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The Bharatiya Commune is a nation in northeast India. It borders Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet to the north, Burma to the east, The Princely Federation to the southwest and Delhi to the west.
In the aftermath of the complete collapse of British control over India, it was the syndicalist movement that was the first to act. Inspired by the revolutions in Britain and France, the People's Republic of Bengal was proclaimed in Calcutta on the 19th of October 1925. However, the reality of the situation was not so simple. While the British garrisons were being withdrawn to the northwest (to what became Delhi), many other groups remained to oppose the new state. It was not until 1927 that Bengal was in a fairly stable and cohesive state at a local level, by which time the two other large Indian states of Delhi and the Princely Federation were already firmly established. Faced with a deadlock in terms of expansion, the government of Bengal chose instead to look inwards temporarily, rooting out 'imperialist sympathizers' and trying to repair the damage caused by the chaos of revolution. Bengal was also keen not to act too belligerently lest she incurs the wrath of Germany, who was by no means pleased with the existence of yet another radical regime. In the early 1930s, Bengal began to take a more "outward-looking" stance once more. Although she remains unwilling to risk a large scale war immediately, Bengali foreign policy is instead aimed at supporting syndicalist movements in her neighbours with the aim of agitating revolution and hopefully the political collapse of those states, this new forward policy included changing the name of the nation from People's Republic of Bengal to Bharatiya Commune as a sign of their pan-Indian ambitions. By 1936 there is evidence that this strategy has begun to bear fruit in Indo-china and Delhi, and the Bengali army stands ready to capitalise on the chaos which might ensue.
Civilian Factories: 12
Military Factories: 7
Dockyards: 0
The Bharatiya Commune's army consists of a total of 29 Divisions. The Commune's army is made up entirely of Infantry and Militia along with a few divisions having artillery support.
The Commune has only armed supply ships from the Raj
12 (mostly for transportation purposes)