tree.
    • Fixed Fengtian’s “Commission Cruisers” decision taking only a day.
    • Fixed Fengtian’s annexation of Shandong continuing if Shandong stops being their subject.
    • Fixed Fengtian and Hunan accessing motorised technology before early trucks.
    • Fixed countries joining Japan's economic sphere if they were gameruled to not align with Japan.
    • Fixed the Legation Cities decision tab being hidden if no decisions are available.
    • Fixed non-American countries always surrendering the Legation Cities to China.
    • Fixed repaying the debts as the Manchu Qing locking out the German influence mechanic.
    • Fixed Shandong's “Request Japanese naval Assistance” decision not targeting Japan, and fixed them being able to take the decision if at war with Japan, or Japan doesn’t exist.
    • Fixed Shandong getting victory in the League Collapse War event, if they take Nanjing after sitting out the League Collapse War itself.
    • Fixed Liu Heding-led Shandong rebelling against Anqing.
    • Fixed Shanxi’s Qing-aligned game rule.
    • Fixed Sichuan’s “Tie Up Loose Ends” national focus being redundant with the generic unification decision.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Fixed countries creating the Eastern Syndicalist Union faction with the Bharatiya Commune, if the latter has already become isolationist.
    • Fixed the Bharatiya Commune going isolationist causing their allies’ puppets to become independent.
    • Fixed the Bharatiya Commune’s Lala Lajpat Rai not being retired after the congress.
    • Fixed the Dutch East Indies getting locked out of the majority of its national foci if they lose to the Insulindian revolt.
    • Fixed German East Asia receiving cores on transferred port cities in China.
    • Fixed AI countries going against the player, when deciding whether to accept Siam's surrender.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed the “End Military Occupations” decision not clearing itself, and becoming available after annexing claimable territories.
    • Fixed puppets trying to liberate their overlord's claims in peace conferences.
    • Fixed the AI not liberating states to existing friendly countries, before releasing new countries.
    • Fixed impassable states sometimes being controlled by neutral third parties.
    • Fixed coalitions being ended when the government does not change.
    • Fixed invalid Officer Corps spirits not being removed on a government change.

1.1 - 'An Isle Alone' - 29th of March, 2024[]


Notable Additions

  • Added coalition indicators to the politics tab, which display other parties in government in addition to the main ruling party.

Reworked Focus Trees

  • Ireland

New Focus Trees

  • Northern Ireland
  • Northumbria (releasable puppet tree)

Tweaked Focus Trees

  • Bharatiya Commune, Insulindia, Persia, Tibet, Siam - adjusted the foreign policy foci
  • Bolivia - can now form the Peru-Bolivian Confederation
  • Union of Britain - tweaked the national focus tree to account for new Ireland content

New Events

  • Added annexation events for Abkhazia, Limburg and Westerscheldt.
  • Added an event for Armenia capturing Constantinople.
  • Added an event for Japan, regarding the Taihoku City Public Auditorium.
  • Added a white peace with Paraguay, that gives the Chaco to Bolivia or Peru-Bolivia, after a 7 month stalemate.
  • Added an event for the Ottomans, should they successfully intervene against Bulgaria during the Fourth Balkan War.
  • Added an event for the Ottomans at the start of the War in the Desert, where they can potentially increase their conscription law at the cost of some stability.
  • Added an event for Serbia, regarding the birth of Petar II’s heir.
  • Added an event for Shandong, where some Manchu flee Beijing to Shandong if they back the Manchu Coup and it fails.

New Decisions

  • Added decisions for Burma, Indochina, Insulindia, the Philippines and Siam to join the Left Kuomintang’s faction, if it exists.
  • Added decisions for NatPop Mexico and Peru-Bolivia to proclaim their victory after the Reconquista, and becoming the new hegemon of South America, respectively.
  • Added a player-only decision to clear previously-occupied annexations, allowing a player to decide again what to do with the territory.

New Custom Country Paths

  • Argentina (expanded current options)
  • Costa Rican Foreign Policy (altered current options)
  • Cuba (expanded current options)
  • Haiti (expanded current options)
  • Haitian Foreign Policy
  • Insulindia (expanded current options)
  • Ireland
  • Irish Elections
  • Irish Foreign Policy
  • Mittelafrika (removed deprecated options)
  • Persia (expanded current options)
  • Siam (expanded current options)
  • Ukraine (expanded current options)
  • Uruguay (expanded current options)
  • Yunnan (expanded current options)


  • New portraits
    • Afghanistan: Ali Ahmad Khan, Inayatullah Khan, Nasrullah Khan, Abdul Rahman Mahmoodi
    • Assyria: Freydun Atturaya
    • Burma: Joseph Augustus Maung Gyi
    • El Salvador: Osmín Aguirre y Salinas, Andrés Ignacio Menéndez
    • Eritrea: Woldeab Woldemariam
    • Commune of France: François Darlan
    • Guinea: Elhadj Camara Baba, Elhadj Abdoulaye Diallo, Barry Diawadou, Koumandian Keita, Albert Liurette, Aguibou Mody, Georges Olivier
    • Iceland: Stefán Jóhann Stefánsson, Ólafur Thors
    • Ireland: W.J. Brennan-Whitmore, Cathal Brugha (civilian & military), Erskine Childers, Kathleen Clarke, Michael Collins (civilian & military), Michael Donnellan, Eric Dorman O’Gowan, Neven Hénaff, Douglas Hyde, Frank MacDermot (two variants), Seán Murray (civilian & military), William O’Brien, Rory O’Connor, Séamus O’Donovan, John J. O’Kelly, Ernie O’Malley, Aodh Ó Néill, Seán Russell, Frank Ryan, Owen Sheehy-Skeffington, James Steele, Henry H.G. Stoker, Jack White
    • Italian Republic: Carlo Bergamini, Gino Pavesi
    • Socialist Republic of Italy: Randolfo Pacciardi, Giuseppe Di Vittorio
    • Kumul Khanate: Mahmut Muhiti
    • Latvia: Jēkabs Peterss
    • Liberia: Frank Emmanuel Tolbert
    • Liangguang: Lu Yuguang
    • Ma Clique: Ma Biao
    • Mauritania: Horma Ould Babana, Ahmed al-Hiba, Sidi el-Mokhtar N’Diaye, Merebbi Rebbu
    • Najd and Hasa: Khalid ibn Abdulaziz al-Saud
    • Niger: Sultan Barma Mustapha, Ibrahim Niass
    • Northumbria: Ernest Bulmer, Joseph Frederick Laycock, Arthur Munro Sutherland
    • Nyasaland: Hastings Banda, Ziwange Chikulamayembe, Flax Katoba Musopole, Elliot Kenan Kamwana, Kawinga IV
    • Pacific States of America: Frank Finley Merriam
    • Portugal: Maria Adelaide de Bragança
    • Russia: Mikhail Drozdovsky, Vasily Shulgin
    • Shandong: Zhang Zongchang
    • Spain: José María Gil-Robles y Quiñones
    • Switzerland: Jules Borel, Gustave Combe, Jakob Labhart
    • Tibet: Yuthok Tashi Dhondhup
    • Turkestan: Kurshirmat
    • Kingdom of Two Sicilies: Ubaldo Soddu
    • Yunnan: Chen Cheng
  • Tweaked portraits
    • Eoin O’Duffy (added new variant)
    • Shandong: Li Zaolin
  • New advisor portraits
    • Haiti: Cléante Valcin
    • Dominion of India: Iskander Ali Mirza
    • Ireland: Frank Aiken, Patrick Belton, Aodh de Blácam, Joseph Blowick, Gerald Boland, Harry Boland, Winifred Carney, Bryan Cooper, Richard Corish, Ned Cronin, Paddy Daly, Eric Dorman O’Gowan, Dáil Éireann, Denis Fahey, Rupert Guinness, John Hayes, Rosamond Jacob, Jim Larkin Jnr., Patrick McGilligan, Frank Macdermot, Seán MacBride, Seán Mac Eoin, Seán MacEntee, Joseph MacRory, Liam Mellows, Richard Mulcahy (civilian), Seán Murray, William Norton, Thomas J. O’Connell, Eoin O’Duffy (civilian), Michael O’Flanagan, Brian O’Higgins, Kevin O’Higgins, Gearóid O’Sullivan, Frank Ryan, D.D. Sheehan, Hanna Sheehy-Skeffington, Betty Sinclair, R.M. Smyllie, Francis Stuart, Michael Tierney, Liam Tobin, Robert N. Tweedy, J.J. Walsh, Thomas Westropp Bennett
    • Princely Federation: Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya
  • Added new British and French generic General portraits.
  • Updated an existing Arabian generic portrait, and added an Asian generic portrait that was previously used as a stand-in.
  • Added new flags for socialist Danubian Federation, Ireland, Mozambique and Zambesia.
  • Added new national focus icons for Ireland and Northern ireland.
  • Added new generic national focus icons.
  • Added new national spirit icons for Ireland.
  • Added new news event pictures for Ireland.
  • Added new event pictures for Ireland.
  • Added a new icon for Socialist Italian infantry equipment.
  • Updated the flag renders for Afghanistan, Assyria, and Portugal.
  • Updated national focus icons for China and Portugal.
  • Updated multiple event pictures for the Left Kuomintang and Shanxi, and added a few more.
  • Fixed Germany’s portrait for general Walter Model not actually being him, by re-adding the previous portrait.
  • Fixed missing small versions of the monarchist Finland flag.

Music Mod

  • Added “Down by the Salley Gardens”, “The March of the King of Laois”, “Merrily Kissed the Quaker”, “O’Sullivan’s March”, “Planxty Irwin”, “The Rocky Road to Dublin”, “Roddy McCorley”, and “Wildgeese” for Ireland.
  • Added "Das liebe alte Bern" (Old Beloved Bern), "Marsch der Grenadiere" (March of the Grenadiers), "Mit wehenden Fahnen" (With Flying Colours), "Roulez Tambours" (Roll the Drums), and "Schützenmarsch" (Soldiers’ March) for Switzerland.
  • “Waltzing Matilda” no longer plays for India or South Africa, if they leave the Entente.

Modelling Mod

  • Added a compatibility submod for the “Trial of Allegiance” DLC.


  • Added a Serbian endonym for Shkoder.
  • Added Siem Reap and Kampot as victory points in Cambodia.
  • Updated the borders around Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.
  • Added multiple new victory points to China, and extensively reviewed the values given to existing victory points.
  • Merged Kuaiji into Jinhua in China.
  • Tangshan was split into Qinhuangdao and Tangshan along the river line.
  • Cangzhou was renamed Dezhou.
  • Baoding, Daming, and the new Dezhou state were redrawn to better represent the shapes of Chinese provinces.
  • Renamed the “Karelia” airzone to “Lapland”.
  • Updated multiple provinces in Georgia.
  • Added new provinces to the Najran state in Yemen, and multiple new victory points to southern Arabia in general.
  • Corrected and updated several Korean endonyms both in Korea and Manchuria.
  • Changed the default endonym of Mongolia’s capital “Urga” to “Niislel Khuree”.
  • Added Oujda and Tindouf as states in Morocco.
  • Removed the strait in Westerscheldt.
  • Added Simferopol as a victory point in Ukraine.
  • Najran in Yemen is now passable.
  • Fixed the locations of multiple victory points.
  • Fixed position of Ouro Preto in Brazil.
  • Fixed position of Daejeon in Korea.
  • Fixed a glitched frontline in Tuva.

Other Changes

  • North America
    • Removed the “American Civil War Mobilisation” decisions as they disproportionately benefited the Combined Syndicates of America, resulting in an unbalanced win rate among the American Civil War participants.
    • Decreased how much the Entente will attempt to perform naval invasions on India.
    • Updated Canada’s interactions with Ireland, to account for the new content.
    • Improved the Entente’s AI in coordinating naval invasions during the Weltkrieg.
    • Updated the name of the Combined Syndicates of America’s general Campbell Johnson to include his middle name.
    • Updated the effects of several national foci and national spirits for AutDem, PatAut and NatPop Mexico.
    • Updated Mexico’s national focus filters.
    • Altered when Mexico’s elections take place.
    • American Field Marshals that defect to join New England are now demoted to general.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Ferrer-led Costa Rica can now form the Democratic Alliance of the Caribbean upon his takeover of Costa Rica, as opposed to at the end of his focus branch.
    • Ferrer-led Costa Rica can now attack a non-democratic Mexico that controls land in Central America.
    • Added “CODOTEL” as an electronics concern for the Dominican Republic.
    • Clarified the tooltip for El Salvador’s “Snap Elections” national focus.
    • Added Cléante Valcin as an advisor for Haiti.
    • Nicaragua’s “The Fate of Moreno” event will now only fire once, instead of after every election.
    • Buffed the effects of multiple national foci and national spirits for Nicaragua.
    • Added “Puerto Rico Ironworks” as an industrial concern for Puerto Rico.
  • South America
    • Buffed the effects of Argentina’s democratic national foci, while decreasing their stability gain.
    • Added some tooltips to Argentina’s national foci, clarifying faction-joining options.
    • PatAut GOU Argentina can now also join the Reichspakt if at war with the same enemies, rather than only if at peace.
    • Updated the effects of much of Bolivia’s political national foci.
    • Bolivia now starts with the SocDems and SocLib in the ruling coalition.
    • Updated Bolivia’s starting party popularities.
    • Brazil can now form the Montevideo Treaty with Uruguay, if both countries are socialist and Argentina is NatPop.
    • Updated the text for multiple Paraguayan events.
    • Paraguay is now less likely to attack Bolivia/Peru-Bolivia after the Non-Aggression Pact runs out.
    • Updated the effects of several national foci and national spirits for Peru.
    • Updated Peru’s national focus filters.
    • Suriname can now be given to the Netherlands in its annexation event.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Belgium and the Netherlands, either neutral or part of BeNeSam, will temporarily join the Reichspakt if they are at war with the Third Internationale during the Weltkrieg.
    • When the Union of Britain, Commune of France or Italian splinters surrender by event, their capitulated puppets are now also seen in the Peace Conference.
    • Removed the option to give Northern England to Scotland in the annexation event.
    • The Commune of France’s navy is now transferred to the Union of Britain upon final capitulation.
    • Buffed the forts given by the “Fortify the German Border” and “Extend the Line” national foci for the Commune of France.
    • Added a “Polish Exile” trait to the Commune of France’s Konstanty Rokossowski.
    • The country that hosts the exiled Pope will now receive a small attack bonus against the Socialist Republic of Italy.
    • Reduced the amount of volunteers sent to Italian splinters.
    • Tweaked the effects of national foci and national spirits for the non-socialist political paths for the Netherlands, as well as a few economic national foci.
    • Added the option in the Netherlands annexation event to decide if the country is to be released as a kingdom or republic.
    • Rebalanced multiple party popularity, political power, and stability effects for the Netherlands.
    • Added a port to Terneuzen in the Netherlands.
    • SocCon Netherlands is no longer stuck with the “Negotiating with Extremists” national spirit, or blocked from completing national foci, if they fail both of their coalition negotiations.
    • Updated the Netherlands’ national focus filters.
    • Added Northumbria as a releasable puppet in the “Fate of Great” Britain annexation event.
    • Slightly restructured Portugal’s national focus tree.
    • Field Marshals that defect to Sardinia or the Kingdom of Two Sicilies are now demoted to general.
    • Reduced the amount of volunteers sent to the Kingdom of Spain and Carlist Spain in the Spanish Civil War.
    • Increased how frequently the Kingdom of Spain joins a faction.
    • The United Kingdom asking for control over Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales will now directly annex them, rather than transferring the puppet. Allies who refuse to hand over the land are now removed from the Entente.
    • Buffed the effect of the United Kingdom’s “Germanophobic Businessman” advisor trait.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • AI-controlled Austria will temporarily no longer go down the “End the Dual Rule” path, unless set to do so in the game rules.
    • Added a failsafe for Austria to join the Reichspakt if Germany is threatened during the Weltkrieg, if no longer a faction leader.
    • Austria now loses any claims or cores on Galicia and Lodomeria, upon transferring to Poland and/or Ukraine.
    • Trieste is no longer retained in the Treaty of Budapest, if Germany intervenes.
    • East Prussia can now be annexed by Russia, if Russia has annexed Poland.
    • Added traits to Galicia and Lodomeria’s generals, indicating if they are more aligned with Poland or Ukraine.
    • Updated Germany’s decision to promise greater autonomy to Poland after the Second Weltkrieg, so that it is now slightly more expensive, is available to every German government, and now makes Poland less likely to revolt.
    • Germany will now always grant full independence rather than more autonomy to player-controlled Poland post-war, should they have promised it during the war. Democratic Germany will always also grant full independence, while authoritarian Germany will change Poland’s puppet type.
    • Germany will now receive 25 political power if they have completed the “Second Expedition to China” national focus, and the League of Eight Provinces wins the League Collapse War.
    • Germany’s “Clash of Civilisations” national focus will now also add a claim on Latgale.
    • The Treaty of Moscow now also gives Germany its claims, if it should happen to have any.
    • Germany will no longer call in puppets to minor wars, assuming there is no stake in said war.
    • Updated the decision category text for Germany’s Black Monday minigame to show the correct duration of Black Monday turns.
    • Improved AI-controlled SocDem Germany’s war support situation.
    • Added a tooltip informing a player of the consequences of forming the Nordic Federation.
    • Updated Poland’s “TKS” tank template, and renamed it to the “TK-4”.
    • Updated the names of Poland’s first two tank technologies.
    • Poland’s “Centralne Warsztaty Samochodowe” Military Industrial Organisation is now available from game start.
    • Added Jules Borel as a commander for Switzerland.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Bulgaria’s “Mission to Konstantiniyye” national focus now grants them military access through Ottoman territory and the Bosphorus straits.
    • Updated Artur Sirk’s leader description for Estonia, and added leader descriptions to all other leaders.
    • Estonia or Latvia joining a faction will now remove their mutual guarantees.
    • Updated the effects of several national foci and national spirits for Greece.
    • Clarified and streamlined how Latvia removes its “Desperate Situation” national spirit.
    • Bialystok will no longer defect to Poland controlled by Generalgouvernement Warschau.
    • Added Vasily Shulgin as a potential AutDem/PatAut puppet leader for Russia.
    • Tweaked Russia’s AI with how it handles its front against the Reichspakt during the Weltkrieg.
    • Added a leader description to Russia’s Grigory Zinoviev.
    • If Russia attacks a neutral Latvia, Germany and Riga will annex the Courland state from Latvia.
    • Removed the attack bonus from Russia’s “Great Patriotic War” national spirit in most circumstances.
    • Buffed Socialist Russia's stability.
    • Improved how AI NatPop Ukraine manages its political power.
    • Ukraine’s “Emergency Recruitment” decision will now only be available for socialists.
    • White Ruthenia’s Military Industrial Organisations are now unlocked from day one, and instead improved by the relevant national foci.
  • Africa
    • The Congo can now be given to Belgium or France in the annexation event.
    • Guinea now starts as SocLib.
    • Yacine Dialle is now the SocLib leader for Guinea, rather than AutDem.
    • Added Horma Ould Babana, Sidi el-Mokhtar N’Diaye, Merebbi Rebbu and Ahmed al-Hiba as the Totalist/Syndicalist/RadSoc, SocDem/SocLib/MarLib/SocCon, AutDem and PatAut leaders for Mauritania, respectively.
    • The national focus causing Mittelafrika’s collapse will now continue even if its requirements are not met.
    • Added Elhadj Abdoulaye Diallo, Koumandian Keita, Albert Liurette, Georges Olivier, Elhadj Camara Baba, Aguibou Mody and Barry Diawadou as the Totalist, Syndicalist, RadSoc, MarLib, SocDem, SocCon and AutDem leaders for Guinea, respectively.
    • Mittelafika can now only send volunteers to countries in Africa.
    • Morocco can now only break free from Germany, if Germany is at war.
    • Niger now starts as SocDem.
    • Boubou Hama is now the SocDem to Totalist leader for Niger, rather than PatAut.
    • Added Ibrahim Niass and Sultan Barma Mustapha as the PatAut and NatPop leaders for Niger, respectively.
    • Added Ziwange Chikulamayembe and Kawinga IV as the AutDem and PatAut leaders for Nyasaland, respectively.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Renamed Armenia’s Christophor Araratov to Christophor Araratyan.
    • Socialist Armenia can now join the Eastern Syndicalist Union, if it contains Persia.
    • Rebalanced the number of volunteers received by both sides in the War in the Desert.
    • Slightly buffed the effects of Egypts initial Black Monday recovery national focus branch.
    • Renamed Georgia’s Iosif Baratashvili to Iese Baratashvili.
    • Buffed the effect of the Ottomans’ “Centralised Military Production” national spirit.
    • Increased the additional resistance for the Ottoman Empire, that is given by an area having “High” or “Very High” revolt risk.
    • Persia can no longer complete the “Revoke the 1913 Shatt al-Arab Protocols” decision, if the Russo-Ottoman Convention has been ratified.
    • Clarified the requirements for Persia’s “Reassert Claims on Iraq-i-Arab” national focus.
    • RadSoc Persia can now join the Internationale.
    • Persia will now only claim Baluchistan via event if the Dominion of India exists.
    • Improved Russia’s AI in handling defence in Central Asia.
    • Should Tripolitania somehow become independent prior to the War in the Desert, they will now preferentially align with the Ottomans over the Cairo Pact.
  • East Asia
    • Anqing's default government name is now “Anqing Government” and it will now use “Nanjing Government” if their capital is in Nanjing.
    • Updated the traits for Anqing’s Liu Heding.
    • Unified China will now greatly increase the victory points of its new capital, should it be one of the four major alternate capitals.
    • Forming the National Protection Alliance now clears the leader's Chinese Alignment.
    • Chinese splinters that can join the National Protection Alliance via national focus will now create a national government upon taking the focus, if the National Protection Alliance has formed and already died.
    • Chinese splinters can only demand annexation of Tibet, Mongolia, and Xinjiang’s splinters, if the Northwest Conflict has ended.
    • Clarified the effects of several Chinese events involving going to war for the control of the concessions.
    • Chinese splinters set to join the National Protection Alliance in the game rules will now only submit to the NPA leader, not any non-aligned Chinese splinter.
    • Fengtian now starts with access to the Japanese arms market, for players with the Arms Against Tyranny DLC active.
    • Implemented Japanese naval icons for Fengtian.
    • Fengtian will wait to call in Japan if it has cored Beijing.
    • Fengtian can no longer finish the national focus to core Beijing if they do not own it.
    • Fengtian must now fully unite China before it can take the “The Ultimatum” national focus.
    • Hunan will now actually submit to Yunnan if they fully surrender to them.
    • Hunan’s Cheng Qian now changes his Kuomintang Officer trait if he aligns with the Right Kuomintang.
    • Hunan will not surrender Zhenyuan to Yunnan if it is a subject.
    • Hunan will now submit to Right Kuomintang-led Yunnan via the “Enter the Yangtze Valley” national focus if they are also led by the Right Kuomintang, and not a subject.
    • AI-controlled Hunan is now more likely to join the National Protection Alliance.
    • Hunan will now prefer to seek an alliance with Left Kuomintang-led Liangguang, over Right Kuomintang-led Yunnan.
    • Japan will now get a wargoal on the Chinese splinter that annexed Fengtian, regardless of whether they broke away from them or not.
    • Left Kuomintang-led Hunan can now align with a Left Kuomintang-led Liangguang if the Left Kuomintang lost the League Collapse War.
    • Kuomintang-led Hunan can now submit to other Kuomintang-aligned Chinese splinters via decision, regardless of their alignment within the Kuomintang.
    • Japan will now take the “Continental Warfare” national focus under more conditions.
    • Japan can now send an ultimatum more than once, if Fengtian backs down. Accepting the ultimatum now increases MarLib popularity.
    • Updated the traits for League of Eight Provice’s Zhou Fengqi, Zheng Junyan, Zhou Yinren and Shangguan Yunxiang, and gave Yinren a Military High Command role.
    • Implemented German plane icons for the League of Eight Provinces, and Qing.
    • Updated several technology names and icons for the Left Kuomintang.
    • The "Soul of Whampoa" song now plays for the Left Kuomintang, when completing the "Soul of Whampoa" national focus.
    • Liangguang will now offer an alliance to Hunan and Yunnan if they are compatible governments, instead of demanding submission.
    • Liangguang's “Western Expedition” national focus now accounts for if Sichuan has a government it can ally with, and will now puppet Yunnan if both are led by the Right Kuomintang, even if they have already formed a government. It also accounts for when Long Yun is leader of Yunnan.
    • Kuomintang-led Liangguang will now get its government name at the same time it becomes a Chinese national government, instead of from an earlier national focus.
    • Kuomintang-led Liangguang will now rename itself at appropriate times.
    • Liangguang’s Li Zongren and Yunnan’s Zhu Peide will no longer gain the "Generalissimo" trait if they are subjects.
    • Updated the Yiguandao's description in Liangguang.
    • Kuomintang-led Liangguang will still get its “Government” cosmetic name, if they were a puppet and later broke free.
    • Improved Mongolia’s AI in declaring wars, and Russia’s AI with handling Mongolia.
    • Added coalitions to several event effects for Mongolia.
    • Rebalanced a few Mongolian national spirits.
    • Qu Yingguang now starts as a field marshal in Shandong in 1936.
    • Qu Yingguang-led Shandong can now get Dezhou back from the Qing, if they submit.
    • Qu Yingguang can no longer get away with trying to coup the Zhili Government by being a subject before the coup happens.
    • Qu Yingguang can no longer very politely ask to join the government he just tried to coup.
    • Qu Yingguang can now join a Zhili Republic Qing, if he didn't back the Manchu Coup.
    • Qu Yingguang will no longer join Qing on his own accord or back the Manchu Coup, if Qing doesn't send them aid upon him taking power in Shandong.
    • Edited Qing’s “Fangs on the Border” mission during the Central Plains War, so as an intermediary step between seizing Shanhaiguan and declaring war, Fengtian will move into Tangshan.
    • Puyi gets his uniform if puppeted by Russia.
    • Very slightly edited the position of Qing’s national focus tree.
    • Shanqing Tianguo now keeps its name when puppeted.
    • Renamed the “Zongchang Clique” in Shandong to “Zhang Clique”.
    • Shanxi will no longer lose their neutrality national spirits if they are in a defensive war. These national spirits will now also boost their surrender limit, and are removed if Shanxi unites China.
    • Zhili-aligned Sichuan can now join the Reichspakt in some circumstances.
    • Doubled the stability benefit from Sichuan’s “Set Up Treatment Clinics” decision.
    • Sichuan’s “Battle of Shihe” no longer affects claims or cores.
    • Sichuan’s Industrial Corps now loses all popularity when Liu Xiang fails in “The Xikang Rout” event.
    • Re-added Yuthok Tashi Dhondhup as a general for Tibet.
    • Totalist Tibet can now join the Eastern Syndicalist Union after the Northwest Conflict has ended.
    • Burhan Shahidi now joins SocDem Xinjiang.
    • Renamed Yunnan’s four warlord clique names.
    • Added Chen Cheng as a commander for Yunnan.
    • Upgrading Yunnan’s Kunming Arsenal now upgrades a support equipment Military Industrial Organisation, instead of small arms.
    • Yunnan can now only be targeted for an alliance by other Chinese splinters, if it has finished its civil war.
    • Yunnan will now bypass its committee and government national foci if it is a subject.
    • Yunnan’s national focus to deal with the Left Kuomintang will now instead target whoever is the owner of Nanjing, after the League Collapse War has ended.
    • Yunnan's “Ultimatum to Sichuan” national focus will now offer an alliance, demand submission, or give a wargoal when appropriate.
    • Kuomintang-led Yunnan will now only ally with Sichuan if Chen Jiongming is dead.
    • Increased Tang Jiyao-led Yunnan's likelihood of doing their foreign policy national foci.
    • Tang Jiyao-led Yunnan will no longer declare war on Tibet via national focus, unless he has united China first.
    • Long Yun-led Yunnan now has the ability to form the National Protection Alliance, and all of the same foreign policy decisions as Tang Jiyao.
    • Long Yun now purges all Left and Right Kuomintang Officers in Yunnan after coming to power via civil war or couping the Left Kuomintang.
    • Long Yun couping Zhu De now removes 30% RadSoc popularity.
    • Tang Jiyao, and Long Yun's isolationist path for Yunnan can now remove the “German Economic Control over Gejiu's Tin” national spirit.
    • Added the “Left Kuomintang Officer” trait to Yunnan’s Zhu De and Chen Yi.
    • Updated the text and effect of the “Zhu De’s Proposal” event for Yunnan.
    • Left Kuomintang-led Yunnan can now submit to Right Kuomintang-led Liangguang if they come to power without the game rule being set.
    • Zhu Peide's “Cult of Personality” national focus for Yunnan now renames Yunnan’s NatPop party and adds them to the ruling coalition.
    • The starting political national foci for Kuomintang-led Yunnan now add political power, instead of removing it, and the likelihood of how Kuomintang-led Yunnan are to try to form a Chinese government has increased.
    • Increased the political power reward for Long Yun’s political national foci.
    • Adjusted the priority Yunnan gives to completing the “Deal with Nanjing” national focus, and the focus now gives a wargoal on Shandong, if it exists.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Added Abdul Rahman Mahmoodi as the SocDem, RadSoc, Syndicalist and Totalist leader of Afghanistan.
    • Afghanistan’s Mohammad Nadir Khan is now a field marshal, and starting Chief of Army.
    • Afghanistan’s Nasrullah Khan is now a field marshal as well as second-in-command.
    • Afghanistan’s Ali Ahmad Khan is now also a general, as well as political advisor and Military High Command member.
    • Renamed Afghanistan’s AutDem and NatPop parties.
    • Demoted Afghanistan’s field marshal Ali Khan.
    • Decreased the skill and improved the traits of Afghanistan’s commander Mohammad Daoud Khan.
    • Tweaked the effects of several events for Afghanistan.
    • Updated the effects of multiple political national foci and national spirits for Australasia.
    • AI-controlled Australasia will now refrain from seizing Hong Kong if the Legation Cities have gone, or may still go, pro-British.
    • Clarified the tooltips in Australasia’s trade missions.
    • The Bharatiya Commune will now always join the Internationale, unless RadSoc or a differing game rule is active. If RadSoc, the Bharatiya Commune will always go Isolationist.
    • The Bharatiya Commune will now create the Eastern Syndicalist Union with any country that seeks an alliance with it, if the faction has not already been made.
    • Members of the Bharatiya’s Commune Eastern Syndicalist Union faction will now all join the Third Internationale, if the Bharatiya Commune later becomes Isolationist and dissolves the faction.
    • Countries rejected by the Bharatiya Commune into the Eastern Syndicalist Union will now all join the Third Internationale.
    • Adjusted the political power and stability cost to multiple faction-related events regarding the Eastern Syndicalist Union and related countries.
    • Burma is now more likely to be taken by the Dominion of India in Peace Conferences, and Canada more likely to give it to them.
    • AI-controlled RadSoc Burma, Indochina and Philippines will now always join the Eastern Syndicalist Union over the Third Internationale, unless the game rules are set otherwise.
    • The Dutch East Indies can now be offered to the Netherlands in its annexation event, in exchange for an alliance.
    • The Dutch East Indies cannot now be restored after being abolished by the Congress of Batavia.
    • German East Asia can now only send volunteers to countries in Asia and Oceania.
    • Added Iskander Ali Mirza as an advisor for the Dominion of India.
    • Increased the penalty for occupying Insulindia.
    • Socialist Insulindia and Siam can now join the Third Internationale, in addition to the Eastern Syndicalist Union with the Bharatiya Commune.
    • Added more initial arms market access for Siam, for players with the Arms Against Tyranny DLC enabled.
    • Siam now gets an event to peace out with Burma, if they have their revolution mid-war.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Added quotes by Michael Collins, Jim Larkin and Eoin O’Duffy to the loading screen quotes.
    • Updated the quote by James Connolly in the loading screen quotes.
    • Added a loading screen quote from John McCrae’s poem “In Flanders Fields”.
    • Removed the “Dismantle Faction” button.
    • Countries turning socialist will now automatically return volunteers sent to non-socialists, and vice-versa.
    • Volunteers are now recalculated if a government change happens.
    • Increased the cost of taking ships in Peace Conferences.
    • Liberating countries in peace conferences will now release them with a suitable government.
    • Slightly nerfed the AI’s 1940 fighter designs.
    • Implemented several new national focus icons from vanilla for many countries.
    • Updated a few of the national focus and national spirit icons for Germany, Hunan, Mittelafrika, Portugal and Yunnan.
    • Added a path guide for the Legation Cities.
    • Updated the path guides for the Second American Civil War participants, Argentina, Austria, Burma, German East Asia, the Ottoman Empire, the Netherlands, Siam and Turkey.
    • Reformatted the Leader Descriptions for Assyria, Bharatiya Commune, Bhutan, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dutch East Indies, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Dominion of India, Indochina, Insulindia, Kachin, Korea, Morocco, Mysore, Nepal, Nicaragua, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Princely Federation, Puerto Rico, Scotland, Senegal, Somalia, Transamur, Wales and West Indies Federation to include date and place of birth.


Notable Fixes

  • Fixed problems that occur on ideology change, based on an updated script from the latest release from base game HOI4.

Other Fixes

  • North America
    • Fixed Mexico being able to declare war when under non-aggression pacts or against countries that they guarantee, or when a puppet.
    • Fixed Canada attempting to take territory of the former British Empire, after the United Kingdom has already been restored.
    • Fixed carrier national foci for the United States not giving technology bonuses towards aircraft carriers.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Fixed multiple broken naval national foci for democratic Centroamerica.
    • Fixed Cuba's game rule for later elections for dems and RadSocs.
    • Fixed Cuba's game rule for the AutDem American Lapdog path potentially changing ideology later on.
    • Fixed Cuba's game rule for joining the Entente potentially occasionally not working.
  • South America
    • Fixed Argentina’s peace deal with Paraguay never firing.
    • Fixed puppet NatPop Brazil having the wrong leader and never turning into the Empire.
    • Fixed not being able to invite Brazil to the Reichspakt, if it is leader of the Montevideo Treaty with Uruguay.
    • Fixed Chile being unable to return the Galapagos to a conquered Ecuador.
    • Fixed Colombia’s national focus adding rubber to Pastaza if it doesn’t own the state.
    • Fixed Ecuador getting a claim on the Galapagos instead of Chile.
    • Fixed Camilo Recalde not being added to the socialist roster in Paraguay.
    • Fixed puppet Patagonia still trying to gain the claims of Andesia.
    • Fixed South American countries losing the appropriate leaders for their ideology.
    • Fixed Uruguay’s game rules being disregarded in later elections.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Fixed the release of the Basque Country giving Labourd to Spain.
    • Fixed the Union of Britain’s “Worker’s Palace” event being a news event.
    • Fixed British or French puppets inheriting the division templates of their overlord.
    • Fixed the Dunkirk annexation mission not firing, if Flanders is given to the Netherlands.
    • Fixed the Italian Republic being automatically released with Trieste and Trentino.
    • Fixed the Italian Republic’s “Avenge Caparetto” national focus bypassing for united Italy.
    • Fixed Angelo Iachino being recruited by the Socialist Republic of Italy, while Sardinia is still independent.
    • Fixed the event for Wilhelmina’s abdication not firing for the Netherlands, potentially locking them out of a political path.
    • Fixed the socialist Netherlands not receiving the “Batavian Resistance” national spirit, if Germany never attacks.
    • Fixed multiple events for the Papal States not firing, due to them only firing if the Najran state in Arabia is owned.
    • Fixed Portugal spawning units in states it doesn’t own.
    • Fixed land being returned to the wrong country, when British states are due to be returned to the restored United Kingdom.
    • Fixed the United Kingdom being unable to demand Northumbria from Scotland.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Fixed Austria getting a claim on Burgenland when it already has a core.
    • Fixed Austrian allies offering Transylvania to Romania.
    • Fixed Austria’s “End the Dual Rule” national focus continuing if puppeted.
    • Fixed the Treaty of Budapest not firing, due to capitulated Serbia still counting as the leader of the Belgrade Pact.
    • Fixed Germany’s anti-partisan decision not removing the Partisan’s resistance target.]
    • Fixed Germany’s “Restore Civilian Administration” national focus not clearing claims correctly, or the last level of the military occupation national spirit.
    • Fixed Germany's “Minority Bloc: All Demands Fulfilled” national focus having the incorrect icon.
    • Fixed Germany’s “Z: All Demands Fulfilled” national focus being inappropriately available.
    • Fixed Germany’s “Harbinger of Normalcy” effect not being removed if Ewald von Kleist-Schmenzin is dismissed
    • Fixed Germany’s von Batocki-Frieve having a combined trait from the “Shuffle Prussian Ministries” national focus, instead of removing the old one.
    • Fixed puppet Germany’s government having an incorrect ideology compared to their overlord.
    • Fixed faction members that are not faction leaders, not getting the “Fate of Germany” annexation mission.
    • Fixed Germany losing its claim on Verviers even if Belgium didn't claim it.
    • Fixed the effect of Poland’s “Centralisation of Power” national focus potentially leaving Poland with two “The Polish Shogunate” national spirits.
    • Fixed Carlo Mierendorff not becoming country leader for SocDem Germany when elected President.
    • Fixed Poland’s “Organise Mass Protests” decision continuing while at war with the Commune of France.
    • Fixed the effects of Poland’s Military Exercises with allies.
    • Fixed Switzerland getting the “Fate of Savoy” mission too early.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Fixed Austrian-aligned Albania joining the Pact of Organisation.
    • Fixed PatAut Bulgaria coring Albania and Serbia.
    • Fixed Cyprus becoming a colony state.
    • Fixed SocCon Lithuania’s focus tree not working properly if puppeted after a NatPop rebellion.
    • Fixed socialist Serbia being invited into the Third Internationale before they have consolidated their regime.
    • Fixed Austrian-aligned Poland and Ukraine not receiving the event where they can choose not to receive outside aid in the war against Russia.
    • Fixed Romania getting claims on Illyria due to a misfired Bohemia event.
    • Fixed Romania not being able to join the Moscow Accord or Reichspakt, being its neighbour.
    • Fixed non-Reichspakt Treaty of Moscow events firing for puppets of Russian enemies.
    • Fixed AutDem/PatAut puppet Russia potentially being led by Generikov.
    • Fixed Russia keeping Chelm while giving Galicia to Poland.
    • Fixed a redundant option in the “Fate of Russia” event.
    • Fixed Russia declaring war on Finland, if Finland is set to join the Moscow Accord in the game rules.
    • Fixed Belgrade Pact members being kicked out of the Pact of Organisation, when attacking non-Belgrade Pact members of the latter.
    • Fixed Serbia using the name of companies only founded post-1945.
    • Fixed Serbia joining the Moscow Accord before defeating Bulgaria.
    • Fixed Ukraine’s defunct decision to “Increase the Budget” still appearing.
    • Fixed Ukraine being able to give Suceava to Poland.
    • Fixed Ukraine starting with 1936 close air support variants, without the technology.
    • Fixed the United Baltic Duchy’s “The Eastern Crusade!” national spirit cancelling, if the decision is taken when Moscow is owned by another country.
    • Fixed Yugoslavia losing its claims on Croatia if they revolt.
  • Africa
    • Fixed the AI not liberating countries in Africa in Peace Conferences, when appropriate.
    • Fixed Bissau being counted as a French colonial claim.
    • Fixed multiple state modifiers in the French Republic persisting when they should be removed.
    • Fixed the French Republic gaining free cores through being given land by allies.
    • Fixed Nyasaland being released by members of the Reichspakt, instead of them giving it back to Mittelafrika.
    • Fixed Entente puppet South Africa not being released under the Governor-General.
    • Fixed Suriname being released by non-socialists.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Fixed Alash Orda sometimes not appearing as integrable before Russia annexes it.
    • Fixed Armenia’s game rule to align with Persia occasionally not working, as Persia joins another faction too early.
    • Fixed Armenia’s “Reconcile with Our Former Enemies” national focus immediately bypassing upon becoming AutDem.
    • Fixed an Egyptian submarine national focus giving destroyer bonuses.
    • Fixed Georgia’s “Treaty of Poti” national spirit still having an effect when Germany has been defeated.
    • Fixed the Ottoman province modifiers being incorrect at game start.
    • Fixed the Ottomans having the incorrect ships turn after being damaged by the Egyptians.
    • Fixed the Ottomans being able to attack Bulgaria despite signing a non-aggression pact.
    • Fixed the Ottomans wasting large amounts of political power centralising and decentralising states.
    • Fixed Desert War peace events firing for puppet Ottomans/Turkey.
    • Fixed Persia’s peace deal with Germany not requiring control of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia.
  • East Asia
    • Fixed multiple broken Chinese Military Industrial Organisations.
    • Fixed several integration effects in China resulting in Chinese splinters having both claims and cores on the same state.
    • Fixed Chinese splinters not getting claims on appropriate states when declaring rival governments.
    • Fixed Fengtian being locked out of its national focus tree if preemptively attacked by Qing.
    • Fixed Hunan potentially being locked out of aligning with the Zhili Clique if the Federalists in Liangguang are defeated.
    • Fixed Hunan denying requests to join with similarly-aligned Chinese potential governments.
    • Fixed Tang Shengzhi-led Hunan joining the Right Kuomintang if they won the Liangguang Civil War.
    • Fixed the League of Eight Provinces potentially submitting to Kuomintang-aligned governments.
    • Fixed several missing League of Eight Provinces commander descriptions.
    • Fixed the Left Kuomintang being able to attack Shandong before the latter has chosen its political path.
    • Fixed Left Kuomintang-led Liangguang not getting the Kuomintang flag upon unifying China.
    • Fixed Liangguang trying to attack Yunnan while being a puppet.
    • Fixed Right Kuomintang-led Liangguang being unable to align with their potential allies in Xinjiang.
    • Fixed a calculation error for Japan’s Greater East Asian Co-Prosperity Sphere economic bonuses.
    • Fixed Japan not being released if it was split between several allies.
    • Fixed multiple Left Kuomintang-aligned generals not changing their uniform appropriately.
    • Fixed Manchuria losing Yang Yuting as leader, when Japan releases Fengtian as a puppet.
    • Fixed puppet Mongolia having inappropriate national spirits for their government.
    • Fixed the Soviet Union not getting a claim on Sakhalin.
    • Fixed puppet League of Eight Provinces being unable to progress down their national foci.
    • Fixed Russia releasing a Puyi-led Zhili Clique.
    • Fixed Shangqing Tianguo increasing NatPop popularity in a non-existing Left Kuomintang.
    • Fixed Anqing-puppet Shandong being unable to remove their revolt national spirits.
    • Fixed Shandong’s Li Zaolin not being correctly retired when Zhang Zongchang loses power.
    • Fixed Shandong not being annexed by Manchu Coup Qing if they were a puppet when the coup happened.
    • Fixed Shanxi’s Northwest Automobile Company not working.
    • Fixed Japanese puppet Transamur remaining in the Legation Council.
    • Fixed Yunnan potentially aligning with Liangguang, while the latter is still having their civil war.
    • Fixed Yunnan aligning with Liangguang or the Left Kuomintang, when the latter two are not yet potential governments.
    • Fixed Right Kuomintang-led Yunnan declaring on their potential allies in Liangguang, and being unable to align with several potential allies.
    • Fixed Long Yun-led Yunnan forming the National Protection Alliance as a puppet.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Fixed Australasia getting two different responses if the Legation Cities unilaterally restore the British vote.
    • Fixed the Bharatiya Commune dismantling its faction while joining the Third Internationale, causing its allies to not also join.
    • Fixed the Eastern Syndicalist Union merging with the Third Internationale sometimes skipping countries.
    • Fixed Bhutan receiving events about desertions in the Second American Civil War.
    • Fixed Burma being released with the wrong party popularities.
    • Fixed German East Asia never surrendering due to holding onto isolated ports.
    • Fixed the Dominion of India and the Princely Federation not going to war against each other.
    • Fixed Insulindian peace between Insulindia and the Dutch East Indies ending the Eastern Seas War between Japan and Germany.
    • Fixed Papua being claimed by the overlord of Australasia, when it is meant to go to Australasia itself.
    • Fixed the Princely Federation being able to attack the Dominion of India earlier via decision than by national focus.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed the AI not properly researching Basic Small Airframes.
    • Fixed multiple incorrect division template icons.
    • Fixed multiple portraits being replaced by their counterparts from the base game.

1.0.4 - 19th of February, 2024[]


Notable Additions

  • Updated the effects of many of Mongolia’s political national foci and national spirits, while keeping the focus tree structure, paths, lore and events unchanged.

New Events

  • Added an event for player-controlled countries in the Eastern European Defence Cooperation, where they can choose to defend their borders without assistance from Germany or non-EEDC allies, until the Commune of France is defeated. Russia will also receive extra infantry equipment.
  • Added an event for Germany as an introduction to Kurt von Schleicher, replacing the event about the death of Wilhelm Solf.
  • Added an event for Germany regarding the integration of Liechtenstein.
  • Added several new events for the S-W-R path for Germany, involving the legacy of Grand Admiral Tirpitz, an event upon completion of the “New German Conservatism” national focus, the 1939 DkP Chairman Elections, with new follow-up events depending on the chairman chosen, and an event about the death of Kuno von Westarp.
  • Added an event for the United States of America, regarding emergency stockpiles for the Federalists.

New Decisions

  • Added decisions for Germany to reduce resistance in puppet Britain and France, and remove the “Communard Partisans” state modifier.
  • Added a decision for Mongolia to declare the pan-Mongol state.


  • New portraits
    • Belgium: Joris Van Severen
    • Canada: Arthur Herbert Evans
    • Colombia: Gustavo Rojas Pinilla
    • Denmark: Martin Andersen Nexø
    • East Turkestan: Masud Sabri
    • Ecuador: Dolores Cacuango
    • Estonia: Johannes Orasmaa, Jaan Tõnisson
    • French Republic: Charles de Gaulle, Philippe Pétain (military)
    • Germany: Walter Model
    • Hausaland: Siddiq Abubakar III
    • Kumul Khanate: Hoja-Niyaz Haji
    • Kurdistan: Mahmud Barzanji
    • Malaysia: Abdul Hamid Halim Shah, Burhanuddin al Helmy
    • Mali: Mamadou Konaté
    • New England: Joseph William Martin Jr.
    • Paraguay: José Félix Estigarribia Insaurralde, Juan Manuel Frutos Escurra
    • Romania: Constantin Constantinescu-Claps
    • Shandong: Li Zaolin
    • Shanxi: Deng Xiaoping
    • Spain: Camilo Alonso Vega, Dámaso Berenguer Fusté, Mariano Gámir Ulíbarri, Manuel Goded Llopis, José Moscardó Ituarte, Ricardo Rada Peral, Vicente Rojo Lluch
    • Ubangi-Shari: Antoine Théophile Darlan, Jane Vialle
    • West Indies Federation: Ralph Leatham
    • Xinjiang: Burhan Shahidi
  • New advisor portraits
    • Germany: Gottfried Treviranus
    • Xinjiang: Yan Yushan
  • Added a new Russian generic General portrait.
  • Added a new event picture for Germany.
  • Added a new flag for Hejaz.
  • Updated a decision category picture for the Left Kuomintang.


  • Updated the borders of Karelia.
  • Added a supply depot, a naval base and more railways to Finland.
  • Added a supply depot in Vyazma.
  • Fixed Åland being physically uninvadable.

Other Changes

  • North America
    • The Combined Syndicates of America will now only receive volunteers from socialist countries that have a large enough army.
    • Paricutín Volcano events can now only fire for Mexico.
    • Updated the effects of several national foci and national spirits for Totalist, Syndicalist, RadSoc and SocDem Mexico.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Nicaragua’s “Arming the Militias” national focus now adds the Militia technology.
    • Updated the effects of many of Panama’s national foci, adding more factories and consumer goods reductions, altering military foci effects, and updating the national focus filters accordingly.
    • Added a timed mission to indicate Panama’s peace deal with the Entente.
    • Clarified the requirements of the final national foci in Panama’s conservative path.
  • South America
    • Added a second-in-command for puppet NatPop Argentina.
    • NatPop Argentina and Brazil will now send volunteers to Carlist Spain, during the Spanish Civil War.
    • Paraguay’s “Paz y Justicia” national focus now increases the state category rather than adding another build slot.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Added new responses to the “Belgian Declaration of Independence” news event.
    • Tweaked the content of the British and French puppet governments of Germany, to make the restoration of civilian government easier.
    • Clarified how long it can take for a Flanders-Wallonia game rule to have its effect.
    • Nerfed the Commune of France’s volunteers bonus from their “Vanguard of the Revolution” national spirit.
    • Updated the volunteers that are now sent to the Italian Civil War.
    • Renamed the Netherlands’ national focus “KAM Air Academie” to “KMA Luchtvaartacademie”.
    • Scotland and Wales now use a new puppet type when released as puppet by the RadSoc Union of Britain, which also uses the Union of Britain’s map colour.
    • CNT-FAI will now only receive volunteers from socialist countries that have a large enough army.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Changed the prefix of Denmark’s ships from “KDM” to “HDMS”.
    • Updated Denmark’s ship name lists.
    • Added a description to Denmark’s Martin Andersen Nexø.
    • Rebalanced Denmark’s initial Black Monday initial national foci before the “Kanslergaden Agreement” national focus.
    • Ported over the medals from vanilla for Denmark, Finland, Norway and the Nordic Federation.
    • Updated Finland’s starting infantry and mountaineers template.
    • Changed the effect of Germany’s “Establish the W-System” national focus, so that it now causes Fritz Thyssen to be available as an advisor rather than hiring him, and also decreased the focus duration.
    • Germany’s Mitteleuropa focus tooltips now tell you more relevant information and are more consistent.
    • Improved the tooltips in Germany’s postwar national foci.
    • Germany’s “Growing Preparedness” event will now mention the new French capital if it is no longer Paris, and have a different response if France has already been beaten.
    • AI-controlled Germany will now wait until 1937 to start its Mitteleuropa national foci.
    • Updated the text of multiple German political events.
    • Nerfed the political power gain for AutDem Germany in the “Bavaria’s Defeat” and “Split in the DVLP” events.
    • Germany’s generic army grip decisions are now removed after all national foci that increase/decrease grip have been taken.
    • Germany’s “Restore Civilian Administration” national focus now requires puppet France and Britain to have less than 10% resistance, rather than none.
    • Germany will now always restore the monarchy following a republican revolution, should a player-controlled Poland led by King Alexander un-capitulate Germany and win the war.
    • Updated the requirements for several S-W-R political national foci for Germany.
    • Buffed the Nordic Federation’s SocDem political national foci.
    • Added the “NFS” (Nordic Federation Ship) prefix to ships produced by the Nordic Federation, and updated their naval name lists.
    • Updated the party names for the Nordic Federation and added English translations.
    • Buffed multiple decisions for the Nordic Federation.
    • Changed the prefix of Norway’s ships from “KNM” to “HNoMS”, and updated several of their name lists.
    • Added 5% starting war support to Norway.
    • Added unique text for the event where German-aligned Alexander-led Polish monarchy un-capitulates Germany while keeping Posen, should Germany have become a republic.
    • Reordered Poland’s “Military Cooperation” decision category.
    • Buffed Sweden’s “Folkhemmet” national spirit.
    • Changed the prefix of Sweden’s ships from “HMS” to “HSwMS”, and updated several of their name lists.
    • Added a tooltip to Sweden’s Black Monday decision panel, clarifying what level of unemployment is needed for Black Monday to be resolved.
    • Sweden now starts with 1936 infantry equipment, which has been renamed.
    • Added English language translations to Swedish political parties.
    • Added more text to Sweden’s “Failed Coup d'Etat” event.
    • Sweden’s Gustaf Adolf Bernadotte Jnr. is now a starting commander, and is promoted to field marshal upon the coronation of Gustaf VI Adolf.
    • Improved the infantry equipment that is being produced by Sweden at game start.
    • Sweden’s Helge Jung is now promoted to field marshal upon completion of the “Jung Junta” national focus.
    • Updated the descriptions for infantry equipment for Sweden and the Nordic Federation.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Buffed the effect of Albania’s “Universal Health Care” national spirit.
    • Slightly buffed the effect of the Cantacuzino path for Romania.
    • Added Romanian endonyms for Mogilev, Odessa and Vinnitsa.
    • Updated the effect of Russia’s “Aristocratic Army” national spirit.
    • Increased the priority at which Russia will now complete its economic national foci compared to its political.
    • The Treaty of Moscow now removes any of Russia’s active guarantees of independence.
    • Serbia can no longer present their Ultimatum to Illyria during the Austrian “End the Dual Rule” events, should the former still be at war with Bulgaria or have capitulated.
    • The Belgrade Pact losing to Bulgaria will now cause Czechia and Bohemia to leave the faction, should they be in it, and for Serbia and Romania to make peace with Austria, if they are at war.
    • Serbia’s Ultimatum to Illyria will now always be denied if the former is still at war with Bulgaria.
    • Serbia can now annex Ghegaria.
    • Improved the tooltip for Ukraine’s "Introduce Worker Self Management" national focus.
    • Increased Ukraine’s AI priority on completing their postwar national foci.
    • Ukraine’s “New Sunrise” national focus can now be completed when in a faction with socialist Russia.
    • Hetmanist Ukraine’s Parliamentarisation national spirits will now be available if at war with countries other than Russia.
    • PatAut White Ruthenia now starts with the AutDems in coalition, later gaining the SocCons.
    • White Ruthenia’s national focus to decrease RadSoc popularity will now be bypassed if White Ruthenia is socialist.
    • Added 5% starting war support to White Ruthenia.
  • Africa
    • Increased how frequently the event for potentially crowning Napoleon IV in the French Republic will fire.
    • Added Antoine Théophile Darlan and Jane Vialle as Syndicalist/Totalist and RadSoc/SocDem leaders of Ubangi-Shari, respectively.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Added multiple Abkhaz, Chechen, Kumyk, Kurdish and Ossetian endonyms.
    • Egypt will now gain more volunteers in the War in the Desert.
    • Updated several Georgian character and place names to use the Georgian versions.
    • Georgia’s Intelligence Agency is now known as “Gansakutrebuli Razmi”.
    • Hejaz will now have a unique flag and new map colour, when in a personal union with Jabal Shammar.
    • Jabal Shammar’s “Relinquish Absolute Power” national focus now adds the “Growing Political Consciousness” timed national spirit, which shifts party popularity.
    • The Ottomans now gain a claim on Al-Hasa when annexing the state via event.
    • The Ottomans’ “Selim I Airport Opened” event now grants two levels of air bases to Baghdad.
    • The Ottomans will now send volunteers to the Princely Federation, if possible.
    • Updated the volunteers that are now sent to the War in the Desert.
  • East Asia
    • Updated the volunteers that are now sent to the Left Kuomintang during the League Collapse War.
    • Updated Hu Songshan’s trait in the Ma Clique to the new trait “Nationalist Imam”.
    • Updated Mongolia’s national spirits and their effects, for each political path, as well as those of several national foci.
    • Mongolia’s decision to build a railway to Tuva now also adds a supply hub.
    • Mongolia will now gain their Russian claims, if at war with Russia when the Treaty of Moscow occurs.
    • Added the “Cavalry Officer” trait to Qing’s Xing Shilian.
    • Improved Russia’s AI in handling war against Mongolia.
    • Added descriptions to Qing’s generals Xing Shilian, Yu Xuezhong, Zhang Yinwu and Liu Zhenhua.
    • Updated the traits and stats of Qing’s general Zhang Shaozeng.
    • Added Li Zaolin as a new general, Chief of Army and starting second-in-command for Shandong.
    • Zhang Zhongchang’s previous second-in-command, Chu Yupu, is now an advisor.
    • Added Deng Xiaoping as a general to Shanxi.
    • Updated the effect of “The Shanxi Kuomintang” event, which now adds more political power, RadSoc popularity, and adds Deng Xiaoping as a general.
    • Added multiple traits to Sichuan’s generals.
    • Increased Sichuan’s general Deng Xihou to skill level 2.
    • Expanded the description for Sichuan’s Guo Xunqi.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • German East Asia now has its generals and admirals returned, upon its restoration by Germany.
    • Added Burhanuddin al Helmy as the Totalist leader of Malaya.
    • Added Onan Haji Siraj as the NatPop leader of Malaya, using a generic portrait.
    • Added a monarchy option for Malaya, led by Abdul Hamid Halim Shah.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Buffed the starting plane templates for majors, and updated their later template design goals.
    • Added a new generic Military Industrial Organisation for several countries.
    • Added some temporary hidden bonuses to AI-controlled France and Germany after they lose a lot of their starting territory.
    • The “Isolation” trade laws no longer prevent Limited Conscription.
    • Added a new fictionalised loading screen quote for the Union of Britain.
    • Added a new “Autonomous Territory” generic puppet type, which uses the same map colour as their overlord.
    • AI majors prioritise researching air technologies more.
    • Replaced a loading screen quote by Alexander Kerensky with one by Victor Chernov.
    • Reformatted the Leader Descriptions for East Turkestan, Kumul, Ma Clique, Oman, Qing, Shandong, Sichuan, Xinjiang and Yunnan to include date and place of birth.
    • Added path guides for the Bharatiya Commune, Cyrenaica, Haiti, Hawaii, Insulindia, Iraq, Katanga, Lebanon, Lombardy, Nicaragua, Panama, the Papal States, Portugal, the Princely Federation, Somalia, Syria, Uruguay, Venezuela and Venice.
    • Updated the path guides for Albania, Argentina, the Dutch East Indies, Liangguang, the Philippines and Sichuan.


  • North America
    • Fixed the American Union State’s “Veteran Employment Act” national spirit to instantly invalidating for NatPop Huey Long.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Fixed Haiti purchasing fighters from the Commune of France, if it had reached out to Germany.
    • Fixed Panama not being able to take the last focus of the conservative focus tree.
    • Fixed inappropriately Panama ending the war with the Entente early.
  • South America
    • Fixed Argentina remaining in the Entente or Reichspakt after electing RadSocs.
    • Fixed a Chilean game rule being present for paths that are no longer accessible outside of puppeting.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Fixed some inconsistent Italian ship naming.
    • Fixed missing text on multiple events for the United Kingdom.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Fixed Germany’s “Remilitarize Germaniawerft” national focus not taking the “Arms Against Tyranny” DLC into account.
    • Fixed Germany demanding the Suez Canal when it's actively being fought over still in the War in the Desert.
    • Fixed Germany demanding the Suez Canal from an owner who does not control it.
    • Fixed Germany’s Carlo Mierendorff not becoming Reichspräsident.
    • Fixed Germany’s “Enforce Ideological Loyalty” decision giving the wrong government to Belarus.
    • Fixed Germany losing its claim on Verviers, when not demanded by Belgium.
    • Fixed Karl Jarres not becoming leader in puppet Germany.
    • Fixed Germany getting the "Future of the Polish Government" event, when Poland’s elections have already been held.
    • Fixed Germany’s event regarding the Declaration of a Polish Republic mentioning Austria if it is no longer independent or no longer exists.
    • Fixed some mismatches in the cost of several German economic decisions, compared to what is needed to complete them.
    • Fixed Germany’s troop surge decision being only available once.
    • Fixed Germany’s “Offensive Chit” decision not removing the equipment it costs.
    • Fixed Germany's event about Luxembourg's strike not also applying the Ruhrkampf modifier on Verviers.
    • Fixed Germany’s decision to claim Crete being selectable more than once.
    • Fixed mismatched text and options in postwar Germany’s decisions to topple Estonian and Lithuanian governments.
    • Fixed Hungary’s integration of Mura integrating Vorarlberg.
    • Fixed the Nordic Federation and its other potential constituents not joining its research group.
    • Fixed Poland’s “Goodwill from Centrolew” event showing that it gives no political power, and increased the stability it gives by 2%.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Fixed Estonia’s government being forcibly changed by victorious Germany, despite Estonia resisting the coup.
    • Fixed Russia’s game rule reversing the RadSoc and Syndicalist leaders.
    • Fixed a single version of the Russian “Verkhovny Ekonomicheskiy Sovet” national spirit giving ten times the intended recruitable population debuff.
    • Fixed socialist Russia not being told they are supporting Poland’s socialists.
    • Fixed socialist Russia not declaring war on Germany during the Weltkrieg, if at war with someone else.
    • Fixed "The Fall of Russia" news event firing when Russia is socialist.
    • Fixed a broken Russian naval bomber design.
    • Fixed Totalist puppet Ukraine being unable to progress down its national focus tree.
    • Fixed Ukrainian postwar content being potentially broken by Germany’s regime change.
    • Fixed Ukraine going Republican even if Germany guaranteed Skoropadskyi's victory.
    • Fixed Ukraine’s “Overtures to Vienna” national focus being available when Austria is no longer a faction leader or independent.
    • Fixed the Hetman side of Ukraine’s Anti-Hetman Revolt being unloseable.
    • Fixed Ukraine’s “The Odesa Port” and “Centralise the Military Railway Service” national foci not giving industrialisation score if they were taken prior to the land reform and industrialisation missions appearing.
    • Fixed Ukraine having a duplicate “The Labour Principle” national spirit.
    • Fixed puppet NatPop Ukraine having the wrong name and map colour.
    • Fixed NatPop Ukraine keeping the weaker version of nationalist agitation.
    • Fixed NatPop White Ruthenia never rounding up the remaining agitators.
    • Fixed White Ruthenia keeping inappropriate national spirits after changing government or being puppeted.
  • Africa
    • Fixed Ethiopia trying to join a faction while already in one.
    • Fixed parts of Mittelafrika’s tree sticking around for the German Government in Exile.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Fixed Anatolian Kurdistan changing its ideology inappropriately at the end of its focus tree.
    • Fixed Georgia being unable to use German Military Industrial Organisations if Germany puppets Russia.
    • Fixed the wrong party names being added in several effects for Jabal Shammar.
  • East Asia
    • Fixed puppet Japan having continuous elections.
    • Fixed the Left Kuomintang being unable to invest in countries in the developing world that exist.
    • Fixed Mongolia’s decision to build a railway to Chahar.
    • Fixed a Shandong-formed “League of East Chinese Provinces” reverting to Shandong's flag upon forming a national government.
    • Fixed Transamur peacing out with Russia in Treaty of Moscow.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Fixed German East Asia not giving a full guarantee of independence to the League of Eight Provinces in the “AOG Requests a Full Military Guarantee” event.
    • Fixed Hellmuth von Mücke not being properly made the leader upon the restoration of German East Asia.
    • Fixed a restored German East Asia incorrectly receiving the Kra Isthmus.
    • Fixed Insulindia trying to buy planes from puppet Japan.

1.0.3 - 15th of January, 2024[]


Notable Additions

  • Updated the leaders, seconds-in-command and advisors for NatPop Italian Republic, and added more interactions with other factions and Italian splinters.
  • Relocated multiple characters in Italy to match their likely allegiances more closely, rather than where they were born.
  • The outcome of multiple randomly-decided effects and events for Germany can now be changed upon reloading the game, rather than being decided at game start.

New Events

  • Added five new flavour events for Japan.
  • Added a news event for Japan’s peace with Germany.

New Decisions

  • Added a decision for Germany to annex Riga in the “Enforce Ideological Loyalty in the East” national focus, if it owns and claims the surrounding Latvian states.
  • Added a decision for NatPop Italian Republic to join the Entente, should Sardinia not exist, or also be a dictatorship.

New Custom Country Paths

  • Belgium (expanded current options)
  • Bhutan (expanded current options)
  • Italian Republic Foreign Policy (expanded current options)


  • New portraits
    • Albania: Avni Rustemi
    • Australasia: John Curtin, Herbert William Lloyd
    • Canada: Clarence Gillis
    • East Turkestan: Abdullah Bughra
    • Fengtian Government: Ma Zhanshan (uniform variant)
    • Finland: Fredrik Kaarle
    • French Republic: Henri Mordacq
    • Italian Republic: Ugo Cavallero, Alberto Da Zara, Emilio De Bono, Costanzo Ciano, Gian Galeazzo Ciano, Raffaele de Courten, Luigi Einaudi, Rodolfo Graziani, Alberto Pariani, Ferruccio Parri, Alessandro Sardi
    • Socialist Republic of Italy: Romeo Bernotti, Luigi Biancheri, Inigo Campioni, Giuseppe Fioravanzo, Ada Gobetti, Benito Mussolini, Riccardo Paladini, Luigi Rizzo
    • Lombardy: Giovanni Battista Migliori
    • Malaysia: Ibrahim Yaacob
    • Morocco: Abd el-Krim, Léon Sultan
    • Netherlands: Johannes Furstner, Adriaan Gerhard
    • New Zealand: Arthur Cook, Cyril Newall
    • Peru: Gustavo Adolfo Jímenez Saldías
    • Sardinia: Giovanni Galati, Angelo Iachino, Giovanni Messe, Pietro Pintor
    • Siam: Wan Chuthin
    • Somalia: Haaji Mahammad Husseen
    • Sweden: Axel Bredberg, Folke Hogberg, Axel Rappe, Nils Rosenblad, Per Sylvan, Erik Testrup
    • Ubangi-Shari: Barthélemy Boganda
    • Yunnan: Chen Yi
    • Zimbabwe: Masotha Ndlovu
  • Tweaked portraits
    • Italian Republic: Ettore Bastico, Annibale Bergonzoli, Fedele De Giorgis, Venanzio Gabriotti, Italo Gariboldi, Gabriele Nasci, Alessandro Sardi
    • Sardinia: Pietro Badoglio, Bruno Malaguti, Mario Roatta, Adalberto di Savoia-Genova, Giuseppe Valle
  • New advisor portraits
    • Denmark: Børge Houmann, Richard Jensen, Georg Laurentius Laursen
    • Italian Republic: Gian Galeazzo Ciano, Luigi Federzoni, Ezio Maria Gray
    • Russia: Aleksandr Kazakov
    • United States: Robert Hutchings Goddard
  • Tweaked advisor portraits
    • Ireland: Dan Bryan, Emmet Dalton, Martin Doyle, James Fitzmaurice, William McSweeney, CF Russell
  • Added a generic German General portrait.
  • Added the old stand-in portrait of Abdullah Bughra as a generic leader portrait for Central Asia.
  • Tweaked the MarLib ideology icon.
  • Added new flags for Flanders, socialist New Zealand and socialist Norway.
  • Added national spirit icons for Australia, Australasia, Flanders, New Zealand, Tibet and Wallonia.
  • Added a generic national focus icon for artillery.
  • Updated two user interface icons for Germany’s Black Monday Card Game.
  • Removed several low-quality national spirit icons from the Netherlands.
  • Updated a number of national spirit icons for Argentina, Australasia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, the Left Kuomintang, Liangguang, Qing and Wallonia.
  • Updated a national focus icon for Australasia.
  • Updated a German event picture.
  • Updated the icons used for several country-specific general traits.

Music Mod

  • Added “Der rider en konge” (There Rides a King) for Denmark.
  • Added a temporary fix for a Paradox bug where only a quarter of the songs in the music mod play.


  • Added multiple new Assyrian endonyms.
  • Added a Mura state in Hungary.
  • Split the Albania state into Toskeria and Ghegeria.
  • Split the Regina province in Canada in two.
  • Removed Lake Manicouagan in Canada.
  • Tweaked the province shapes and altered the railways in Oldenburg.
  • Removed the Zhennan state from Guangxi.
  • Fixed a mountain bottleneck near Genoa.
  • Updated the names for Tyrol.
  • Added Italian endonyms for Albania.
  • Insulindia’s endonyms now work for Malaysia and Sarawak.
  • Standardised Polish endonyms for Krakow, Cernauti and Suceava.
  • Sinai is now part of the Egypt air zone.
  • Fixed the position of Wilhelmshaven.
  • Fixed Romania’s port of Cetatea Alba not being connected to any rail line.
  • Fixed the locations of Taiyuan and Yangquan in Shanxi.

Other Changes

  • North America
    • Added Robert Hutchings Goddard as a rocket theorist to the United States of America.
    • Updated the leaders and party names for the three socialist parties in Canada.
    • Updated the traits of Canada’s seconds-in-command.
    • Renamed Canada’s political path game rule.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Cuban and Guatemalan generals are now promoted to field marshals if they are made the country leader.
    • Increased the stability in Guatemala’s United Fruit Company-backed coup.
    • Decreased the war support malus’ from Guatemala’s “Foreign Economic Control” dynamic modifier, and “Socialist Compensation” national spirit.
  • South America
    • Suriname now uses Dutch endonyms.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Belgium’s Van Severen can now lead a republic.
    • Added new effects to Belgiums’ Minerva and Brossel national foci.
    • Split the Pas-de-Calais annexation mission into separate Calais, Lille and Dunkirk missions.
    • Rebalanced the traits and stats of multiple Italian generals and admirals.
    • Italian fascists and anti-fascists now purge each other following reunification.
    • Giacomo Matteotti is now the starting second-in-command of the Italian Republic.
    • Replaced Italo Balbo as NatPop leader of the Italian Republic with Constanzo Ciano, who is succeeded by his son Gian Galeazzo Ciano upon his death in 1939.
    • Added Luigi Federzoni as the new starting second-in-command for NatPop Italian Republic, replacing Emilio De Bono.
    • NatPop Italian Republic is now known as the “Italian State”, rather than the “Italian National Republic”.
    • Added the option for NatPop Italian Republic to restore the monarchy.
    • NatPop Italian Republic can now peacefully annex PatAut-led Italian splinters, and can itself be peacefully annexed by other NatPop or PatAut Italian splinters.
    • Improved NatPop Italian Republic’s AI when fighting Venice.
    • The Italian Republic’s admiral Alberto Da Zara is now also a theorist, and Raffaele de Courten is now also a Chief of Navy.
    • Moved Ugo Cavallero to the Italian Republic from Sardinia and made him a general, removing other roles.
    • Removed general Enrico Riccardi from the Italian Republic.
    • Tweaked the stability effects in multiple events for the Italian Republic.
    • Mussolini is now given an alternative portrait when he establishes the dictatorship.
    • The Socialist Republic of Italy’s “Reform the Party” national focus now renames the party to the “Partito del Lavoro Fascista”, rather than the “Partito Nazionale Fascista”.
    • Added Ada Gobetti as a general for the Socialist Republic of Italy.
    • Moved the naval theorist Giuseppe Fioravanzo to the Socialist Republic of Italy from the Italian Republic, and he is now also an Admiral.
    • Moved the general Domenico Mondelli to the Socialist Republic of Italy from the Italian Republic.
    • Moved the general and second-in-command Achille Starace to the Socialist Republic of Italy from the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, and updated his second-in-command trait.
    • Added traits to the generals and admirals of the Socialist Republic of Italy, denoting Fascist and Socialist Officers.
    • Moved Italo Balbo to the Socialist Republic of Italy, where he can now also be a Chief of Air Force for Mussolini after the reunifying Italy and purging the anti-Fascists.
    • The Socialist Republic of Italy’s admiral Inigo Campioni is no longer a theorist.
    • Moved admiral Luigi Rizzo to the Socialist Republic of Italy from the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
    • Added a national focus to the Socialist Republic of Italy to recruit Ettore Bastico, Fedele De Giorgis, Angelo Iachino, Gino Pavesi, and Salvatore Todaro, after reunifying Italy.
    • Lombardy will now be more likely to join the Reichspakt, if they have the “Prussian Drill” national spirit.
    • Lombardy can now join the Belgrade Pact if either the owner of Trentino is in a faction with Germany or Austria, or Russia is socialist.
    • Replaced Sebastiano Visconti Prasca with Giovanni Battista Migliori as SocCon leader of Lombardy.
    • The Papal States’ “Syndicalist Guerrilla Campaign” national spirit now uses resistance and compliance.
    • The Papal States’ national foci to ask for aid from the Kingdom of Two Sicilies will now also grant bonuses to the latter.
    • Moved admiral Giovanni Galati to Sardinia from the Italian Republic.
    • Moved general Giovanni Messe to Sardinia from the Kingdom of Two Sicilies, and made him a theorist.
    • Reduced the duration of several postwar national foci for the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
    • Changed the Kingdom of Two Sicilies' admiral Giulio Ingianni to a general with the Naval Invader trait.
    • Added Achille Lauro as a second-in-command for NatPop Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
    • The Kingdom of Two Sicilies’ general Pietro Ago is now a field marshal and a theorist.
    • Tweaked the stability debuffs in the Kingdom of Two Sicilies’ event about dissolving parliament.
    • The Kingdom of Two Sicilies’ general Giuseppe Izzo now has a Military High Command role.
    • Venice’s “Military Confusion” national spirit is no longer temporary.
    • The state of Venetia is now demilitarised prior to its revolt.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • An Austrian-led South German Federation can now be given Switzerland.
    • The Copenhagen Conference now fires very quickly if World Tension reaches 75% before 1939, and will always be accepted by the AI.
    • Denmark can now gain a fifth research slot.
    • Martin Andersen Nexø is now the totalist leader of Denmark, replacing Olga Eggers.
    • Added Børge Houmann, Richard Jensen and Georg Laurentius Laursen as advisors for socialist Denmark.
    • Renamed Denmark’s socialist parties.
    • Swapped the ideologies for Finland’s Monarchist and Mannerheim paths.
    • Finland’s elections are now every three years instead of every four.
    • NatPop Finland can now no longer attack its neighbours before the Second Weltkrieg.
    • Updated the text on Germany’s event on the Treaty of Moscow.
    • Improved the manpower situation of German military governments in conquered lands after the Second Weltkrieg.
    • AI-controlled Germany now ignores Debt when calculating the “Lacking Preparedness” modifier.
    • Germany is now more likely to complete military reform national foci when at war, or when war is nearing, and several other German AI changes in completing national foci.
    • Tweaked the German AI behaviour while at war with the Commune of France.
    • Added tooltips to national foci that decrease the “Lacking Preparedness” modifier, and a filter for the national foci dealing with them.
    • Made SocDem Germany more likely to take the “Expand Ties with Friedrich Krupp AG” national focus.
    • Improved SocDem Germany’s ability to manage the Coalition Loyalty national foci.
    • Added a tooltip for PatAut Germany's “Clash of Civilisations” national focus, stating that it will include the areas of the Mountain Republic in the Russo-German scripted peace deal.
    • AI-controlled Germany now places higher priority in completing the “Expand Colonial Budgets” national focus.
    • Overhauled Sweden’s military and naval rosters to include more relevant figures.
    • Implemented more Swedish tank variant names from the “Arms Against Tyranny” DLC.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Forming Yugoslavia as PatAut Bulgaria now longer requires Dalmatia, Kotor, Rijeka or Syrmia.
    • Added descriptions to Russian leaders Maria Spiridonova and Yakov Sverdlov.
    • The Treaty of Moscow now makes Russia peace out with any non-Reichspakt combatants, besides Transamur.
    • Buffed the Russian constitutional monarchy national spirits.
    • Rebalanced the effects of multiple Russian military and economic national spirits.
    • Shortened the duration of several decisions in Ukraine’s anti-Hetmanist revolt.
    • Increased the air experience given by Ukraine’s “Aviation Workshops” national focus.
    • Added an airbase to the reward of Ukraine’s “Aviation Schools” national focus.
    • Added a small stability buff to Ukraine’s “Hierarchy, Duty, Discipline” national focus.
    • Added descriptions to Ukraine’s Military Industrial Organisations.
    • Buffed the party popularity for NatPop Ukraine and improved the AI’s ability to maintain it.
  • Africa
    • Nerfed the political power gain in the French Republic’s democratic path.
    • Mittelafrika may now only start its final NatPop national foci if Germany has more than 40% surrender progress.
    • Renamed a Mittelafrikan national focus, and rewrote two focus descriptions to better suit the new setup.
    • Binyamin I of Ubangi-Shari is now also a general.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • New members of the League of Arab States now receive the relevant national spirits they would have received when Iraq or Syria complete the relevant national foci.
    • Fixed HIF not being counted towards parliamentary support for MarLib/SocCon Ottoman Empire.
  • East Asia
    • Reduced the amount of Totalist popularity gained from the “Maintain Extraordinary Powers” national focus for the Left Kuomintang.
    • Added an icon to the Left Kuomintang’s economic sphere.
    • The Left Kuomintang can now recruit Zhu De and Chen Yi after the integration of Yunnan.
    • Decreased the amount of build slots given by the Left Kuomintang’s “Bulwark of the National Revolution” national focus.
    • Decreased the political power gain debuff in the “Weak” version of the Left Kuomintang’s “Legitimacy of the Party” national spirit.
    • Fengtian Government’s Ma Zhanshan now changes uniform if he defects to the Left Kuomintang.
    • Moved some steel in Japan to Hyogo from Kansai.
    • Tweaked Shanxi’s Balance of Power to make Feng Yuxiang more likely to win half the time.
    • Shanxi’s “An Air Force for Shanxi” national spirit now gives the “Engines I” technology.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Gave Australasia’s general John Clarebrough the Artillery Officer trait, and removed the Infantry Officer and Commando traits.
    • Added Herbert William Lloyd as a general for Australasia, in addition to existing Military High Command Role.
    • The Bharatiya Commune’s faction will now always be called the Eastern Syndicalist Union.
    • Bhutan no longer starts the game at Limited Conscription.
    • Added more conscription to several Bhutanese national spirits.
    • German East Asia will now focus less on Indochina, when at war with Siam.
    • Added Ibrahim Yaacob as the RadSoc leader of Malaysia, also renaming him and removing his political advisor trait.
    • Replaced George Monckton with Cyril Newall as Governor-General options for New Zealand.
    • Replaced the Totalist, Syndicalist and RadSoc leaders for New Zealand with Fintan Patrick Walsh, Arthur Cook and John Alfred Alexander Lee, respectively.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Reformatted the Leader Descriptions for Afghanistan, the Second American Civil War participants, Argentina, Armenia, Brazil, the Union of Britain, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Flanders-Wallonia, the Commune of France, the French Republic, Georgia, Iceland, Ireland, the Italian splinters, Japan, Lebanon, Mongolia, Najd and Hasa, the Netherlands, Norway, the Ottoman Empire, Patagonia, Portugal, Scotland, Siam, South Africa, the Spanish Civil War participants, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Turkey, the United Kingdom, Uruguay and Yemen to include date and place of birth.
    • Added path guides for Afghanistan, the American Civil War participants, Anqing, Armenia, Belgium, Chile, Costa Rica, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, the Dutch East Indies, East Turkestan, Estonia, Egypt, Flanders, Gabon, Latvia, Patagonia, Shanxi and Wallonia.
    • Updated the path guides for Canada and Finland.
    • Added focus filters to Assyria.
    • Updated two national focus icons for the Socialist Republic of Italy.
    • Updated the User Interface to show longer advisor names properly.
    • Slightly reduced AI weights for surplus anti-air production.


  • North America
    • Fixed the designer of American capital ships being listed as “The Great Depression”.
    • Fixed the event for Nevada flipping to the Pacific States of America not firing.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Fixed Costa Rica trying to purchase German ships without owning a naval base.
    • Fixed Guatemala’s United Fruit Company Dynamic Modifier not being re-added, after the United Fruit Company-backed coup.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Fixed Verviers/Luxembourg Belgian exclaves being formed in the annexation events.
    • Fixed Belgium potentially getting access to two army trees.
    • Fixed Belgium keeping the “King Albert I in exile” national spirit, after his return.
    • Fixed Ireland’s Michael Collins not standing down in favour of Richard Mulcahy, after losing the elections.
    • Fixed South Tyrol not being given to NatPop Italian Republic in the Treaty of Budapest, if Germany doesn't intervene.
    • Fixed puppet Italian Republic reuniting Italy.
    • Fixed the “Fate of Piedmont” annexation mission re-firing if the occupation option is chosen.
    • Fixed the Socialist Republic of Italy’s “Massive Protests” national spirit not being removed if Mussolini is couped.
    • Fixed Lombardy and Venice attacking each other while another Italian splinter could potentially peacefully annex them.
    • Fixed Sardinia and the Kingdom of Two Sicilies being unable to declare war on Lombardy or Venice.
    • Fixed Venice’s revolt national foci not being removed if the Socialist Republic of Italy annexes the Italian Republic.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Fixed NatPop Finland oppressing the Germans while being in the Reichspakt.
    • Fixed a wrong tooltip in the initial Black Monday event for Germany.
    • Fixed Wilhelm III leading the German Republic.
    • Fixed Germany’s “Fortify the Cities” national focus giving anti-air to the same state twice.
    • Fixed Lothar Erdmann being unrecruitable by Germany’s PatAut coalition.
    • Fixed Germany’s decision to invite the Princely Federation into the Reichspakt.
    • Fixed the effect of Germany’s “Wartime Mobilisation” national focus.
    • Fixed two “The Stance of Zentrum” events firing simultaneously for Germany.
    • Fixed additional claims not being removed for PatAut Germany when their coalition collapses.
    • Fixed the German AI turning SocDem more frequently than intended.
    • Fixed the effects of Germany’s “Bailout Vulkan Werft and Schichau Werke” national focus, when the “Arms Against Tyranny” DLC is active.
    • Fixed two puppet Germanys with the same name, being released at the same time.
    • Fixed Germany attacking a non-aligned Spain before the Weltkrieg.
    • Fixed not being able to give Pressburg to Hungary correctly.
    • Fixed the decisions to buy and sell influence in Poland inappropriately cancelling.
    • Fixed missing Arms Against Tyranny version of Poland’s “Stalowa Wola” effect.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Fixed Estonia being unable to join the Reichspakt.
    • Fixed Lithuania’s Federalisation decisions being visible for all paths.
    • Fixed Russia not having the Militia technology, despite having divisions that use them.
    • Fixed Russia’s restarted war against Germany not also targeting other Reichspakt members.
    • Fixed Serbia’s “Pact of Organisation” instantly cancelling.
    • Fixed Ukraine’s Oleksandr Udovychenko lacking the Military High Command role in the URDP-led Hetmanate.
    • Fixed Ukraine’s Borotbysts being able to join the Moscow Accord.
    • Fixed Ukraine being unable to complete postwar national foci after Russia has been beaten.
    • Fixed socialist Ukraine never joining the Eastern Front of the Third Internationale.
    • Fixed being able to take single-use decisions more than once when switching the leader of the Eastern European Defence Cooperation.
  • Africa
    • Fixed decisions to form West African puppets not appearing.
    • Fixed puppet South Africa having African nationalists as leaders when puppeted by Germany.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Fixed Egyptian cores not being reset on annexation.
    • Fixed an Iran released as part of the Russo-Ottoman Convention not having a neutral foreign policy.
  • East Asia
    • Fixed the possibility of the Left Kuomintang being locked out of completing their final national focus, if AutDem Turkey is in their faction.
    • Fixed the Left Kuomintang’s “Repossess National Arsenals” national spirit not unlocking military industrial organisations as intended.
    • Fixed Socialist Russia having the option to annex Port Arthur.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Fixed Bhutan starting the game with a demobilisation mission.
    • Fixed Tenasserim mission repeating if the annexation option was chosen.
    • Fixed Siam’s conditional peace deal not firing.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed the effect of Decryption Power in several character traits and national spirits.
    • Fixed the AI not declaring war on the autonomous puppets of players.

1.0.2 - 11th of December, 2023[]



  • New portraits
    • Brazil: Cristiano Cordeiro, Luís Carlos Prestes
    • Norway: Elias Corneliussen
    • Malaysia: Tunku Abdul Rahman
    • Kingdom of Spain: José Sanjurjo Sacanell
  • New advisor portraits
    • South Africa: François Christian Erasmus, Henry Landau, James Shields
  • Tweaked advisor portraits
    • Socialist Republic of Italy: Roberto Farinacci, Filippo Marinetti, Ettore Muti


  • Added Chongjin, Daejon, Gwangju, Hamhung and Wonsan as victory points in Korea.

Other Changes

  • North America
    • Giving Hawaii to America now adds claims on the territories.
    • Updated the requirements for the American “War Plan” decisions.
    • The American AI is now more cautious in starting “War Plan” decisions.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Lilleland can no longer be formed if the area was already given to the Belgians.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Germany will now refuse the Treaty of London if the Halifax Conference was successful.
    • Added German endonyms for Rijeka, and other potential German claims.
    • Added Elias Corneliussen as an admiral for Norway.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • AI Romania will now only join the Entente if they share a land border, or if Constantinople is controlled by a member of the Entente.
    • Serbia’s Ultimatum to Illyria will now cancel if Serbia is no longer in the Belgrade Pact.
  • Africa
    • Removed Isaac Pierre de Villiers as South African spymaster.
    • Added François Christian Erasmus, Henry Landau, James Shields as Boer-, British* and Socialist-aligned spymasters for South Africa, respectively.
  • East Asia
    • Added countdowns to Fengtian’s decisions to denounce Germany and the Qing.
    • Rebalanced the effects of several of Sichuan’s national foci, national spirits and events.
    • Reduced the command power penalty to Sichuan’s army reform.
    • Sichuan’s Zhili Remnant divisions now spawn via national focus.
    • Tweaked the traits of several of Sichuan’s advisors.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Added Tunku Abdul Rahman as an advisor and SocCon leader of Malaysia.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Reformatted the Leader Descriptions for Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Russia, the United Baltic Duchy and White Ruthenia to include date and place of birth.
    • Renamed the “Illusive Gentleman” trait to “Spymaster”.
    • The “Bayonet Strength” army spirit now affects all infantry types.


Notable Fixes

  • Fixed problems with Germany’s Black Monday Card Game, including drawing the incorrect number of cards.

Other Fixes

  • North America
    • Fixed the American “War Plan” decisions being available, despite non-aggression pacts.
    • Fixed the United States being unable to integrate Guam.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Fixed Belgium being given Calais by Germany when Lilleland exists.
    • Fixed the Kingdom of Two Sicilies’ national spirit regarding the Papal States auto-cancelling.
    • Fixed the United Kingdom’s Westminster Declaration not targeting puppet dominions.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Fixed Germany’s “Pax Germanica” assessing the leader of the Internationale, rather than France.
    • Fixed a misleading tooltip when ending a turn in Germany’s Black Monday Card Game.
    • Fixed Poland’s King Aleksander becoming Kaiser, again.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Fixed the Ukraine SocDem party not changing its name as a result of RadSoc Ukraine’s failure of its minigame.
  • East Asia
    • Fixed the China generic aircraft Military Industrial Organisation icon not appearing.
    • Fixed Qing’s decisions from Fengtian’s “War in the North” event being visible to other Chinese splinters.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Fixed being unable to appropriately transfer land in several Indochinese annexation events.

1.0.1 - 9th of December, 2023[]


Notable Additions

  • Rebalanced the duration of Germany’s Black Monday Card Game. Length of turns now increases as economic health improves, leading to longer recovery.

Tweaked Focus Trees

  • Socialist Republic of Italy - added a national focus to recruit some generals from the Italian Republic.
  • Venice - added new national foci which are available during their revolt against NatPop Italian Republic.

New Events

  • Added four more flavour events to PatAut and one more to AutDem Ukraine.
  • Added two news events for Russia’s peace deal with Germany, and for them restarting the war.
  • Added an event for the Socialist Republic of Italy regarding Leonilde Iotti, unlocking her as a General.

New Decisions

  • Added a decision for socialist Colombia to join the Internationale.
  • Added a decision for a defeated independent Russia to restart the war with Germany, should Germany be at more than 70% surrender progress.

New Custom Country Paths

  • Moroccan Foreign Policy (expanded current options)


  • New portraits
    • Commune of France: Conseil de Défense Fédéral (flag variants)
    • French Republic: Henri Giraud
    • Germany: Hermann Balck, Erich Raeder
    • Greece: George II
    • Italian Republic: Annibale Bergonzoli (uniform variants x2), Venanzio Gabriotti (uniform variants x2), Gabriele Nasci (uniform variants x2)
    • Socialist Republic of Italy: Alceste De Ambris, Carlo Avegno, Arnaldo Azzi, Ines Donati, Giovanni Duca, Piera Gatteschi Fondelli, Leonilde Iotti, Edmondo Rossoni
    • Left Kuomintang: Bai Wenwai
    • Malaysia: Haji Embok Suloh
    • Romania: Corneliu Dragalina, Florea Țenescu
  • New advisor portraits
    • Socialist Republic of Italy: Roberto Farinacci, Filippo Marinetti, Ettore Muti
    • Kingdom of Two Sicilies: Cipriano Facchinetti, Giovanni Leone
    • Ukraine: Mykola Maksymiv
  • Tweaked advisor portraits
    • Italian Republic: Mario Abbiate, Nicolo Carandini, Marziale Cerutti, Federico Comandini, Giovanni Conti, Augusto de Marsanich, Giuseppe Fioravanzo, Cesare Forni, Duccio Galimberti, Luigi Gasparotto, Giacomo Matteotti, Antonio Mosconi, Alessandro Pavolini, Pietro Piacentini, Ferruccio Ranza, Meuccio Ruini, Carlo Schanzer, Marcello Soleri, Arrigo Solmi, Mario Stoppani, Giuseppe Tellera, Roberto Tremelloni, Giovanni Uberti, Ezio Vanoni
    • Kingdom of Two Sicilies: Salvatore Aldisio Giovanni Amendola, Vincenzo Azzolini, Federico Baistrocchi, Battista Bardanzellu, Mario Caracciolo, Giovanni Ciraolo, Alfredo Corrias, Enrico De Nicola, Francesco De Pinedo, Fulco Ruffo Di Calabria, Silvio Gai, Guido Jung, Ugo La Malfa, Arturo Labriola, Aurelio Liotta, Gaetano Martino, Enrico Mole, Federico Morozzo Della Rocca, Alessandro Nanni, Virgilio Nasi, Francesco Saverio Nitti, Giovanni Niutta, Angelo Parona, Francesco Pricolo, Alessandro Scotti, Antonio Segni, Luigi Sturzo, Bruno Villabruna, Adone Zoli
    • Sardinia: Edoardo Agnelli, Vittorio Ambrosio, Giorgio Bardanzellu, Camillo Bellieni, Paolo Berardi, Ugo Cavallero, Rino Fougier Corso, Luigi Crespellani, Roberto Lucifero d'Aprigliano, Luigi Efisio Marras, Enrico Martini, Giovanni Battista Melis, Giuseppe Musinu, Luigi Oggiano, Giovanni Persico, Pietro Pinna Parpaglia, Petru Rocca, Renato Sandalli, Raffaele Sanna Randaccio, Raimondo Scintu, Giovanni Sechi, Francesco Serra, Stefano Siglienti, Paolo Thaon Di Revel, Ernesto Maria Piovella
  • Added two new British generic General portraits.
  • Added new national foci icons for Germany.
  • Tweaked interface on Germany’s Black Monday Card Game, for greater colourblindness compatibility.


  • Added Zara as a victory point in Illyria, and associated rail connection.

Other Changes

  • North America
    • Replaced the fictional junior Democratic Senator Thomas Hawking with Alben Barkley, Democrat and junior Senator for Kentucky, and renamed “The Hawking Plan” national focus accordingly.
  • South America
    • Brazil can no longer have a peace deal with the West Indies Federation if the former is in a faction it doesn’t lead.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Moved Aimé Doumenc to the Commune of France, from the French Republic.
    • The Commune of France’s Jacobins, when taking the radical reform route, will now rename the country to the “French Social Republic”, in addition to changing the flag.
    • The Commune of France’s Conseil de Défense Fédéral will now update the flag used in the portrait, depending on the flag currently in use.
    • Added Italian endonyms for Albania, the Ionian Islands, Crete, Cyprus, East Africa and Tunisia.
    • The Socialist Republic of Italy now starts with the Totalists in coalition.
    • Added Roberto Farinacci, Filippo Marinetti and Ettore Muti as advisors for the Socialist Republic of Italy, with a special effect occurring should all three be hired simultaneously.
    • Updated the availability of the Socialist Republic of Italy’s advisors Alceste De Ambris and Michele Biance.
    • Renamed the Socialist Republic of Italy’s “Motoscafi Armati Siluranti” national focus to “Flottiglie MAS”.
    • Venice’s decision to claim Albania will now also claim Kosovo.
    • Replaced Venice’s “Università di Verona” with “Università di Padova”.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Updated the names of several political parties in Denmark.
    • Added Hermann Balck as a General for Germany.
    • Added General descriptions for Germany’s Walther von Reichenau and Erwin von Witzleben.
    • Changed the effect of Germany’s “Industrial Boom” national spirit.
    • Updated the national foci icons for Germany’s “Form the National People's Union” and “Woe to the Vanquished” national spirits.
    • Germany’s button for the Mitteleuropa interface is now visible from game start, but greyed-out until 1937.
    • Germany's decision to seize the Mittelafrikan navy now only appears if they actually have one.
    • Improved Germany’s AI in how it manages the S-W-R mechanics.
    • German military governorates can no longer build divisions or ships.
    • German splinters can now integrate Pressburg.
    • Added a clarifying tooltip for Germany’s “Demand for Action” mission.
    • Finishing SocDem Germany’s middle tree now removes the “Demand for Action” mission automatically, if it has not already been.
    • Germany refusing to send forces against Poland’s peasant revolt no longer costs political power.
    • Reduced the AI weight for the Industrial Projects agenda for Mitteleuropa.
    • Nerfed the effect of Germany’s “Centralise Headquarters in Berlin” national focus.
    • Removed the compliance gain debuff for Germany’s occupation of Britain and France.
    • Decreased the chances of a failstate occurring in Germany’s Bavaria Nullification minigame.
    • The random outcomes in Germany’s Bavaria Nullification minigame are now altered when selecting a decision at a different point in time, allowing for reloading a chance if an hour has passed since the save.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Tweaked the conditions for Russia’s peace deal with Germany, so that Germany’s eastern allies no longer have to have less than 10% surrender progress.
    • The Treaty of Moscow is now permanent.
    • The Treaty of Moscow now also no longer transfers civilian factories from Russia to Germany.
    • Renamed Ukraine’s “Revolutionary Bloc” to the “Worker’s Democratic Union”.
    • Nerfed the traits of SocLib/SocDem Ukraine’s Opanas Fedenko and Isaak Mazepa.
    • Nerfed the effects of multiple national spirits and foci for SocDem Ukraine.
    • Clarified the requirements for Ukraine’s “The Long Road to Recovery” national focus.
    • Renamed Ukraine’s advisor Mykola Maksymov to Mykola Maksymiv.
    • Tweaked the text of the new constitution for Soclib United Baltic Duchy, to be more in keeping with Germany’s new starting situation.
  • Africa
    • Mittelafrika can no longer choose to "Let us keep the British protectorates British" in the “Kenyan Highlands Settlement Policy” event, if they have completed the “Annex the British Colonies” national focus.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Egypt will now be willing to trade with the Internationale until the end of the War in the Desert.
  • East Asia
    • AI-controlled Japan will now wait until the start of the Weltkrieg to attack Australasia, unless the latter has imposed tariffs.
    • Added Bai Wenwai as a General for the Left Kuomintang.
    • Yunnan can no longer accept alliances or ultimatums if in a civil war.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Added Haji Embok Suloh as MarLib leader for Malaysia.


Notable Fixes

  • Fixed the American Union State being unable to fully recover from the Second American Civil War.
  • Fixed the Socialist Republic of Italy not holding elections immediately after reunification.
  • Fixed production cost reductions being applied twice for close air support, naval bombers and heavy fighters.

Other Fixes

  • North America
    • Fixed Canada losing its Dominion status after the restoration of the United Kingdom.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Fixed a Nicaraguan division template being locked upon forming Centroamerica.
  • South America
    • Fixed Brazil's peace deal with the West Indies Federation taking the Entente out of the Second Weltkrieg.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Fixed Ireland’s annexation event.
    • Fixed a party political modifier in Ireland’s “The Dáil Considers the Economy” event.
    • Fixed the decision for Italian splinters joining the Reichspakt acting as if they tried to join the Donau-Adriabund.
    • Fixed Mussolini not having a leader description when installed as a RadSoc or Syndicalist.
    • Fixed the Papal States being unable to negotiate with the Italian Republic.
    • Fixed missing Ship Designer logos for the Kingdom of Two Sicilies.
    • Fixed puppet Kingdom of Two Sicilies being unable to reunite Italy.
    • Fixed syndicalist Wallonia keeping the “Increased German Exports” national spirit.
    • Fixed democratic non-MarLib Wallonia being locked out of the “Le Chant des Wallons” national focus.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Fixed AI Austria’s Status Quo route leading to Pluralism if Illyria refuses to pay Hungary.
    • Fixed the Treaty of Budapest not peacing out Austria with Greece.
    • Fixed Finland not getting Karelia back from Russia if they win a totally-not-continuation-war.
    • Fixed the political power cost of appointing Erich Raeder and Wolfgang Wegener as Germany’s Chief of Navy.
    • Fixed monarchist puppet Germany turning into a Republic.
    • Fixed integrated Mitteleuropa members not displaying their autonomy icon.
    • Fixed Herbert von Dirksen’s place of birth, due to Wikipedia incorrectly giving his place of birth as Gröditzberg.
    • Fixed Schleicher getting ousted by the SWR and Democratic Union at the same time.
    • Fixed Germany seeking military cooperation with a puppet Austria.
    • Fixed Germany’s “Banned Production of Military Tanks and Planes” national spirit not having its intended effect.
    • Fixed SocDem Germany keeping the “Rebellion in the SPD” national spirit after the later elections or proclaiming a republic.
    • Fixed Germany’s DkP gaining two seats instead of the intended three in the “DkP-DVLP Mutual Run-off Support Pact” decision.
    • Fixed Germany trying to invite countries into the Reichspakt that no longer exist.
    • Fixed Germany getting duplicate resource rights to Azerbaijani oil.
    • Fixed Germany not being able to integrate Burgenland or Karavanks.
    • Fixed a Franz von Papen event firing for SocDem Germany, despite Zentrum not being in coalition… … with Zentrum.
    • Fixed Germany’s “Pax Germanica” event not firing after the Weltkrieg, blocking the relevant national focus.
    • Fixed Oststaaten puppet status not being broken if they refuse government changes.
    • Fixed the effect of drawing cards breaking due to not enough available cards, in Germany’s Black Monday Card Game.
    • Fixed Poland not being released as a puppet.
    • Fixed Poland’s Aleksander II taking over as Kaiser of Germany.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Fixed Lithuania’s decision categories disappearing.
    • Fixed the Treaty of Suceava firing for Romania during their war with Austria.
    • Fixed socialist Russia having two responses to NatPop White Ruthenia’s news event.
    • Fixed a Russian national focus giving General traits to Admirals.
    • Fixed socialist Russia still guaranteeing Mongolia.
    • Fixed RadSoc Ukraine not losing its national spirits following successful German intervention.
  • Africa
    • Fixed the French Republic’s “Minor Native Revolt” national spirit not being removed.
    • Fixed some Boer-related events not firing if Natal is a player.
    • Fixed Guy Hallifax staying around in South Africa after the revolution.
    • Fixed socialist South Africa keeping Isaac Pierre de Villiers.
    • Fixed Südwestafrika getting locked out of its content if Ovamboland failed to spawn.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Fixed Egypt not getting a claim on Aleppo if they annex Syria in the Treaty of Antalya, and Iraq doesn’t exist.
    • Fixed Iraq’s “Dysfunctional Union” national spirit not granting a compliance bonus on the Trucial States.
    • Fixed Iraq’s “Pass Modern Family Laws” national focus stating that it affects the “Sectarian Divide” national spirit, when that spirit is not present.
    • Fixed Iraq and Syria’s national foci involving cooperating with Oman being available when Oman does not exist.
    • Fixed and Iraqi-led Arab Federation being unable to core Beirut or Diyarbakir.
    • Fixed Asir and Najran becoming colony states.
  • East Asia
    • Fixed the icon for Japan’s Co-Prosperity Sphere not showing up.
    • Fixed the League of Eight Provinces’ Sun Liren going to Manchu-led Qing.
    • Fixed the Ma Clique’s Tien Chung Chin to Tian Jiongjin.
    • Fixed KMT-led Yunnan being unable to attack Sichuan.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Fixed Prince George’s death event firing for countries outside of the British Empire.
    • Fixed the Dominion of India sending events to the leader of the Entente, when it is not led by Canada or the United Kingdom.
    • Fixed Hellmuth von Mücke being restored as leader in countries other than German East Asia.

1.0 - 'The Empire Strikes Back' - 1st of December, 2023[]


Notable Additions

  • Replaced the parties and party leaders of the Union of Britain, Commune of France, Ireland and Russia to be in closer alignment with their upcoming respective reworks, while retaining their current content.
  • The American Union State’s Huey Long now starts as NatPop, which can change to AutDem after the Second American Civil War. An additional AutDem path led by Martin Dies Jr has also been added.
  • Updated the starting flag for the Commune of France, which can be modified via event.
  • Finland now starts as a German puppet.
  • Fully revamped the Socialist Republic of Italy, with new political, economic and military content.
  • Replaced Hermann von Göring as leader of Mittelafrika, with Karl Ritter, and altered much of its political content.
  • Russia can now turn socialist in the opening event chain, instead of through a civil war.
  • Implemented a conditional surrender that can occur when Russia is losing to Germany.
  • Updated and revised the ideology descriptions to standardise their length and applicability.

Reworked Focus Trees

  • German Empire

New Focus Trees

  • Puppet Germany

Revamped Focus Trees

  • Socialist Republic of Italy

Tweaked Focus Trees

  • American Union State (Updated the old AutDem political focus branch, and added an additional one)
  • Finland (economic and military focus branches, updated effects in political focus branches)
  • Commune of France (minor adjustments to account for the German rework and party changes)
  • Russia (added new air and army branches, and other adjustments to account for new starting situation)
  • Kingdom of Two Sicilies (updated reunification focus branch)

New Events

  • Added multiple new flavour events regarding the new American Union State content.
  • Added an event for the Commune of France regarding their national flag.
  • Added several political events for Mittelafrika.
  • Added new specific events for Poland, Russia and Ukraine regarding the Germany rework.

New Decisions

  • Added decisions for Lombardy, the Papal States and Venice to unite Italy.
  • Added a decision for Lombardy to join the Moscow Accord.
  • Added decisions for the Papal States to join the Entente, Reichspakt and Donau-Adriabund.
  • Added decisions for socialist Russia to attack unaligned Estonia, Finland and Latvia before the Weltkrieg.
  • Added decisions for Venice to claim the old Venetian-controlled lands of Albania, Crete, Cyprus, and the Ionian islands.

New Custom Country Paths

  • Albanian Foreign Policy (expanded current options)
  • American Union State (expanded current options)
  • Burmese Foreign Policy (expanded current options)
  • Union of Britain (expanded current options)
  • Cuban Foreign Policy (expanded current options)
  • Finnish Foreign Policy (expanded current options)
  • Commune of France (expanded current options)
  • Commune of France’s Flag
  • Germany
  • Germany’s Black Monday minigame
  • Socialist Republic of Italy (expanded current options)
  • Lombardy (expanded current options)
  • Lombardian Foreign Policy (expanded current options)
  • The Unification of Libya
  • Kingdom of Two Sicilies unification


  • New portraits
    • American Union State: Martin Dies Jr., Robert Elkington Wood
    • Bulgaria: Nikola Nakov
    • Congo: Jean Bolikango, Jean Félix-Tchicaya, Paul Panda Farnana M'Fumu, Daniel Kanza Kinsona, André Grenard Matswa
    • Croatia: Vladimir Ćopić
    • East Prussia: Erich Wollenberg
    • Commune of France: Adrien Marquet
    • Germany: Lothar von Arnauld de la Perière, Max Bauer, Rupprecht von Bayern (civilian), Werner von Blomberg, Fedor von Bock, Heinz Guderian, Franz Halder, Theodor Heuss, Erich Hoepner, Karl Jarres, Joseph Joos, Ewald von Kleist, Ewald von Kleist-Schmenzin, Erich Koch-Weser, Roland Köster, Wilhelm von Leeb, Karl Liebknecht, Wilhelm List, Günther Lütjens, Erich von Manstein, Hasso von Manteuffel, Carlo Mierendorff, Hermann Müller, Wilhelm III (civilian & military), Wilhelm IV (civilian), Walter von Reichenau, Siegfried von Roedern, Bernhard Rogge, Gerd von Rundstedt, Kurt von Schleicher, Eugen von Schobert, Kurt Student, Ernst Volckheim, Erwin von Witzleben, Maximilian von Weichs
    • Ireland: William O’Brien
    • Socialist Republic of Italy: Enrico Caviglia, Giuseppe Giulietti, Emilio Lussu, Alberto Meschi, Pietro Nenni
    • Kenya: Ewart Scott Grogan, Jomo Kenyatta, Harry Thuku
    • Latvia: Jānis Kurelis, Jēkabs Peterss
    • Mittelafrika: Adolf von Duisburg, Adolf Heusinger, Fritz Kolbe, Ernst-Felix Krüder, Hermann Meyer-Rabingen, Karl Ritter, Hans Surén
    • New England: Frances Perkins
    • New Zealand: Robert Campbell Begg
    • Panama: Manuel Pino
    • Peru: Gustavo Adolfo Jiménez Saldías
    • Qing: Tang Xiangming
    • Romania: Leonard Mociulschi
    • Russia: Iosib Dzhugashvili, Leonid Govorov, Filipp Ivanov, Mikhail Khanzin, Aleksandra Kollontai, Nikolai Kuznetsov, Gordey Levchenko, Mikhail Levitov, Vladimir Manstein, Sergey Markov, Kirill Meretskov, Aleksandr Nemits, Maria Spiridonova, Yakov Sverdlov, Vladimir Vitkovsky, Grigory Zinoviev
    • Slovenia: Lovro Klemenčič
    • Tshuapa Clique: Justin Kokolo
  • New advisor portraits
    • American Union State: Lawrence Dennis, Hamilton Stuyvesant Fish, Earl Long, Robert Rice Reynolds, Frank Byron Rowlett, Jacob Thorkelson, Burton Kendall Wheeler
    • Bharatiya Commune: Sarojini Naidu
    • Canada: Harry Farnham Germain Letson
    • Combined Syndicates of America: John Benjamin Anderson, Reverend Major Jealous Divine, James Edmond Fechet, Alexander Goldberger, Terry de la Mesa Allen Sr, William Francis Murphy, Marc Andrew Mitscher, Norman Scott, Harold Maskell Ware, Donald Wilson
    • Commune of France: Vincent Auriol, Henri Barbé, Marcel Déat, Georges Guynemer, Adrien Marquet, Pierre Monatte
    • Germany: Konrad Adenauer, Adolf von Batocki-Friebe, Johannes Bell, Erich von Bonin, Otto Braun, Ferdinand von Bredow, Wilhelm Canaris, Herbert von Dirksen, Albert von Einstein, Lothar Erdmann, Anton Fehr, Günther Gereke, Otto Grotewohl, Ulrich von Hassell, Oskar Hergt, Rudolf Hilferding, Otto Hugo, Ewald von Kleist-Schmenzin, Günther von Kluge, Theodor Leipart, Hermann von Lüninck, Rudolf Wissell & Wichard von Moellendorff, Hermann Müller, the Hofgeismar Circle, Waldemar Pabst, the Reichskanzler In Prussia, Hans-Joachim von Rohr, Fritz Schäffer, Hans Schlange-Schöningen, Carl Schmitt, * Rudolf Schwander, Carl Severing, Martin Spahn, Eduard Stadtler, Adam Stegerwald, Joachim von Stülpnagel, Siegfried von Roedern, Fritz Tarnow, Adolf von Trotha, Carl Ulitzka, Kuno von Westarp, Georg Wetzell, Tilo von Wilmowsky, August Winnig, Hans Zehrer
    • Socialist Republic of Italy: Alceste de Ambris, Ilio Baroni, Michele Bianchi, Nicola Bombacci, Amadeo Bordiga, Armando Borghi, Bruno Buozzi, Tullio Cianetti, Gaetano Crocco, Enrico Fermi, Ada Gobetti, Antonio Gramsci, Achille Grandi, Luigi Longo, Emilio Lussu, Ugo Macchieraldo, Sabato Martelli Castaldi, Amedeo Mecozzi, Benito Mussolini, Pietro Nenni, Umberto Nobile, Italo Piccagli, Vladimiro Pini, Alfredo Pizzoni, Bruno Pontecorvo, Luigi Razza, Giuseppe Romita, Carlo Rosselli, Giuseppe Saragat, Attilio Sassi, Oscar Sinigaglia, Altiero Spinelli, Angelo Tasca, Palmiro Togliatti, Olindo Vernocchi
    • Mittelafrika: Hellmuth Felmy
    • New England: Harold Buckley Willis, Vannevar Bush
    • Pacific States of America: William Henry Rupertus, Holland McTyeire Smith, George Orson Wells, Herbert Osborn Yardley
    • Russia: Boris Bakhmetev, Nikolay Bukharin, Ilya Fondaminsky, Klavdiy Foss, Vasily Glazunov, Sergey Goriunov, Lev Kafenhaus, Lev Kamenev, Aleksandr Kazakov, Aleksandr Kerensky, Vasily Kharlamov, Aleksandra Kollontai, Nikolay Kondratyev, Igor Kurchatov, Timofei Kutsevalov, Aleksandr Liverovsky, Vsevolod Marchenko, Nikolay Markov, Aleksandr Novikov, Sergey Obolensky, Yevgeni Preobrazhensky, Karl Radek, Aleksandr Rodzyanko, Aleksey Rykov, Martemyan Ryutin, Aleksandr Samoylo, Patriarch Sergius, Aleksandr Shlyapnikov, Ivar Smilga, Ivan Smirnov, Maria Spiridonova, Grigory Sokolnikov, Pyotr Sokolov, Yakov Sverdlov, Vyacheslav Tkachov, Mikhail Tomsky, Konstantin Vershinin, Gerasim Vdovenko, Aleksandr Voznesensky, Boris Vysheslavtsev, Mikhail Yangel, Nikolai Yezhov, Grigory Zinoviev
    • Sardinia: Giovanni Battista Melis
    • United States of America: Sam Rayburn, John Rockefeller Jr, Charles Andrew Willoughby
  • Tweaked advisor portraits
    • American Union State: Frank Maxwell Andrews, Hugo Lafayette Black, Charles Edward Coughlin, Elizabeth Eloise Kirkpatrick Dilling, Henry Ford, James Guthrie Harbord, Fred Chase Koch, Curtis Emerson Lemay, Charles Lindbergh, Dewitt Clinton Ramsey, Archibald Bulloch Roosevelt, Gerald Lyman Kenneth Smith, Francis Everett Townsend, Otto Paul Weyland, Robert Elkington Wood
    • Union of Britain: Oswald Mosley
    • Combined Syndicates of America: Ralph Johnson Bunche, Bessie Coleman, James Renshaw Cox, James William Ford, Ernest Miller Hemingway, Meyer London, John Henry Manley, Harry Dexter White
    • Commune of France: Maryse Bastié, Jacques Duclos, Suzanne Girault, Alfred Heurtaux, Jacques Francois Jannekeyn, Jacques Sadoul, Joseph Vuillemin
    • Ireland: Seán T. O’Kelly
    • New England: Dean Acheson, Clarence Lionel Adcock, Ray Atherton, Roger Babson, Francis Biddle, Charles Bohlen, WEB du Bois, Allen Dulles, John Foster Dulles, Learned Hand, Harold Huston George, Harold Lee George, Charles Evans Hughes Sr, Joseph Kennedy Sr, George Mead, Jay Pierrepont Moffat, Henry Morgenthau Jr, George Murray, Earle Partridge, Laurence Steinhardt, Richmond Turner, Sinclair Weeks, Charles Yost
    • Pacific States of America: Leland Merritt Ford, William Frederick Friedman, Harold Leclair Ickes, Hugh Samuel Johnson, Ng Poon Chew, Harvey Arthur Van Norman, John Whiteside Parsons, Earl Warren
    • United States of America: Cordell Hull, Hjalmar Petersen, Robert Ferdinand Wagner, Walter Francis White
  • Replaced a generic European leader portrait.
  • Added new flags for East Africa, the Commune of France, the Socialist Republic of Italy, Germany, Kivu, Lombardy and Mittelafrika.
  • Added new national focus icons for Germany and Lombardy, and updated previous national focus icons to account for Germany's change of flag.
  • Added new national spirit icons for Germany, Libya, Lombardy, Syria and updated previous national focus icons to account for Germany's change of flag.
  • Added new news event pictures for the Commune of France and Ireland.
  • Added new event pictures of Germany and the Socialist Republic of Italy.
  • Added a unique icon for Assault battalions.
  • Updated multiple national focus icons involving flags.
  • Added a new Austria-Hungary themed loading screen from Kaiser Cat Cinema.
  • Updated the quality of a Japan-themed loading screen.
  • Removed two deprecated loading screens.

Music Mod

  • Improved several track titles and translations for Japan
  • Added and improved several track titles transliterations for Russia.
  • Added “Wenn die Sonja Russisch Tanzt” (When Sonya Dances Russian Style) and “Wo die Lotusblüten Blüh'n” (Where the Lotus Blossoms Bloom) for Germany.
  • Removed “Hohenzollernlied” (Song of Hohenzollern) for Germany.
  • Removed “Marsh Budyonnogo” (Red Cavalry) for Russia.
  • “Taisei Yokusan no Uta” (Song of the Imperial Rule Assistance Association) will now only play for NatPop Japan.
  • “Ikhav Kozak za Dunaj” (The Cossack Rode beyond the Danube) will now only play for Ukraine.


  • Added Garoua as a victory point in Adamawa.
  • Redrew the “Ardennes” state, and renamed it to “Verviers”, updating its population and that of neighbouring states.
  • Updated Cyrenaica’s borders, taking into account changes that occurred in the 1920s in our timeline that would not have taken place in the Kaiserreich timeline.
  • Updated Mittelafrika’s rail network.
  • Redrew the state of “Tuva” in Mongolia to be more accurate to the Tannu Uriankhai’s borders.
  • Fixed the position of Czestochowa.

Other Changes

  • North America
    • Expanded the length of several flavour events of participants in the American Civil War.
    • Added Robert Elkington Wood as a general for the American Union State.
    • Updated the political advisor roster for the American Union State
    • Reworded the description of Canada’s “Bastion of the Old Order” national spirit.
    • Added the theorist HFG Letson to Canada, who replaces the role formerly played by JFC Fuller.
    • The Combined Syndicates’ “Good Syndicalist Soldier” will now recreate the Third Internationale faction, if it has been disbanded.
    • Renamed the Pacific States of America’s “Medicare” national focus to the less anachronistic “Healthcare Expansion”.
    • Renamed several of the United States’ “War Plans”.
    • The United States’ “General Electric” designer now gives a direct naval speed boost.
    • The “Business of Neutrality” national spirit now allows more volunteers to be sent.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Cuba can now choose New England as an American alliance option.
  • South America
    • Chile will declare war if it refuses to return Patagonian lands, instead of getting a wargoal.
    • Buffed Ecuador’s “Technocratic Rule” national spirit.
    • Added Gustavo Adolfo Jiménez Saldías as a General for Peru.
    • The election of syndicalists in Venezuela can now result in a coup by New England, should the latter be pursuing the Monroe Doctrine.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Added regnal numbers to the monarchs of Belgium and its splinters.
    • Removed the political power gain for other countries getting Belgium’s event about Tintin.
    • Removed the political power loss that Belgium’s petitions give to Germany.
    • SocCon Flanders will now stay in the Reichspakt if the Netherlands turn socialist.
    • Increased the priority the Union of Britain’s AI gives to building naval bombers.
    • The Commune of France’s “Creation of the International Avant-Garde” news event will now only fire for socialist countries.
    • The Italian Republic and the Kingdom of Two Sicilies will now receive more volunteers from AI-controlled Reichspakt countries.
    • Updated multiple Italian Military Industrial Organisations and companies.
    • Improved the effect of multiple national foci for Lombardy, the Papal States and Venice.
    • Sardinia can no longer unite Italy before they finish their political focus branch.
    • Carlist Spain and socialist Spain now join factions via national focus effect, rather than by a redundant decision.
    • Increased the frequency in which the Kingdom of Two Sicilies forms the Italian Confederation.
    • The Kingdom of Two Sicilies’ Confederation can now claim states on behalf of its puppets.
    • The Kingdom of Two Sicilies can now target Lombardy and Venice in their decision to call for aid against the Socialist Republic of Italy.
    • Replaced the Kingdom of Two Sicilies’ “Agusta” with “IMAM”, as an aircraft designer.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Added a regnal number to Austria-Hungary’s Emperor Otto.
    • Made Denmark’s economic deal with Germany more likely to proceed favourably.
    • Tweaked the AI to only refuse the Copenhagen Conference after May 1939.
    • Finland is now much less likely to cede Karelia.
    • Austria no longer needs to pay political power to unite with Germany.
    • A successful Copenhagen Conference now interrupts the Commune of France and Russia’s national foci to start the Weltkrieg.
    • Heinz Guderian will now return to Germany when the Weltkrieg starts, if Poland is controlled by the AI.
    • Decreased how likely the Commune of France and Russia are to partition Germany, when they have the option of not doing so.
    • Standardised the political power gain associated with Norway’s trade deals.
    • Decreased how frequently the Nordic Federation will form, by increasing how frequently democratic Norway adopts Armed Neutrality, joins the Entente, or refutes the Treaty of Stockholm, unless the host of the Treaty is a human player.
    • Added Lovro Klemenčič as Totalist leader for Slovenia, and gave him a description.
    • Added party names for Slovenia.
    • Switzerland now cancels all embargoes upon embracing neutrality.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Greece now peaces out with any non-neighbour enemies upon having a civil war.
    • Romania’s “Old Entente Ties” national focus now removes Romania from the Moscow Accord or Reichspakt, if they are in it.
    • Romania is now much less likely to cede Bessarabia.
    • Added Nikolai Kuznetsov and Aleksandr Nemits as admirals for Russia.
    • Added Grigory Zinoviev as a Totalist leader for Russia.
    • Disabled the “Prepare a Collaboration Government” mission on Russia.
    • Serbia now gains access to all of Illyria’s former advisors upon forming Yugoslavia.
    • Nerfed the effects of Ukraine’s “Expanded Trade”, “Factionalism”, “Industrialisation” and “Reinvigorated Workforce” national spirits.
    • Nerfed the effects of Ukraine’s “An Organic Workforce”, “Bring the Army in Line” and “Immortal Will of the Ukrainian Nation” national foci.
    • Nerfed the political power and stability effects in several Ukrainian events.
    • Rebalanced several Ukrainian military national spirits.
    • Decreased the amount of political power gained from Ukraine’s BASF event for Germany.
    • Nerfed the trait of Ukraine’s potential Military High Command member Ivan Cherniakhovsky.
    • AutDem, PatAut or NatPop Ukraine can no longer get all of Galicia in the “Issue of Lemberg” event.
    • Ukraine’s liberal hetmanate can no longer form the Small Pact.
    • Made the United Baltic Dutchy’s Forest Brothers minigame more difficult for the player.
    • Oststaaten will now not have nationalist or socialist revolts if they have joined the Small Pact.
    • Decreased the amount of political power given from White Ruthenia’s “White Ruthenia Contracts German Company” event for Germany.
  • Africa
    • Added Joseph Bile as Totalist/Syndicalist/RadSoc leader for Cameroon.
    • The Senussi events will now only fire for the French Republic, and not any other controller of the relevant states.
    • Adjusted the cost of coring French Africa, where more populous/resource rich states now cost more, while more isolated states cost less.
    • Added André Grenard Matswa, Jean Félix-Tchicaya, Paul Panda Farnana M'Fumu, Jean Bolikango and Daniel Kanza Kinsona as Totalist/Syndicalist/RadSoc, SocDem, SocLib/MarLib, SocCon and AutDem leaders for Congo, respectively.
    • Added Jomo Kenyatta, Harry Thuku and Ewart Scott Grogan as SocDem, SocLib and SocCon leaders for Kenya, respectively.
    • Renamed the Kivu Clique to Kivu, or Kivu Regime, depending on circumstances, and updated its map colour.
    • Updated the effect of Kivu and Tshuapa becoming independent of Mittelafrika.
    • Added Hellmuth Felmy as a Chief of Air and member of the Military High Command for Mittelafrika.
    • Added Ernst-Felix Krüder as an Admiral, Chief of Navy and member of the Military High Command for Mittelafrika.
    • Added Adolf von Duisburg, Adolf Heusinger, Hermann Meyer-Rabingen and Hans Surén as Generals for Mittelafrika.
    • Removed Hermann Detzner and Richard Wenig as Generals for Mittelafrika.
    • Removed Franz Ritter von Epp, both von Görings and Theodor von Hassel as leaders in Mittelafrika.
    • Removed Oskar von Preußen from Mittelafrika.
    • Updated Ludwig Bockholt and Ernst Udet’s advisor traits for Mittelafrika.
    • Added Fritz Kolbe as a potential leader for Mittelafrika.
    • Tweaked the reward of Mittelafrika’s “A War Economy” national focus.
    • Renamed a few Mittelafrikan national focus titles and altered some of their descriptions.
    • Altered the effects of multiple Mittelafrikan political events.
    • Decreased Mittelafrika’s starting stability and increased its starting war support.
    • Removed the party popularity change given by Mittelafrika’s “The Skull of Chief Mkwawa” event firing for Germany.
    • Removed several opium-related events and national spirits for Mittelafrika, Germany and Japan.
    • Mittelafrika’s Heinrich Kirchheim is now a General rather than Field Marshal.
    • Decreased the amount of political power given by Südwestafrika’s events for Germany.
    • Mittelafrikan food exports now give political power to Germany, rather than support equipment.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Assyria can now be played by starting the game as Canada.
    • Armenia now starts the game embargoing Azerbaijan.
    • Armenia can now be played by starting the game as Persia.
    • Azerbaijan can now immediately join the Reichspakt if Russia is socialist.
    • Egypt can no longer declare war on the French Republic if neither side controls Libya, and shifted the position of the relevant national focus on Egypt’s focus tree.
    • Georgia will never renounce the Treaty of Poti if Russia is socialist.
    • Updated Georgian plane names.
    • Reduced the initial conscription laws for Jabal Shammar and Saudi Arabia, and added national spirits to compensate for it.
    • Upgraded the Transjordan state from being a Wasteland.
    • Updated the party names and starting party popularities for Yemen.
  • East Asia
    • All Chinese splinters now use a common "Chinese Domestic Arms Industry" for their Military Industrial Organisation, with decisions to integrate key arsenals as they pursue unification.
    • Chinese splinters that start offensive wars against majors can now form the Chinese United Front if they are badly losing.
    • Fengtian’s “From Beijing to the Begonia Leaf” national focus can now be completed if Beijing is held for 90 days.
    • Updated the text for Japan’s news event regarding the Fate of the Imperial Family, should Hirohito have abdicated.
    • Removed the “Izumo Class” coastal defence ship from Japan.
    • Tweaked the starting divisions of the League of Eight Provinces, with changing some division templates used, increasing starting division experience, and decreasing division equipment.
    • The Legation Cities now lose their British commanders upon going to war with the Entente.
    • Rebalanced multiple Left Kuomintang military national spirits.
    • Nerfed the number of special technologies that the Left Kuomintang can get access to in a given game.
    • Nerfed the Left Kuomintang’s “Raise Nationalist Militia” decision so that it creates irregular infantry rather than standard infantry.
    • The Left Kuomintang’s Dai Anlan and Chiang Wei-Kuo will now gain the effect of the focus they are recruited in.
    • Hu Zongnan's Coup in the Left Kuomintang is now more appropriately named the Third National Revolution, rather than the Second.
    • Renamed the Left Kuomintang’s “Scavenge the Beiyang Fleet” national focus to “Salvage the Beiyang Fleet”.
    • Completion of the Left Kuomintang’s “The Third Repatriated Congress” national focus will now trigger "Qí Zhèng Piāopiāo” (Fluttering Flag) to play.
    • Mongolia can no longer use decisions to declare war on Chinese splinters, if it has joined the Moscow Accord.
    • Added Tang Xiangming as a commander for Qing.
    • Added support artillery to Qing’s “Manchu Imperial Guard” division template.
    • Qing now starts with three “German Trained” divisions, using a new division template.
    • Removed the event in the League Collapse War where Qing can declare an early war against Shandong.
    • Buffed Shanxi’s Northwestern Industrial Company and Taiyuan Electric Light Company.
    • Added the Yanchang Petroleum Corporation as an industrial concern for Shanxi.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Bhutan's Reformists now have access to a Chief of Army.
    • Added Tawang to Bhutan’s requirements to form the Druk Empire.
    • Added a timed negative national spirit to Bhutan, which is given after they form the Druk Empire.
    • Tweaked the effects of several of Bhutan’s national foci and spirits.
    • Added more endonyms for Insulindia.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Slightly brightened the RadSoc ideology colour to make it easier to differentiate from other ideologies.
    • Tweaked multiple World Tension change effects.
    • Added Clement Attlee, Carl Schmitt and Kurt Tucholsky loading screen quotes.
    • Removed Aleksandr Kerensky and Hermann von Göring loading screen quotes.
    • Updated several national focus icons for Albania, Austria, Colombia, Denmark, Greece, Iceland, Mittelafrika, Morocco, Norway, Persia, Portugal, Russia and Sweden.
    • Added a path guide for Mittelafrika.
    • All collaboration government missions now only give 30-35% compliance.
    • Shifted the AI priorities to make more Tactical Bombers.
    • Improved the AI logic in building radars.
    • Renamed the “Guerilla Officer” trait to “Light Infantry Officer”, to avoid confusion with the “Guerilla Fighter” trait.
    • Adjusted the AI logic in its hiring of political advisors, Chiefs of Army/Navy/Air Force and Theorists, depending on their traits and the situation of the country in general.
    • Embargoes are now cleared where appropriate upon annexation or joining factions.


  • North America
    • Fixed the mobilisation decision for American Civil War participants being visible without an available law level.
    • Fixed American statehood events firing more than once.
    • Fixed Canada trying to attack the Combined Syndicates when too weak.
    • Fixed the United States’ giving socialists access to non-socialist Military Industrial Organisations.
    • Fixed the United States’ navy being described as designed by “The Great Depression”.
  • Central America & the Caribbean
    • Fixed several broken Centralamerican plane designs.
    • Fixed non-socialist Haiti being in the Internationale.
    • Fixed Puerto Rico being guaranteed by puppet Canada.
  • South America
    • Fixed Bolivia’s characters not being readded upon puppeting.
    • Fixed Peru’s text referring to NatPop Gabriele D’Annunzio.
  • Western & Southern Europe
    • Fixed Belgium declaring war on Reichspakt-aligned Netherlands.
    • Fixed the French Empire’s Napoleon losing his leader trait upon a different party being elected.
    • Fixed Italian splinters claiming allied lands mid-war.
    • Fixed the Italian Republic attacking the Kingdom of Two Sicilies and Papal States instead of peacefully reuniting, when they have compatible leadership.
    • Fixed the Reijnders coup in the Netherlands firing two events for the Netherlands to join the Reichspakt.
    • Fixed Duarte being King of puppet Portugal if he is killed by the CNT.
    • Fixed Portugal’s intro text describing them as having an “economic economy”.
    • Fixed Sardinia completing the “The Constituent Assembly” national focus twice.
    • Fixed authoritarians releasing SocDem Wales as a puppet.
  • Central & Northern Europe
    • Fixed Czechia and Galicia having decisions to leave or join the Belgrade Pact when it does not exist.
    • Fixed AutDem Finland not getting access to the Nordic Council national spirits.
    • Fixed Galicia & Lodomeria getting the decision to join Poland too early in Austria’s Military Occupation path.
    • Fixed Germany getting Poland’s event response in the event about the death of King August.
    • Fixed the effects of Hungary’s “Apollo Refinery” and “Orion Electronics”.
    • Fixed Norway joining the Nordic Council when set to join the Entente in the game rules.
    • Fixed NatPop Poland getting decisions to ally with countries that are puppets.
    • Fixed von Kries being the leader of non-German puppet Poland.
    • Fixed the effect of Poland’s “The First of the Slavs” not working with PatAut Poland.
    • Fixed Poland’s King August not abdicating in favour of his son Alexander.
    • Fixed Republican Poland being referred to as a monarchy when being un-puppeted by Germany after the Second Weltkrieg.
    • Fixed Poland not being released with Galicia.
    • Fixed Poland building railways in states not controlled by their owners.
    • Fixed the effect of Sweden’s “HMS Karl XII” national focus.
  • Eastern & Southeast Europe
    • Fixed the “Fate of Belarus” annexation mission preventing further annexation missions from firing.
    • Fixed Bulgaria dragging Austria into a war with the Ottoman Empire.
    • Fixed being able to offer Macedonia to a Bulgaria at war.
    • Fixed Serbia adding Bulgaria to the Moscow Accord without asking Russia.
    • Fixed NatPop Ukraine reaching out to the Austrians, despite them no longer existing.
    • Fixed Ukraine starting without a Close Air Support air wing, if the “By Blood Alone” DLC is not active.
    • Fixed the generals sent by the United Baltic Duchy’s military missions staying abroad if that country revolts.
  • Africa
    • Fixed the French Republic giving all of its colonies to the United Kingdom if the former restores the latter.
    • Fixed the French Republic’s 4-yearly legislative events not accounting for a Napoleonic restoration.
    • Fixed Liberia keeping the “German Bailout” national spirit after becoming the puppet of another country.
    • Fixed the effect of Natal’s “Form the Natal Bomber Division” national focus.
  • Caucasus & Middle-East
    • Fixed socialist countries keeping the Suez Canal.
    • Fixed the regnal number of King Giorgi of Georgia.
    • Fixed the annexation events for Batumi and Karabakh for Russia.
    • Fixed the Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem not being annexed if Egypt chose to invade immediately.
    • Fixed the Ottomans’ Abdülmecid II being referred to as the oldest son in his description.
    • Fixed the Ottomans not releasing Egypt as the Khedivate.
    • Fixed the Ottomans not joining the Edirne Accords.
  • East Asia
    • Fixed Chinese governments that are formed through fallback decisions being unable to form alliances, locking them out of wargoals.
    • Fixed Japan’s Maizuru dockyard being built in the wrong state.
    • Fixed Japan not seizing Hawaii even if America accepts their ultimatum.
    • Fixed puppet Japan keeping the SocDem party name “Taisei Yokusankai”.
    • Fixed puppet democratic Japan not getting elections.
    • Fixed the name lists for the Left Kuomintang’s Brigades and “Committees Own” being swapped.
    • Fixed the Left Kuomintang spawning trains despite not having the relevant technology.
    • Fixed MarLib Liangguang missing a second-in-command.
    • Fixed Manchuria’s national focus tree not being resent upon re-annexation.
    • Fixed Shandong not being annexed by Manchu-led Qing upon completion of the “Return to the Source” national focus.
    • Fixed Shanxi’s game rule to align with Qing.
    • Fixed Shanxi’s “Expel German Investors” decision being available when Qing has been defeated.
    • Fixed being able to give Transamur to Russia, despite also Siberia existing.
  • South Asia & Oceania
    • Fixed the Dominion of India being overly cautious in declaring war on the Bharatiya Commune.
    • Fixed RadSoc Siam not following the Bharatiya Commune into the Internationale.
    • Fixed RadSoc Siam having a generic leader.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Fixed several effects of attempting to obtain airframes from countries without a valid design.
    • Fixed multiple countries trying to join or rejoin factions after already capitulating.
    • Fixed ideology opinion modifiers sometimes not applying correctly.