The Kaiserreich Wiki

Status Quo (Social Conservative / Social Democrat)[]

  • During the 1937 Ausgleich favour Hungary enough over the other Crownlands to prevent their delegates from storming out or conflict breaking out.
  • After this you will be able to pick the Status Quo focus, keeping the empire decentralised.

Danubian Federation (Social Democrat)[]

  • In the 1936 election, have the popularity of the Sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei be higher than the Christlichsoziale.
  • During the 1937 Ausgleich favour the Crownlands over Hungary, which will result in the Hungarian delegates storming out.
  • Issue an ultimatum to Hungary after their suppression of peaceful protests, this will lead to a civil war with Hungary if they refuse.
  • Once the Hungarians have been defeated, release Hungary and the other new Crownlands which will unlock the Pluralism tree for forming the Danubian Federation.

United States of Greater Austria (Social Conservative)[]

  • Follow the above guide for the Danubian Federation, but have the popularity of the Christlichsoziale be higher than the Sozialdemokratische Arbeiterpartei during the 1936 elections which will instead allow you to form the United States of Greater Austria.

End the Dual Rule (Paternal Autocrat)[]

  • During the 1937 Ausgleich favour the Crownlands over Hungary and trigger the civil war as described above.
  • Do not release Hungary and the other Crownlands after winning the civil war, which will trigger a second civil war with the remaining Crownlands
  • Win the civil war against the Crownlands, after which you will be able to take the End the Dual Rule focus.